REPORT: Orlando shooter was a regular at the gay nightclub

To me, this will hopefully bring up discussion on how orthodox religion can truly break people.

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Omar "Sucks Cocks, Kills With Glocks" Mateen

Maybe he got drunk butt fucked and went full jihad mode

These are people in the state of mind of people on the left. They'll happily throw others under the bus for the cause

>Oh yeah he came here. Must have been self hating. No way a muslim would do it I mean. Religion of peace.

You sure he wasn't just going there to plan how he'd kill 50 fucking people?

Or maybe its like Sup Forums he went there to get angry. I enjoy Sup Forums

He was on every gay dating app tho. Seems kinda unnecessary amount of reconnaissance

Yea the guy didn't seem like really a muslim, so it was probably he was a closet gay and had some sort of personal conflict with these other gays

Know thy enemy user. Even if it means taking a few dicks up your rump.

Someone hurry and get a response from his father regarding THIS angle.

We talk to Muslims on the board to try and understand how they're fucked up. Fucking saracens.

I mean for example...

orthodox religion

Shillary has arrived. Go be cuckhold somewhere else


when are you gonna get angry on me user-kun :3c

He asked one of his (male) classmates out back in 2013 but the classmate turned him down.

This guy is shaping up nicely to be the gay Elliot Rodger (but Rodger was probably gay, too).

I'm black and come to Sup Forums, that doesn't make me a white supremacist or a self-hating white supremacist.

this just proves that white people are massive suckers senpai

Maybe he was checking up on the place he was going to shoot up? See where the exits were, bathrooms, places people could hide, get away to. What kind of locks/security it had?

hi rabbi

Dude was a latent homosexual who couldn't handle it and so had to take it out on a bunch of innocent people. Get angry closet fags, let everyone know how much you hate gays so we don't think you are one. That ploy always works.

How dare you bring that logic here, bigot.



Doesn't fit your "he wuz terrorist" agenda? The guy was a fucking closet homo

But user. I'm always angry. Its not so much that. Have to admit its a righteous feeling looking at an abyss and thinking my god better not fall. Whats Jewing today etc. its duty if I had to translate

I just want to see footage of him gunning down people

so far there has been only one video from a snapchat with gunfire.

im sure that there is CCTV of him shooting people.

So he was trying to find out where gays liked to hang out while building a cover story.

Also visiting the building you plan on shooting up so know the layout, location of exits and likely security. Are the actions of someone calculating and committed showing the difference between a terrorist and rampaging nutter.

Sounds like a scapegoat to me

>He had nothing to do with ISIS goy, he was just an innocent victim of his society! That ISIS pledge on phone is nonsense goy

Explain the "pledge of allegiance to ISIS" thing then?

It's literally impossible to be an islamic terrorist in 2016. it'd be easier to convince people that you were a woman trapped in a man's body

Riiiight because that makes him the victim and Islam just has to find that slot for a fuckng leaf

No evidence he had sex with the men and wanted to kill them so give the guy his dues. He chose not to be gay

The story says his messages were "creepy" without going into detail. Sounds more like he was trying to lure them in and then murder them 2bh

The middle east is full of faggots. There are A LOT OF THEM. I mean A LOT. So the story isn't so crazy of him being a shit eating sandnig

You know dubs, checked and why didn't we think of that before. I mean everyone knows there are catfish out there

>man pledges allegiance to Muslim terror group during attack
>but but but this was because he was queer
>have some more non-white invaders, goyim
>oy vey that intolerant white culture has to go

so fucking blatant

He had a wife and kids.

What if he sexually identified as an islamic terrorist?

He pledged allegiance to ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Hezbollah, all of which are enemies.

He can be a closet homo who heated himself because of his Islamic family and this pushed him into becoming a terrorist.

>his being gay or not does not give Islam a free pass

That's total media fabrication.

Yesterday it was only ISIS, now he's suddenly added 2 more so that liberals can say LOL LOOK AT THE CONTRADICTION, NOT REAL MUSLIM

Reminds me of the song Homosexual by The Angry Samoans

Also fuck Islam

No he was a muslim. A gay muslim. Who probably had to live a double life under his Taliban father until he snapped. Radical Islam is still to blame, and the remaining perps responsible for this shitshow (his parents) should be arrested and deported. Trump was right, muzzies should stay out until they shape up or we have a way of institutionalizing and assimilating them during the immigration process until they shape up (which isn't worth the effort, just keep them the fuck out).

Do you dumbfucks understand that they're trying to force the thinking that Islam isn't at fault and that it was due to his personal problems + gun laws?

Don't be deceived. Fuck Islam.

Have there ever been any uncircumcised mass killers? Inb4 Breivik. He was a zionist so obviously had the mark of the good goy. Or he was a full blown jew. If you cut off babby dick without relief the first memories he has might fuck him up. I will research this. For science. Probably impossible to determine

Why is the media trying this hard to push that he was gay? Regardless of whether or not he is gay, he still killed 50 people in the name of ISIS.

