Is he right, Sup Forums?

Is he right, Sup Forums?

No but kek is

I didn't want to post anything
>then why is this faggot posting?
Should be grieving
>instead you are attacking people that had nothing to do with this
Care about fags
>I posted in every thread on Sup Forums that I didn't care who shat where, and to me it's a non-issue created by the government to slide Obama's breaking of treaties with Russia.
privileged only care...
>someone needs to tell my past due bills and stagnant wage that I'm supposed to be privileged.

The rest is just unsubstantiated opinion, made by a hateful faggot that wants to attack people that had no part in this massacre.


I could not imagine being a fairy and having to pt up with these people. I know there are prowlers out there. Any of you thinking about going straight over this shit?

Further proof of my theory:
Activists are not enraged over a particular thing, which, when fixed, will make them happy.

Activists are assholes. All the time. They are literally never happy. They jump from issue to issue based on what makes them feel enabled in their asshole mentality. It makes them feel real. Makes them feel like they're accomplishing something.

But they're just assholes.

I hate fags and all their retarded counterparts.

However I cant allow or condone the killing of American citizens by goat-fucking pedophiles.

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”
― Booker T. Washington

Just replace all "Negroes" and "Coloured" with "Gay"

Honestly, if they stopped killing people, raping women and children, and just primarily stuck to fucking goats, I wouldn't really dislike Islam.

gay killing gays

>blame straight people

Is he the kind of asshole who claims #NotAllMuslims? Then he should understand that groups of similar looking people aren't a hivemind and should shut his faggot ass mouth up.

Gay muslim killing gay hispanics
>Blame straight whites

I'm tired of faggots acting like all knowing wise arbiters of morality. You guys aren't cute anymore okay?

>let's deconstruct the hegemonic metanarratives of history!

What a whiny little bitch.

i may think gays are degenerates and are mentally ill, but i don't think they should be executed for it.

>Angry at white straight men

>its current year

>take away the guns

Another brainwashed idiot repeating the same tired themes skull fucked into his head by kikes since he could turn on a television or open a text book.

Don't these people see how embarrassing their social media virtue shitting is?

They will literally talk about anything except the fact that a muslim slaughtered 50 people.


Cis males

Donald Trump

Christians are evil

Republican are evil

Lets honestly face it. The reason they are so angry is that a oppression culture icon (the magical muslim savage) killed 50 gay people (also oppression culture icons)

What you are witnessing is literally their brains short circuiting. Its funny.... but also incredibly sad.



This faggot is the one that doesn't get it. Like all the feminist nonsense about rape culture, America is and will always be the pinnacle of personal freedom.

There are countries out there where women can get grabbed off the streets, raped, and then burned to death for adultery. There are countries where gays can be thrown off a tall building as legally sanctioned punishment for being gay. There are countries where women are still considered property and gays are literally killed on sight.

These special snowflakes don't know or appreciate how good they got it. The fact that most of them get to go about their day in relative safety and come home to a warm home, comfy bed, and a partner of their gender preference is a several orders of magnitude better than what gays in other countries can even dream about. And these are the same idiots who lobby to forcibly disarm their fellow citizens and let in the very barbaric zealots who would murder them without hesitation.


He's not right, not in the least. It's one thing for some good ol' boy racist rednecks to go out and do some gay bashing, it's a completely different thing when some sand groid snakbar comes and shoots the place up in the name of a heathen religion.

You see, those Orlando cocksmokers were fags. Fucking raghead sheep molesters want to shoot up some cum guzzlers, they need to do it in their home shitholes, not here.


>Is he right, Sup Forums?
>1 post by this ID

Watching Sup Forums make 16 threads about "haha redpilled gays for the win! We're gonna ally with the gays and nothing with stop us #epicsass xD" yesterday was pure cringe.

He's right. White people should applaud the attacks just like muslims are doing.

After all, we dont want to appropriate the attention. :^)