Every time there is a thread about gun control at least 20 Sup Forumsacks pipe up and speak against it. Be honest, how many of you are actual gun owners?
Gun owners of Sup Forums
2 rifles here.
3 pistols, 2 AR's, an AK, 2 shotguns here. Buying a Shield on June 24th for $299.
>tfw own gats
feels bretty gud mang
I leave in NYC so its super hard to get a legal one. Meanwhile my cousin got two off the street.
Two handguns.
Will buy an AR-15 before Hillary gets elected.
Hi FBI. I own a shotgun, a bolt action rifle, and a pistol.
Most Americans own guns
one pistol. a .40 taurus. 13 round plus 4 mag extender. i live in an area ripe with tweekers, dope sellers, and wanna be thugs that feel the need to prove themselves by being dirty and fucked up to good people. people come and kicks it at my place when they wanna have a safe time, get blazed and watch some basketball cuz they kno i dont tolerate bullshit.
the world needs more love :(
>be american
>dont own a bate minimum a pistol, shotgun, long action rifle, and AR 15
Pick one
Hello data gathering agency
Be honest, how much of a faggot are you?
trick question, you're 100% faggot.
I own 15 huge black dildos, they are very long.
I own one small buttplug.
Be aware, newfags and summerfags, this is #4
>how many of you are actual gun owners?
nearly every amerimutt I'd guess
I've got several myself
If the flag is American, all of us. Now go prep the bull you fucking leaf.
Nogun Californian here
I have a semi-auto copy of AK-74 and a full sized pistol. Going to buy a compact pistol for CC
I never speak up against gun control here because it's all empty talking
All my guns were lost in a tragic fishing accident officer.
My nigga.
M&P 9mm w/ apex trigger
M&P Shield 9mm
Ruger 556 AR15
The shield is GOAT conceal carry
>implying the government doesn't already know I own firearms
What are background checks for 300
Oh you.
I'm proud of all of you. Keep exercising your rights.
I own somewhere in the ballpark of a couple dozen guns.
I've got two large safes full, a pallet with various ammo calibers in 30cal cans, and NFA toys.
Two hand gats
One I bought one is my grandpa's
How many nuclear weapons in your arsenal, Canada?
i don't have any guns but i think i should get an ar-15 sometime soon.... for protection.
My service rifle & pistol.
2x WW2 carabine.
Another semi rifle and pistol..
Just purchased a Baretta96 (used)
First gun, picking it up on Saturday due to work.
Have $100 on a layaway Taurus revolver I'll probably move over to a rifle instead of this douchebag client pays be the $400 he owes me.
I have a pistol, not interested in other guns
Too many to list but I'm a gun owner.
Thanks NSA. (OP)
This is an honest and smart answer
I don't care what the Canadian government does or doesn't have.
I don't own a gun, but it's nice knowing I have the right to
>Not buying your guns through private sales and making fake bills of sale for the ones you got a background check for
Oh gee sir all the ones i bought from the store were sold
OP why does the NSA not stop the real problems happening in America instead of having you monitor a bunch of autistic republican kids and basement neckbeards?
me. never shot a person and pray that i don't have to. it is ready to go if someone tries to come into my home to get me or my family.
>duh gubmint watchin Sup Forums guise
>it's not like they already know when you purchase them or anything
you people are complete idiots
I may or may not have guns. I also may or may not think that the government data mining in this thread.
All the police departments will spend years dredging lakes and rivers searching for all the guns "lost" in fishing accidents that they can't account for if a ban was ever enacted.
4 pistols.
I WAS a gun owner but now I can't own a gun for three years because I'm an alleged wife beater.
But some motherfucker on an FBI watch list can buy an AR
I lost all my guns in a boating accident
This. I go boating at least three times a week with my full arsenal on board, and accidents happen.
I own a 40 cal glock
I possess a license permitting me to own guns. That's all I'll say
I own an old WWI Steyr-Mannlicher 1895 with a bayonet. My great-grandfather never surrendered and just walked home at the end of 1918. Still has original Hapsburg stamped ammunition loaded. Hasn't been cleaned or fired in a 100 years so I'm leaving it in its case.
12 rifles, 16 handguns, 2 shotguns.
>muh Enfield
>muh adler
>possible new lithgow centrefire in the future
where is webb?
You can never be too careful when heading out on the lake. There could be a loch ness style monster out there you didn't know about that you might have to unload on.
Anyone here ever need to use their gun?
Gunless user here. Not liberal just never needed one. And im over 30 lived in miami and Chicago. Also any gun owners here taller than 5'3"?
You forgot the part where you mention your hair color, eye color, and first name
I lost mine in a boating accident.
I destroyed mine today in light of the Orlando shooting. I feel liberated to have finished the dark chapter that was assault weapon ownership in my life. Guns are ugly, hideous objects and merely owning them causes harm to your psychological harm in addition to a vastly higher risk of being killed in your home or committing suicide. I will never own a firearm again.
I have a .22...
I have a 20 inch ar-15 which you can see in this image, I also have a pistol ar in 300 blackout, HK USP tactical and a ruger LCP.
The next gun I'm getting is a AR-10 for precision shooting.
Long story short I got married WAY too quick. This chick was literally unstable. I started taking videos of her locking me out of the house screaming at me through the burglar bars and recording all these crazy conflicting stories she would say because I started to see the writing on the wall.
