I-....I think we literally did it Sup Forums

I-....I think we literally did it Sup Forums

The meme magic, kek, a-all of it, it worked.

In 9 days glorious Britannia will reincarnater the empire that once fell long, long ago.

A transatlantic partnership between our glorious new Leaders, Farage, Trump and Putin will rise to retake Europa, bringing pride, reform and justice in their wake.

We will unite with the right wing politicans of europe to drive back this scourge on our homelands, and by the good grace of Kek -- we will win that war.

The meme magic may still get Hillary indicted too.

W-we actually fucking did it.

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=WTtkkYl5lfQ

Other urls found in this thread:


we aint done shit yet


Your right

We're just getting started.

Don't forget you still have a chance to stay , in which case you will inevitably be gulag'd

As it is foretold




This is just the beginning

Kek, he thinks his overlords won't rig the vote for stay. Get ready for even more enrichment .

>W-we actually fucking did it.
Not until you tea-sipping cucks actually vote to leave the EU.

Don't get complacent, dad.

Brexit passed? I didn't know the vote happened yet

Reminder that Hermes Trismegistus has taken note of our interest in Kek.

Thoth smiles upon us.

Hark ye, O man, to the wisdom of magic.
Hark the knowledge of powers forgotten.
Long ago in the days of the first man,
warfare began between darkness and light.
Men then as now,
were filled with both darkness and light;
and while in some darkness held sway,
in other light filled the soul.
Aye, age old in this warfare,
the eternal struggle between darkness and light.
Fiercely is it fought all through the ages,
using strange powers hidden to man.

I'm voting remain

Together we are strong, separated we are weak

kek wills it!

That may be so but we don't really need the EU. Neighbors can be neighbors even without being roommates; and what's coming around the corner if you don't bring up the lead in this will end us all. Please, Britain - in the interest of unity - give us the chance to break the yoke.

I'm just kidding Germoney, I'm voting out, fuck Federal Europe

I've never been this relieved that we can't into detecting humor. Godspeed, Britbongbro.

> kek = light bringer with an affiliation to chaos
> light bringer is also a name for Lucifer, who is affiliated with chaos
> kek is therefore Egyptian equivalent

> set is the Egyptian god of war and storms, his Canaanite equivalent is YHWH (Jewish/ Christian/ Muslim god)
> set is seen as evil

> what do we make of this all?
* side note

> there is a third set/YHWH equivalent, Indra, the king of devas and storm/war god from Hindu mythology.
> In Hinduism and Zoroastrianism there is a holy drink known as Soma known to bring light and enlightenment, knowledge is often seen by many religions as a chaotic concept

> like I said, do with this info what you will
* Obsrvations others have contibuted

> warcraft has a character with the title lightbringer, bringing us back fullcircle to one of the 3 origins of the word kek

> revalations 16:13 mentions 3 frogs (maybe pepe/kek, dat boi, and a third yet-to-be-memed frog, or perhaps it's a metaphor of how kek as an alternate lol had 3 origins that converged (starcraft, warcraft, and lel)) coming from the mouth of the beast

Other Possible Equivalent gods:

these gods do not fit the light-bringer+chaos vs storm+war god relation but are similar nevertheless

Anunnakian (mesopatamia/babylonia/assyrian/akkadian)

Enlil = set, YHWH
Enki = kek, light bringer

>Gephyromantis enki is a species of frog

It's Kermit. Expect to hear something about Kermit once the mounting evidence of how rigged our politics are gets out of hand. Think: His whole character is a stage show director who has difficulty actually directing anything.

We can do it Germany, one day we will all be united under the banner of being independent and successful nations and not under the thumb of unelected federalist lizards

We we leave I promise I'll buy you a top of the range humour detector.

I'm counting the days Britain. My worst fear these days is that with the many things the enemy is playing, someone will kick off another brother war - and I pray that it proves unfounded.

Didn't frogs invade Egypt or some shit in the bible?

In the book of Exodus, God called 10 plagues upon the Pharoah after he refused to let Moses and his people go. Frogs were one of them. The second or third one, iirc.

>warcraft knows meme magic

No stop I can't handle that concept.

