Sup Forums BTFO

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>implying you understand this board's views
newfag shill

How is Sup Forums BTFO from this? If Mateen was actually gay or bi himself, then that reinforces the narrative that it was entirely an Islamist attack and not a "homophobic act of hate" like the MSM keeps trying to tell us.

Another leaf with a reddit-level IQ

And yet there is still France.

Explain how him being gay confirms this is an Islamic extremism motivated attack.

Is he not a self-hating faggot user?

shooter was ISIS dude
they prefer pic related

literally makes no sense, i don't think any muslim would be homosexual

> He called 911 during his rampage at Pulse and pledged allegiance to ISIS, while also expressing sympathy for the Boston Marathon bombers and an American suicide bomber who died fighting for Al Qaeda in Syria.

Head back to /r/ where they only read headlines shill fuck

OP is faggot.

Sage for America

Yet his love for cock didn't outweigh his love for his pedo god, which demanded he kill practicing faggots

The left is willing to throw their own under the bus in order to prop up diversity

Its happened before. They are treating you as useful idiots.

>Straight person kills gay, HATE CRIME
>Gay person kills another gay, HATE CRIME

How is it Islamist? See pic

Because he chose to kill faggots yelling allu shackbars

lol, even he was gay, that doesn't change the fact that he was a muslim who pledged allegiance to ISIS right before the massacre. To be honest, this doesn't really change anything.

It was for literal research purposes.

A lot of Muslim Arabs are gay as fuck. Ask any US solider who has been to the middle east.

a radical muslim faggot that changes everything oh wait no it doenst it only breaks his poor radicals islamic fathers hard that his soon to was gay, good..

What is your point, exactly?

best bit:

"The classmate, who did not use his name, said he, Mateen, and other classmates would sometimes go to gay bars after classes at the Indian River Community College police academy.

He told the Post he thought Mateen was gay, but not publicly. He added that Mateen was "awkward" and other members of their friend group felt sorry for him.

"He just wanted to fit in and no one liked him," he told the Post. "He was always socially awkward.""

>he visited the bar
its almost like he was scooping the place out for something...

boipussy is responsible for the worst shooting in american history

He pledged allegiance to ISIS, Hezzbullah, and Al-Qaeda. Those 3 are at war with each other lmao. He was just seeking attention. He wanted to be part of something bigger when he realized he was just a faggot.

before you use an ellipsis you should consider he did a lot of other "research" prior to that , if you know what i mean...

Not only that, he was on a gay dating app a year ago.

This guy was more John Wayne Gacy Jr. than Tamerlan Tsarnaev

He visited the bar for 3 years and asked people out. He also drank alcohol. He also had multiple gay dating apps on his phone. Are you now going to tell me he was in deep cover? (very deep xD)

>He pledged allegiance to ISIS, Hezzbullah, and Al-Qaeda.

Any proof or evidence that he pledged allegiance to Hezbollah or Al-Qaeda? Regardless, he pledged allegiance to ISIS DURING the attack. Any way you slice it, he is still muslim who most recently pledged allegiance to ISIS before he died.

He pledged to all 3 at the same time.

Have any evidence or some kind of proof for that? Every single news outlet says he pledged allegiance only to ISIS before he died.

Wow, an app that allows you to pose as someone else all in an attempt to meet them. Makes you wonder why this gay murder would want to meet with a gay in private. Huh. Really makes you think, doesn't it?

- Everyones just like "ok yeah he pledged alleigence, therefore he is ISIS" - he definitely was just going to kill people anyway, and wanted to justify it somehow.

Omar "Poz or Neg, You're Taking A 5.56 Peg" Mateen

Yeah, his being a Muslim has nothing to do with it. I can't wait for the war against canada, I'll kill you first.

ay baby plz

some might say the Washington post does not understand actual journalism

By Michael Snyder via "The End of The American Dream" blog,

#1 According to the Director of the FBI, Mateen had “links to al-Qaida, Hezbollah, and the Islamic State“.

#2 Mateen’s father has openly expressed support for the Taliban on YouTube.

#3 Despite those links to terror organizations, Mateen was allowed to work “as a security guard at a local courthouse“.

