Why do people still talk about The Beatles to this day in 2018...

Why do people still talk about The Beatles to this day in 2018? They're like 50 years old it's old and gay and everything there is to say and has been said. Why can't boomer fags and dadrock kids move on?

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Well, it only makes sense. Did you hear what John did?


No, what did he do ?

Why do people still talk about Mozart to this day in 2018? He's like 300 years old it's old and gay and everything there is to say and has been said. Why can't classical fags and music theory kids move on?

someone needs some ultraviolence?

Why didn't Grant Hart get a mention at all the news broad casts end of the year In Memoriam lists? He was like 57 years old and bi-sexual, and contributed a lot of great music not only to the Husker Du catalogue, but his own solo career, and was influentual on pop-punk bands like Green Day. Why can't boomer fags, and dad rock kids in the news media and the music industry acknowledge his talents and contributions?

At least they don't support terrorism

Why do people keep debating about punk rock to this day in 2018? It's like 40 years old, and gay and everything there is to say has been said. Why can't boomer fags, and dad rock kids move on?

We could be talking about bands still going that are putting out legendary music like Death Grips, Mac Demarco, Tame Impala, James Blake, LCD Soundsystem, Kanye, Lil Peep, etc. we don't need to stick with the fucking BEatles and Stones and all that old 60s shit written about in boomer magazine

>unironic Beatles hate
>on my Sup Forums

Why do people still talk about classical and jazz music? Because it's for the ages, not for the short of attention span. Same applies to the rock of your grandparents, kid. When you're old the kids will call you out on your music, and you'll say this back at them.


>Mac Demarco
>Tame Impala
>Lil fucking Peep
Really mate?

Kinda just proved why were still talking about the beatles tbqh.

look user, i like dg and mac and peep and all that

but if i read another post like this from you i'm gonna fucking vomit

>mac demarco
>litle peep
>tame impala
This is bait.

because muh entry level musical credibility


Kill yourself

What are we supposed to talk about, meme grips or lil fag?

Mac Demarco is just one Beatles song played over and over again

Look, some of these I like. But unlike in the past, not everything good becomes an instant legend, because music is incredibly branched and most today's artists still need to build up discography and develop.
We can't compare the successful people of the past with successful people of the present and expect the same kind of quality or innovation. Look at 00's mainstream pop.

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as “the greatest or most significant or most influential” rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.

Most normalfags aren't into the Beatles. They're into Hollywood Pop, Californian Trap, and some faggy Indie/Acoustic white boi like Ed Sheeran. Also, The Beatles made many classic songs, and music isn't a diary product that moulds

>Most normalfags aren't into the Beatles.
imagine being this wrong

source this, copyfag

just googled scaruffi beatles
solid article


Do you live in a post-commie country that's just discovering music from 1963?

A lot of people in the west will like a song or two by the Beatles if it's playing or on an ad, but they don't genuinely listen to it or play it in their cars.

You're going to be old someday, OP. Assuming you don't die young.

bait or underage?

Just letting you know that commie countries had Beatles records in the 60s and 70s and you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about

What country are you in? Bare in mind I'm talking about millenial and gen z normies, not boomers and X

I lived in Russia, Tajikistan, Poland, US, Austria and Latvia. In every single country I have been in, The Beatles were a well-known household name. I mean hell, I went to a business school in Boston couple of years back and everyone my age was well-acquainted with shit like Hey Jude, Let It Be, Yellow Submarine, Helter Skelter and Yesterday from the radio and compilations. Also were a couple of die hard fans that got extremely pissy when I said I was not that big of a Beatles fan, so I'd say it's still "a thing".

Oh right, I thought you meant like genuinely liked as in literally playing it in their cars or at a party etc

>Pitchfork tells me how to think and what I like

But how many years ago did all of that happen?