Do you people actually support guns or are you just being "cool" and "edgy" by pretending to support guns? Because come on, at this point it is obvious that the laws need to be changed to ban assault weapons. This is a matter of national security.
Do you people actually support guns or are you just being "cool" and "edgy" by pretending to support guns...
Somebody is spamming anti gun threads it appears
Okay, I don't know much about guns. I've gone skeet and target shooting with family members but that's it. Anyway, why do people need assault rifles? For self defense in public you'd want a hand gun. In home a shotgun (or handgun as well). Hunting rifles are much different than assault rifles, correct? Slower fire, less capacity etc.
If it was a matter of national security why are they importing unknown numbers of violent muslims?
Gee golly willickers
What happened around 1994?
>comparing a flat scale to a per-capita scale
At least do it right (which would have the black line as flatlined). It would more clearly demonstrate the truth: that there is zero correlation (neither negative nor positive).
Please don't blame all firearms for the misuse pf a few.
Guns are a tool of peace and this kind of rhetoric only triggers nonviolent moderate gun owners.