#4 Mateen wasn’t directly hired by the courthouse. Instead, he was officially an employee of the largest security services company in the world…

The Orlando nightclub terrorist who pledged allegiance to ISIS worked almost a decade for a major Department of Homeland Security contractor, raising alarms that ISIS sympathizers and agents have infiltrated the federal agency set up after 9/11 to combat terrorists.

Officials say Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, an Afghan-American who held two firearms licenses and a security officer license, was employed by the security firm G4S Secure Solutions USA Inc. since Sept. 10, 2007. The Jupiter, Fla.-based company merged with the Wackenhut Corp. after 9/11 and assumed federal contracts.

#5 It turns out that this U.S. subsidiary of G4S is a company that works very closely with “the Department of Homeland Security, the US Army, and federal and local law enforcement.”

#6 Mateen’s ex-wife says that he would repeatedly beat her while they were married.

#7 He started to become radicalized after separating from his first wife. While they were together, she said that he didn’t show much interest in religion.

#8 He made pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia in 2011 and 2012.



#9 He claimed to personally know the Boston Marathon Bombers.

#10 According to the FBI, Mateen has “been on the radar before“, he was interviewed by them three separate times, and they conducted a 10 month investigation of his activities in 2013.

#11 He is being described as “unhinged and unstable” by his former coworkers.

#12 Mateen once declared that he hoped to martyr himself someday, and the FBI knew all about this.

#13 Despite everything that the federal government knew about Mateen, he was still permitted to legally buy guns just last week.

#14 In an odd twist, it also turns out that Mateen was a registered Democrat.

#15 A respected Islamic scholar was urging Muslims in Orlando to “get rid” of homosexuals just a couple of months before this shooting took place…

Farrokh Sekaleshfar – a British-born doctor and Muslim scholar – has gained a following by urging Muslims to ‘get rid of’ homosexuals.

And in April, he took his speech titled ‘How to deal with the phenomenon of homosexuality’ to the Husseini Islamic Center in Sanford, just outside Orlando, Florida.

Two months later, 29-year-old Omar Mateen carried out the worst massacre in US history by opening fire on a gay club in the same city.
#16 Hillary Clinton’s State Department shut down an investigation of the mosque that Mateen attends because it “unfairly singled out Muslims“.

#17 Just moments before the attack, Mateen reportedly called 911 to swear his allegiance to ISIS.


This guy was born and raised in New York and it's justification that we should just build a fucking wall over the state of new york.

New Yorkers are rude conts anyways it's a win win situation

afghani = 90% odds of gay

shit how do i remove my name it autofilled

lol, you didn't even read the article.

It says he proclaimed to be a member of Hezbollah in 2013, and it doesn't say that he pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda.

Nope, you're going down. I live in a border state. Leaf blowing commences soon. :^)

top fucking kek new fag

Hezbollah is Shi'a
ISIS is Sunni

Shiites want to kill Sunnis
Sunnis want to kill Shiites

These are two groups against one another because of their religion.

It's like saying Westboro Baptist Church is for the Pope Francis because both are Christian

So whats your point?

Guy probably knew shit about those groups. He was an attention whore who wanted to an hero and make it shiny while earning the top score.

Dude was a latent homosexual who couldn't handle it and so had to take it out on a bunch of innocent people. Get angry closet fags, let everyone know how much you hate gays so we don't think you are one. That ploy always works.

But even if he doesn't know anything about ISIS, does that make his pledge of allegiance any less sincere? People are acting like he never said he pledged allegiance to ISIS most recently before he died, just because he pledged allegiance to Hezbollah three years ago. Just because he doesn't know shit about either group doesn't mean that he didn't pledged allegiance to ISIS. ISIS alone even took credit for the attack.

It doesn't mean either that the attacks were because he was a radicalized Muslim. The attacks were probably more than likely a murder spree from an unstable person because he hated himself because he was gay and hated gay shit.

You're not going to be convinced of anything other than what you've convinced yourself into believing. What's the point in you trying to debate?

You have lost all grasp on the concept of nuance, that's fine, you don't really matter.

no no no It was because self hating queer lolololoolol


>What is "casing a place"

Other shooters never get close to 100 casualties

Stop embarassing yourself. you got owned.