God made it rain frogs on them for not letting Israel go, I think. At least according to the Bible. Depending on how much of that is spin, we might also be looking at a case of Kek expressing his displeasure at them still being around though.

That would be nice. I'm trying to come up with something Macedonia might need but the best I can come up with is a joke on getting Greece back.

We're just getting started, user. This whole world will be red-pilled before we're done. And then...the universe awaits.

I'm a Brit on holiday but you could really do with sending these eurospoors some decent cars most of them still drive Yugos.

With noone left to stop us.

Noted. Trading cars for a humor detector - I feel that my ancestors smile at me.


Reminder that 1 post on the internet can kill 1,000 people.

The Light Bringer is THOTH.

He was the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza, erroneously attributed to Cheops. In it he incorporated his knowledge of the ancient wisdom and also securely secreted records and instruments of ancient Atlantis.

For some 16,000 years, he ruled the ancient race of Egypt, from approximately 52,000 B.C. to 36,000 B.C. At that time, the ancient barbarous race among which he and his followers had settled had been raised to a high degree of civilization.

Thoth was an immortal, that is, he had conquered death, passing only when he willed and even then not through death. His vast wisdom made him ruler over the various Atlantean colonies, including the ones in South and Central America.

>he thinks that the votes won't be tampered with
not like they just did that in Austria or anything :^)


>Farage, Trump and Putin will rise to retake Europa, bringing pride, reform and justice in their wake

just kek. Britannia is garbage lad. I hope the queen fucking dies and muslim-lover Charles will live to 150. You are irrelevant. China, Russia, USA; these are the only country that matter. China will win. Fucking Brits you will pay for century of humiliation

Do tell more

chinese detected, holy fuck you're obvious.


Now ye assemble, my children,
waiting to hear the Secret of Secrets
which shall give ye power to unfold the God-man,
give ye the way to Eternal life.

Plainly shall I speak of the Unveiled Mysteries.
No dark sayings shall I give unto thee.
Open thine ears now, my children.
Hear and obey the words that I give.
First I shall speak of the fetters of darkness
which bind ye in chains to the sphere of the Earth.
Darkness and light are both of one nature,
different only in seeming,
for each arose from the source of all.
Darkness is disorder.
Light is Order.
Darkness transmuted is light of the Light.
This, my children, your purpose in being;
transmutation of darkness to light.
Hear ye now of the mystery of nature,
the relations of life to the Earth where it dwells.
Know ye, ye are threefold in nature,
physical, astral and mental in one.
Three are the qualities of each of the natures;
nine in all, as above, so below.

Look up the Emerald Tablet of Thoth/Hermes Trismegistus, as well as The Divine Pymander and The Kybalion.

These are the foundations of all modern magic.

And all these people screaming about the god Kuk cannot see the wood for the fucking trees.

I am Chinese disapora living in Canada. I like this but China will always be my home. China will be the best place to live in 20 years, and we will not allow you "immigrants" in. Enjoy your niggers and muslims. West is dying, China will win.

And who's the most famous Kermit?
That's right, Kermit Roosevelt. The CIA shill that started the Middle East "jihad" meme in the first place.

I's all fitting in rather elegantly

Anagram of Nigel Farage = a leaf nigger.


Has you country ever won a war against a foreign power?

> It hasn't

OP here.

Go fuck your dog.

Delete your account.

>I am Chinese disapora
>China will always be my home

Good, go home faggot. If you still feel a warm sensation inside your ass about china, then perhaps you should go back. You're here in canada, a country which accepted you with open arms and all you can do is bitch. Probably a fucking chink owning or working at a shitty restaurant and avoid taxes while taking everything you can. No one will miss you and your annoying "I have throat aches from all the cock I sucked" accent.


How you gonna feel after we annex your tea for Britannia China.

We can be greatest allies, we'll help you kill the japs if you want and give you your island back, just join our crusade you fucking cucks.

Okay, get this:

The name "Kermit" derives from Irish Gaelic, where the root terms mean "Son of Diarmaid". The name "Diarmaid" is said to translate into something like "without envy". The Biblical God is famously known as "a jealous god". The opposite of the jealous one is the one without envy. God's opposite is Satan. We're waiting for nothing short of the Antichrist.

