>Long-held belief of Trump’s man-lust manifested in misogyny, all but confirmed

>Hot on the heals of the contronversial memoire Trump and the Bellboy (Elijah Daniel) - detailing the U.S. presidential candidate’s penchant for strapping hotel bellboys

>Trump’s ‘outing’ may in fact been seen as an opportunity by his predominantly angsty, white, virgin, ‘NEET’ constituency to come out of the closets they themselves have been cloistered

Holy shit, Sup Forumslution particulates!... Where to now?!

Sup Forumsack love of boispussy is one of the worst kept secrets here

You will need something else to get people off the Trump Train

Bait too obvious. Saged.

fake and gay

you cunts are really dropping the ball lately, this is the very definition of low energy.


I could see him as a top

I've been noticing that too. All the talking up aussies lately have made them lazy.

Lazy Aussies. Niggers of the Anglo world.


Take off the fucking proxy Leaf.

>mfw aussies are no longer the greatest shitposters on Sup Forums

right now i think it's leaf poster but I wonder who will be next? maybe finland?

>and gay


I am now a #Twink4Trump



Your a fucking doil m8

Implying the don liking boi pussy is a bad thing.

Trump doesn't have the restraint to be closeted, if he was gay he'd have a pair of hot twinks on his arms everywhere and he would have bragged about fucking Marco Rubio up the ass in both the primaries and in the bedroom.

>yay gays! we're so progressive! make sure to vote liberal or those dirty conservatives will take away your gay rights!
>ew gay trump supporters? What a bunch of cumguzzling fags lmao
the hypocrisy of the left is astounding.

Oh shit it's real!! Drumpf BTFO!!!

Fuck Off you're shit.

The really funny part? They refuse or are just blindly oblivious to their own hypocrisy.

I disagree

I'm getting off just fine


user plz this website has me trained to check the writer for zionist shenanigans

>Hot on the heals

>heals so hot

i stole this rare pepe

So? I could care less about my Presidents sexuality. Trump's going to build a wall, it's going to be yuge, and Mexico is going to pay for it. That's all I care about.

>not dominating sissy boys

top kek, found the nu-male


is this a jewish name