YLYL: Sup Forums edition
YLYL: Sup Forums edition
Such is life in The Zone.
This is never not funny.
YLYL is NOT Sup Forums related.
Take your cancer back to before it destroys another board. You fucking reddit tard.
This image infuriates me every fucking time. You can beat Portal in a single sitting.
That's an accurate depiction of being redpilled
I want off this ride
Suck my cock, Pedro. I'd call INS on you and your clown car family but you'll get sent packing in November anyway.
Jared Diamond on suicide watch
>like this comment if you find fat people unattractive
fuckin lmao
The ride never ends
We accept that
But I'm in Mexico?
He should be focusing on Central Americans, those are the ones sending kids by the droves
>inb4 get thread
Yep, sure is summer all right
not Sup Forums related but they are degenerates
>0 toilets
explain this nerds
I barely even play vidya and this makes me mad. Portal takes like 2-3 hours to beat. there's pretty much no way to play it without beating it unless you are a full-on retard.
There's nothing to suck.
Exactly. Why the fuck have you chosen to come here of all places?
>roid rage
fucking kek
What a waste of time, don't post this again.
I don't know what this webm is but It's in the Sup Forums folder. Hope it's not porn.
Don't reply to me or my image ever again
basically she's just entering the same thing over and over again, not actually coding.
She isn't coding, she's moving about her filesystem.
And even then she's attempting to access an invalid directory named "code"
you guys remember Iron Pill?
Those pill comics general.
They fixed that
Not Sup Forums related
Not Sup Forums related
Not Sup Forums related
Not Sup Forums related
This literally proves my point that you're a reddit fag. Fuck off.
Not Sup Forums related
Not Sup Forums related
Not Sup Forums related
Not Sup Forums related
Not Sup Forums related
Not Sup Forums related
Not Sup Forums related
Not Sup Forums related
Not Sup Forums related
Not Sup Forums related
Not Sup Forums related
There's so much more that I can't even put on this post.
YLYL is not a Sup Forums topic it's a Sup Forums tier thread. Go away you disgusting reddit fags.
>mfw this if from gta 5
>tfw there's still based vidya
Wew lad
And it's not bad either.
because men are fucked either way.
I seen a half dozen at least on /x/ a while back. Post them
It's porn.
Japan's got this weird thing about niggers being nothing more than rape-apes. So... I guess they're pretty much on target.
i laughed
it is
forgot the name of it but it was a hardcore JAV scene
Watching those little shits.... Holy fuck I'm pissed for some reason.
That picture's literally not funny though..?
It's like it was made just to say "Once you go black you can't go back"