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Quite a toilet flush we had there.
top kek. fags btfo, and they're still blowing mussies
Nothing of value was lost. To bad Omar wasn't able to kill more.
that's a lot of cropped eye brows
fun game see how many of them have a verifiable social media history.
bet you won't find too many.
Hey man nice shot
Omar "pull the trigger on you gay niggers" Mateen
the absolute
Choose your fighter
actually lol'd
They were mostly Mexicans. Mexicans vs Muzzies wann?
Where are the white people?
Why is the black women's pic a mugshot?
Okay, I get it. I fucking get it, you love Reddit, whoopty fucking doo, but let me set one rule here. You are not a fucking redditor, you're an user. Your autism and cuckolding is long from gone, heh... there was once a time when I thought myself as a redditor, I normally shared posts with my wife's 23 year old son. Come to think of it, she was only in her early 30s, no idea how but I think she was culturally enriched, aside from that though.You SHED THE TITLE OF REDDITOR, no more memes, we want real memes. REAL MEMES, do you fucking understand? I'M SO SICK AND TIRED OF ALL THESE AUTISTS SAYING HAHAHHAA "MUH TOKEN BLACK MAN LOLOLO I'M SO FUNNY HERE HAVE A GOLD" I JUST WANT YOU TO STOP JUST FUCKING STOP I HATE REDDIT EVERYTIME I GO ON THERE ALL I WANT TO DO IS TAKE SOME MORE OF MY DEPRESSION PILLS AND END IT ALL, YOU ARE FUCKING PIECES OF SHIT. COMMIT SUICIDE OR I WILL. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>rip in peace
what a good shot man
And nothing of value was lost. A little piece of the degeneracy of the west was culled, God bless.
>dat mugshot on the 2nd row
Its sad that theyre so ashamed of their sexualities they need to make a religion around killing gays
descansen en paz
They all look like self-absorbed narcistic cunts.
Just look at them. Who takes photos like these of themselves? Look at their faces. These people are in love with themselves. The expression on their face says ''I've been photographing myself for the last 30 min, damn, I am so sexy''
I fucking hate these people.
The only exception is the black guy (or woman?) who looks like he's in jail and 2 or 3 other guys.
We need a tier list for these people
As though it could be anything else.
oh no. he hit us right where it hurts.
our best and brightest, the future of america, snuffed out before they could shine. Sad! :'(
You should see the other mug shots that didn't make the cut for her. That was the least amount of crack she smoked before an arrest.
For you.
That was quick
A man has a gun
>such banter.
>much lawlz.
>oh my.
>suck dick
>spend eternity in eternal pain
Deserved, digusting limp wristed, lisp wielding poofs
Maybe they're not gay, maybe they're bartenders and bouncers.
And nothing of value was lost.
toppetest kekketest
Of course Sweden is sad. Look at all those colored cocks you could jave sucked off.
I hope none of the EMTs got AIDS cleaning up the mess. You know a handful of those pictured did, statistically.
waiting for the rolling version.
ready to roll for my dead gayfu
They must have bled air. Nice and red for ya now. I guess they're native Americans now
Nice picture of a literal closeted homosexual you got there. Wow some people are fucked and pathetic
>mostly shitskin faggots
And nothing of value was lost.
>eating stinkpussy
browse the post and listen to this dope track
first 2 rows is a shame they died they look normal, especially the soldier..
Hi ugly fuck. Gays invented selfies. Not duckfaced bitches or like Zionald. But gheys.
You like dick. Blow off your face
On himself
Sometimes I feel like the last german guy in America when I see pics like this.
Oh well, at least the ratio just improved.
It's Florida. Probably Dominicans, Cubans, and Puerto Ricans.
I ain't saying they're good, just saying they're not the existential threat the brown tide from Mexico is.
Anderson Cooper will never get to fuck those dudes ever again. Maybe that's why he cried?
have stronk wymun found a way to make themselves the primary victims yet? surely they won't just give the gold medal for the oppression olympics away that easily.
What's the difference? Beaners are all shit
Why won't anybody lick my feet. Look at this pic. U jelly? You know what the fuck im talkin about
Not a single white person there. What the fuck even are these people? They all look like the most disgusting mongrel subhmans I've ever seen. They're so fucking ugly. America's turning into Brazil.
That's some nice shitposting, leaf.
Spock eyebrow kult.
Hey man, have fun
No one invented the selfie, you fucking retard. Taking pictures of yourself isn't a recent thing. The only recent thing is that everyone has become a self-absorbed cunt with a camera in their pocket.
>Nothing but fag cubans and other subhumans
Nothing of value was lost if you ask me.
Thanks. It's all we're known for
So the same thing repeated twice but in wrong
Reading this kind of stuff is like watching people an hero. I would never talk like this
The difference is only one of those countries is actually flooding us with their scum nation-wide.
haha fucking spic nothing of value would be lost if you were there too
no one cares
People like you are almost always trying to deflect attention away from themselves.
Beaner spotted.
Calm down leaf, people come here to vent their spleen.
also. Somebody needs a diapy change
Yeah but nobody would be saying 99.99997% of these sorts of themes under any other kind of crime
I gotta keep it OG man.
Anything south of the U.S is worthless to be honest. North also
That's right OUR faggots. Yall Muslims better back the fuck off.
Can we get own were you roll a number and you see which one you hit
With ass exposed
And they'll still blow a muzzie. Top kek.
want to smack my cock all over those mouths
why arent you sucking dog dick right now u fucking leafnigger lmao
Justice's mom made me chocked me up.
Also you're a scumbag sweden..You destroyed a European ethnicity to virtue signal. If you had any shame you would jump off a cliff
Doesn't change that they are blowing mussies right now
>i voted for him
>i like common law
>this has fuck all to do with anything
Nope. You wanna bash these boys and then vote for Obongo again?
Huh? Been there. Done that. Don't enjoy cutlets
Some people don't like gays...
Get over it.
Whether or not you like gays USA, they were YOUR gays.
It's like if some exterminator came into your house unannounced, killed 49 termites out of the thousands-millions in your house, made a huge mess while doing so, then died.
Then all your neighbours instead of calling out the exterminator for what he was; an asshole, call you out for not taking the proper measures for locking your doors and endangering the entire neighbourhood, instead of looking at who the exterminator was working for and what his deal was.
The day two penises collapsed into one another
Are you talking to my face? Nope
Nice post
Why because you shot them off?
The internet is forever cunt...You think its in your past but you sucked off the enemy and its out there somewhere.
Some picture of you with him
some surveillance somewhere
Pls do it tho....
>they were YOUR gays
We only recently identified them, are we so sure none were undocumented or illegals?
I'm getting 'sonder' feels.
"Never trust an OP who doesn't respond to his thread"
Getting a mental image? Anyways I like my ID btw
>nofw I looked at every one of these degenerates and don't feel like they're a real loss
Look at all those shitskins. This guy is a hero.
good job faggot
really disproving the slippery slope reality
Why are so many Caribbean Latinos gay? Is it the nigger genes?
While scrubbing the shitstained toilets from all the curry poo in loos