The individualism and selfishness just absolutely seethes off this foreigner- only to the audience proving even more that Ethnic Nationalism is not simply to avoid the death of our people....but to restore and ensure human nobility and selflessness!

These " people " would wrought a libertarian or communist degeneracy upon us the likes of which will corrupt humanity to its core that we will never recover from.

Picture various movies/media that depict a future which many things on fire, dark, and people simply * out for themselves * - that is these peoples future.

These " people " are not worthy of being called humans and they will be dealt with in the most proper harshness possible.


Although, it's a spooky fact to be absolutely honest

This looks like the world's worst bargain bin documentary.


do you mean poetry?

I'll get you a humour detector aswell I think.

That's exactly what he means because "pottery" is used as a sarcastic corruption of the word "poetry" in relation to George Lucas' usage of it while describing his horrible story-telling.

You're like that guy that greentexts >sudoku

Then asks if they mean seppuku.

God, how new are you?

It's hardly the start

I just find it fascinating how all these connections keep popping up. It's all around us now. Exciting times soon, fellow Europeans.

What does the shaping of clay into artwork or useful goods have to do with anything?

praise be upon him, thoth

It's not over till you win, Nigel.


Don't get complacent when victory SEEMS so close.

dont mind me i am posting shit from my mystery religion folder

Hang the Pope

We're not out of the woods yet kid

Newfag spotted.


I feel as if our lead in the polls could just be another trick. Maybe it has been arranged to ensure that remainers go out and vote.




proof of his post in my link below, mayor bans body shaming images but PM uses sex to sell stay campaign, CONFLICT OF INTEREST MUCH SCUMMY TORIES AND SO UNREALISTIC YOU GUYS DONT FUCK GIRLS OF AGE!

Far in the future, I see man as Light-born,
free from the darkness that fetters the Soul,
living in Light without the bounds of the darkness
to cover the Light that is Light of their Soul.

Know ye, O man, before ye attain this that
many the dark shadows shall fall on your Light
striving to quench with the shadows of darkness
the Light of the Soul that strives to be free.
Great is the struggle between Light and darkness,
age old and yet ever new. Yet, know in a time, far in the future,
Light shall be All and darkness shall fall.

One day the Kuklings will see that they have been too short sighted all along and are only amplifying a fraction of the meme magic at their disposal.

Thoth and Hermes Trismegistus calls out to Sup Forums but only a few heed his muster.

These fucking scumbags I hate them so much.



I have deeply enjoyed reading this.

The Emerald Tablet is deeply comforting and i cannot fathom exactly why.

good job we prolly rekt the world

it is true knowledge my friend

I've been reading the Kybalion. How to proceed from there?

First day of browsing Sup Forums
What in the actual FUCK is going on here?
Are you guys a cult or something?

You don't know what the right wing stands for, do you, bong?

Well it damn well doesen't stand for justice, and most certainly doesen't stand for reform, I'll tell ya 'hwat!

See? This is why you mooks are never taken seriously. Except by other mooks of course.

Have you read The Hermetica?


Lurk and learn. The old gods are returning, hope you're prepared for the end of days.

No. Link please.

>3rd frog
perhaps kermit?

Not yet.

Always stay vigilant until the final victory user.

Yes. Very kvlt.

See the following:

can you imagine the bantz and daily general threads on pol once we all start scrapping?

what a time to be alive!


T.guy who doesnt understand what the fuck he is talking about

Is there a way for the government to rig the voting system?
Do the brits also have a retarded superdelegates system or something to that effect?


Much obliged.

I'm looking forward to a grand battle royale and the afterlife, but fuck if I wouldn't be down for Shitpost Gehenna.

>crazy lib eyes

this 2bh praise kek

Praise Kek

Once you've posted, you can never leave.

Praise Kek!

We unironically think we have summoned some old world god of chaos to bring ruin to our enemies.

These digits confirm

If Brexit doesn't happen (despite the people's will) then you know something real fucked up is happening behind the scenes.

>inb4 the EU disregards the vote

>1 Thessalonians 4:16 - For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.

>1 Corinthians 15:52 and 15:53 - Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.

The sounding of a trumpet = a Trump

>meme magic
pick one.
meme magic doesn't work without irony you fuckwit

I unironically think you're a faggot