Okay seriously its time to pass comprehensive gun laws, no way no how could one man inflict this much damage without a gun!
Okay seriously its time to pass comprehensive gun laws...
Other urls found in this thread:
What about a bomb?
Unless he had a bomb instead because no access to guns, you lazy retard.
Sept 11 was box cutters.
9/11 would prove you wrong
Sage shill threads
>Sept 11 was box cutters.
And a couple planes as well. But we need something to prevent it from happening again
Guns? Nothing.
Are we gonna pass comprehensive pressure cooker laws too?
Explain yourself faggot.
Explain how you stop black market weapon sales.
Explain how this will help anything.
Explain why you're shit posting bait threads when this issue has been beaten to death.
Okay lad, lets hear it. How would you change the laws? What exactly would you do? "Ban all guns" is not an answer.
Ban stupid people first.
oh boy the anti gun shills are out in force now
>no way no how could one man inflict this much damage without a gun!
One word: Explosives.
>oh boy the anti gun shills are out in force now
Yes god forbid people are upset that Congress doesn't do fucking SHIT to prevent mass murder.
Who says this kid was a hard and fast ISIS militant? Its not so black and white. What if this kid wasn't all in? What if he was so much of a coward that he might not have felt comfortable trying to build some crazy bomb from scratch or even attempting to buy a gun on the black market? If thats the case he might have just not gone through with anything. Who knows? There is absolutely no reason that it should be so easy to legally get a damn assault rifle in this country. We have tens of thousands of gun deaths per year over other countries and by your logic people here are just so much more homicidal than people in other countries?! I don't think so.
It was poorly reinforced cockpit doors which has now been fixed
why is this said all the time?
Tell me what congress could of done to prevent this.
no guns were used.