What is happening to Hillary here?
What is happening to Hillary here?
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kek wills it
I think she's mocking Trump mocking that disabled reporter.
She's doing a good job too, for a second there I was thinking that really was Trump.
Making fun of the mentally disabled.
Okay, I get it. I fucking get it, you love Reddit, whoopty fucking doo, but let me set one rule here. You are not a fucking redditor, you're an user. Your autism and cuckolding is long from gone, heh... there was once a time when I thought myself as a redditor, I normally shared posts with my wife's 23 year old son. Come to think of it, she was only in her early 30s, no idea how but I think she was culturally enriched, aside from that though.You SHED THE TITLE OF REDDITOR, no more memes, we want real memes. REAL MEMES, do you fucking understand? I'M SO SICK AND TIRED OF ALL THESE AUTISTS SAYING HAHAHHAA "MUH TOKEN BLACK MAN LOLOLO I'M SO FUNNY HERE HAVE A GOLD" I JUST WANT YOU TO STOP JUST FUCKING STOP I HATE REDDIT EVERYTIME I GO ON THERE ALL I WANT TO DO IS TAKE SOME MORE OF MY DEPRESSION PILLS AND END IT ALL, YOU ARE FUCKING PIECES OF SHIT. COMMIT SUICIDE OR I WILL. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Shillarybot 666 had a runtime error involving questions and had to reboot itself in order to stay in character.
It's an alien trying to mimick the "pretending to be flustered" thing Trump did when talking about that disabled reporter.
the reptilian jew almost switched shape
I want to fuck Hillary so bad bros. I bet she gives great head.
Just imagine that head bobbing up and down while you hold that hair.
I think that was her reaction when she was told that Trump said he was gonna have "a beautiful Jewish grandchild".
Mini stroke. Trust me, I'm a doctor.
lol le reddit armie iz here!!!!?!!! lol
>When the meds cocktail hits you hard
The hair would come off and I would freak out
you think im a jew!?!?!?
what nooooooooooooooo~
of course not~~~
The first second could be, then the rest was to make it look voluntary.
Poor Hillary. I hope she hangs on until the election. If she were hospitalised, we'd have sanders vs trump, which is just sad
>there's always that one shill that tries to direct the conversation towards " i want to fuck feminist/sjw/cuck x"
every single time.
Youtube vid for the love of fuck
Kek I'm not gonna be able to get that thought out of my head now
LOL Bill Clinton is one cheeky fucker, he left a dildo up the loose goose's vag and turned it on fully knowing she had an interview. The absolute madman.
>I thought a woman was a man
This explains so much about your country.
what an ugly bitch horse
I also thought your father was a woman, so that kind of evens it out.
What video did this come from?
She's going to destroy Trump. You shills don't stand a chance.
>muh emails
>muh benghazi
>sh-she's ugly
This. WebM fags need to party @ Pulse.