What eventually happened is she threw my phone against the wall and it broke and I screamed (angrier than I've ever screamed before DESU) "YOU NEED TO CHILL THE FUCK OUT" then she pulls her cellphone out of her pocket and says "Ha you're fucked now!!!" and I reach to grab her phone and we fall over onto a couch. Her deadbeat mom was living off us so she stumbles into the room in her stupid purple mumu and says "you get off her right now!!"
They called the cops. I politely waited in the living room waiting to explain the situation to the cops. Turns out if there is a domestic violence call cops can't leave without arresting somebody (apparently there were too many cases of cops leaving then the aggressor killing the person who called the cops.)
I filled for divorce as soon as I got out of the magistrate's. She wanted to get back together and I said absolutely no way. Then she starts posting all this shit online about how she was beaten YET AGAIN (her first husband did this to her as well) and now I pay her 1075$ a month only get to see my son every other weekend, and she gets to live in the house that I bought.
DESU I'm not as negative/feeling sorry for myself as I used to be (The arrest was January 2015) The only thing that sucks is I'm a piece of shit drug addict and I've already fucked up my probation by pissing dirty over and over again.
Feel free to ask more questions. I don't mind talking about this.
>why cant i hold all these jimmies.jpeg
I own 7 atm
20 gauge shotgun
300 win mag
.238 rifle with scope
.22 Ruger with scope and 30 round magazine
.22 revolver 9 shot
30 30 lever action
And a Chinese SKS
I shot an air rifle once
I have inherited a very old pistol, 9 shot revolver, .22, my grandfather shot it when he was a kid, so it's at least 60 years old, kept in a closet though
I have 3 rifles. I would own more but since I live in the suburbs so I don't get too much value from them.
My family has too many rifles to count. I am planning on getting an AR 15 soon just in case.
Living in a Jew state. Commies took my guns away
I'm not scared, user-kun. I purchase all my firearms LEGALLY.
The government knows I have them because of all the fucking paperwork I filled out.
I did save your .png though, good information
I'm a licensed dealer (FFL) I have hundreds of guns in my personal safe and a full rack at the shop for sale. Twenty five or so AR variants, a few AK variants, etc. (I am also an 02/07 so I have a bunch of machine guns, SBR/SBSs, and suppressors. I can also make a semi auto gun into a full auto by jumping though a few minor hoops.)
Don't own any at the moment due to my landlord prohibiting it.
Am planning to purchase a handgun or a rifle within the next year.
>how many of you own weapons
>just so we know
>landlord prohibiting it
That sucks. I didn't even bother reading my rental agreement, and I wouldn't care anyways.
Thankfully my landlord is cool as fuck, and conceal carries lel
I live in a shit state with restrictive gun laws so it's not really worth it to try to invest in one right now. If I can move one state over this fall I'll start buying guns.
1 AR-15
I have a rack of scatter guns.
>being cucked by your landlord
> Land of the Free
You need to kill yourself.
Don't own guns.
I just understand maths and statistics properly - oh and I understand that just because something is banned, doesn't mean people won't break the law anyway.
Like murder.
People like to bang on about Australia and gun bans. "No mass shootings" they say.
So? The murder rate changed fuck all and I'd rather be shot in the chest than bashed to death.
7 rifles, 3 pistols and 2 shotguns.
I own 7 guns, you fucking maple nigger.
Nice job making one post and not contributing after that.
thanks for having an opinion about our firearm laws.
don't you have your own fires to put out?
2 pistols, 4 rifles, 8-9 shotguns.
Got shotguns and 2 30-06's in the house right now. I plan to buy a .45 colt ACP when I turn 21 in 2 months. Gonna get me a 6" barrel and an extended clip too. pic related
what does Sup Forums think?
I have a Gewehr 98, that someone used to snipe germans with during ww2. Can't remember his name.
Nice. How much does this one cost
>data mining thread
All dem fields
just 1 rifle. AR 15.
I aint telling you shit, FBI.
Just a few, milsurp not pictured.
>cripplechn garbage
AK, a nugget, and a shotgun. Plan on getting many more in my future
Hello FBI. I have no registered firearms, but not every state requires you to register them.
price range for the 1911's I have been looking at is like 700-1100 dollaroos
A little high for my first handgun but that thing is so fucking sexy to me
I own 30. Unless I miscounted again.
I have a semi-auto sporting rifle well capable of defending myself and family.
yup, lots. buyin more asap.
>be me at 14
>brainwashed by liberal step dad
>see gun control post on Sup Forums
> "guns r bad"
> be me now (18)
>proud owner of 12 gauge and 30-30
Rifle and a pistol here.
I own more than two but less than ten.
>Something something, boating accident, something
I love my funs:
-3 AR15's (2 iron sights of which one is my wifes, 1 with a 3x prismatic scope) Plus buying parts for another
-1 Norinco AK
-1 incomplete Romanian RPK
-1 Nugget
-Henry 22 Lever action
-1 FNX 40
-1 Ruger GP100
-1 Winchester Model 12 manufactured in 1928 and still going strong
And some other misc. stuff. Plus some I have stored for my father-in-law. I didn't list my wife's pistols.
I would like to have a pocket revolver, a .308 scout rifle of some sort, a Mossberg 500 variant, and some kind of long-range bolt gun setup before I'm finished. Wouldn't turn my nose up at another full-frame semi-auto pistol, either...