What is going on with Sup Forums???

What is going on with Sup Forums???

Other urls found in this thread:


based hiro is being based

Luminescence upped about 15% to make your eyes water therefore make you see clearer, relaxing images to make you calm.

They're trying to calm us before the storm.

It's literally just Hiro cycling through his vacation pictures.



Emperor Hirohito being weird again

I like it better than the plane


warrant canary

how is this a warrant canary?


I didn't know women shat out nigger-shaped turds.


Jesus Christ you people called the last image change a warrant canary and drowned me out every time because you wanted to role play. The picture was of the cma music festival. The picture was up from June 9-now. Guess when the festival is?

Microwave hard drives as soon as possible

It's another warrant canary we've been double breached

Is Hiro in contact with hot wheels?

I'm seriously freaking the fuck out because for some reason it feels like shit isn't gradually hitting the fan, it feels like the fan was dipped in a tub of shit and someone fucking turned the on switch.

I was reading this thread and it got archived. We had some eye opening discussions about Wargames and how the US might get caught in a Civil war and about how Russia could be somehow involved. And other things pertaining to how the US might start ww3 to literally save its own skin from having a civil war on their soil.



>I was reading this thread and it got archived.
Because it hit the bump limit (300) you paranoid faggot. How new are you?


Baby had his first red pill and is hyperventilating, be gentle with him

while being slid by sluts sucking black cock threads
>le really makes you think

Yeah, shitposting on the 3rd fastest board on Sup Forums really makes me think.

at 1:00AM EST when its past the majority of burgers' bedtime. This happens all the time when actual constructive/informative/insightful discussion flourishes on /pol, it get's slid.

how new are you?

educate yourself, faggots
it's just some casual impressionism

Japs are just like this.