>These are two groups against one another because of their religion.

So? He pledged support to Hezb. in 2013 and ISIS today, I guess it's impossible his opinions shifted over 3 years...

Afghans are all gay. It's been part of their culture for a long time.

Okay well.... he wasn't Arab.

... who grew up in a culture where homosexuality is a capital crime.

Why would he pledge allegiance to ISIS during the attacks? I would think that considering ISIS hates gays, he wouldn't pledge allegiance to them.

I'm just honestly trying to understand how people can come to the conclusion that he killed people because he was crazy and/or gay, despite pledging allegiance to ISIS during the attacks.

Yeah you'd have to be crazy to do such a thi- oh wait.

>not all secret faggots

Makes perfect sense.

The dipshits was a self loathing faggot that was driven crazy by his Muslim upbringing.

It probably infuriated himself to see other faggots living open and free with their sexuality so he pledged to ISIS and martyred himself to save his soul.

Islamic upbringing created this monster and makes you think most suicide bombers and fighters are just fags who can't live without themselves anymore.

Think of it like scoping out a place that you're going to rob, the difference being you're looking at security's ability to stop you, what you have to avoid to keep from triggering a lockdown before you start the layout of the building all that kind of stuff.
Think Oceans 11 but if it were based off that one airport level from COD instead of robbing a casino

Florida hates gay, user, but not that much.

>Why would he pledge allegiance to ISIS during the attacks? I would think that considering ISIS hates gays, he wouldn't pledge allegiance to them.

Ever heard of self-hating faggots? Ever heard of John Wayne Gacy Jr.?

>Why would he pledge allegiance to ISIS during the attacks? I would think that considering ISIS hates gays, he wouldn't pledge allegiance to them.

Maybe he hated himself because ISLAM TAUGHT HIM THAT HOMOSEX WAS WRONG

he probably thought that his killing would make up for it by being a martyr

And, pray tell, why was he hating faggots? Do you think, perhaps, it had to do with the culture and ideology he subscribed too?


Not today leaf

He had already been investigated twice for links to terrorism and bragged about connections to Al Qaeda and Hezbollah and the Boston bombers.

He also once said to co-workers that he hoped the FBI would raid his home so he could become a martyr.

How is that a hate crime against gays you fucking retards?

Holy shit, of course. His father was a ragging homophobe and a loon too. The father posted a youtube video declaring his candidacy for the Afghan presidency that happened a year before the video.

The point I'm trying to make is that he was more like a psycho self loathing faggot (like John Wayne Gacy Jr.) than the Tsarnaev brothers. The Tsarnaev were idiealists. This fucker was a loon

and even if he was a self loathing fag, how does that make this not religiously motivated?

He hated being a fag and other fags because of Islam.

In what way does that mean Islam is free from blame?

In addition to this many muslim men are gay and commit gay acts.

I also want to add that his father and others have said that Omar never did prayers (mandatory for Muslims) nor fasted nor did any of the other rituals Muslims are supposed to do.

You're right. America was extremely homophobic in the past, its come a long way but we need more support. I expect to see you at the next Pride parade as an ally of the LGBT community!

It's not, and I say this as a liberal. Islam is a toxic religion and a toxic culture. Literally nothing good comes from it; liberals know it and feminists definitely know it.

So why do liberals scream "Islamophobia"?

It's weird, a lot of rapefugees rape young boys and other men because if you're on top, apparently it's not really all that gay.


>Maybe he hated himself because ISLAM TAUGHT HIM THAT HOMOSEX WAS WRONG

Then you're not really a liberal. Join us, come to the dark side.

He's either a self hating Muslim extremist fag, or just a regular Muslim extremist fag.

Either way, we win.

Look, Omar "I Must Be Redeemed, For Where My Cock Has Been, As It Was Dirty And Unclean" Mateen may have been a self loathing closeted homosexual.

But he was certainly an Islamic terrorist.

Either way, we all know the real culprit is straight white men.

We are always to blame.

So what are the odds it isn't a gay night club, but just a night club invaded by gays?

No, you just don't have a nuanced view of politics.

The worst thing about this place is that everyone thinks is such a crippled black-and-white way about damn near everything.