Phobes look the worst here. Worse than gays. Worse than isis. Is the common slug of the phobe

Made 2 pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia, pledged solidarity with the boston bombers, pledged his allegiance to ISIS and claimed the shooting was revenge for American involvement in the Mid East.

He may have been a closet fag but to claim this had nothing to do with islamic terrorism is just plain old sticking your head in the sand.

To me he was planning everything out you fucking idiots, he went in there frequently to know what the place was like in the inside, see what areas to move to and shoot up, on what days more faggots showed up, its pretty fucking obvious. You do not head into a club blind and expect to kill 50+ faggots you have to know the place to get a 50+ score or above.

For three years. To cry about his dad. To beat his wife. To ask out his male classmates. To have a grindr profile. Just stop. He really knows how to move or to dance like a good little twink

It's not possible he was doing recon of the place he was planning to attack?

No. It is not.

they said it was him scoping out the place you dipshits

he probably went there and once he saw how degenerate it was he choose the spot

hahahaha @ everyone refusing to believe he was gay just because it doesn't fit the political narrative you have assigned to this tragedy

The sky is brown purple and green

He frequented over the span of three years. Was gay.

they said he scoped out disneyland and a bunch of other places

how fucking stupid are you

Help me Sup Forums

Am I supposed to blame the gays, the muslims, the jews, the gun companies, cisgender white heterosexual men or Obama for this shooting?

All you faggots posting traps and trannies did this.

So did Marlon Brando

He was also being investigated by the FBI, I wonder if he was visiting gay clubs to throw off the FBI.

the niggers


fucking WATCH.

Imma tell you all a story and then im signing off. A guy i went to school with when heath ledger died was around the time of brokeback mountain. This guy was your typical douche-sangwich. Girls said he drove a corvette or camaro and was known to have little man syndrome but especially in the junkal area. Anyways. This guy after we're done swimming says Heath died because he caught aids. I was super pissed. But this isn't the best part. I showered for first time with these guys. We did blow. I got comments from these others (not this other primary guy) about how big my dick is. But this other guy went with us to bar. He starts literally fondling these other guys' dicks in front of me saying 'what he wouldn't do to him behind closed doors'. All on the same day. Homophobic men are the worst demons ever. Bye. And peace. And God Bless

>Sounds more like he was trying to lure them in and then murder them

Kind'a makes you wonder if he did and nobody has discovered it yet.



From what is reported so far, he'd been doing this for a couple of years. Gonna be a whole new kind of shitstorm if it turns out he's been a serial gay killer up until now that just hadn't been found out.

Blacks. Research done.
Tons in numerous Asian countries also.

>made sexual advances to men to throw off the FBI

yeah I bet he was fucking all those dudes off grindr to evade the fbi, instead of being a self loathing gay muslim.

Omar "Sucking fags, blasting mags" Mateen
Omar "Suck the tip while I load a clip" Mateen
Omar "I like brown eye but you must die" Mateen
Omar "Anal play then blast them away" Mateen
Omar "Cup the balls, while this body falls" Mateen
Omar "After fisting, cease existing" Mateen

You could always just blame the guy that did it.

he could have been a gay terrorist dude

Do gay date apps actually track users, or is this more likely a Jewish trick?

The more you know.

That's actually pretty smart if he did. Imagine the uproar arresting a gay Muslim. DHS probably told them to back off.

I really need to stop reading canadian posts

probably was

Look I hate mudslimes as much as anyone else but this is obvious character assassination to divert the narrative. Now everyone will make this about banning guns instead of fighting Islam.

obvious bait is obvious

How convenient, from Isis striking in US soil to a Passionate love crime... Give me a break. The guy had links with terrorists cells and Obama is tryng to control damage with "he was a self hatinf fag not a islamic terrorist" to calm people down.


And I've beat the hell out of three different faggots in the past.
Guess beating up a disgusting perverted freak makes me gay now.

I guess beating up blacks and Mexicans makes me a black Mexican, according to your logic.

Kill yourself faggot.

>infiltrate local fag bar scene to ensure maximum casualties

looks like it worked

Witnesses have said he was always drinking alone, and would sometimes get angry and yell at some people.

Liberals suck at humor.
Just quit.

If he did get buttfucked where are they? We have plenty of witnesses who have said he was at gay bars.

When homophobic christian republicans are caught soliciting gay sex in rest stops people still blame christianity for making them repressed weirdos. anyone who thinks this nullifies the connection to radical islam is being intellectually dishonest (but that's nothing new)

I mean the guy was taking dicks in his ass. One does not frequent a gay club for 3 years and have a grindr account to throw off the FBI.

There's no conspiracy with this one. He was gay.

Where are the buttfucking witnesses though?

He asked a former (male) classmate out. His wife also claims he was queer.

>wahh why don't you believe my bullshit leftist narrative

probably because it was actually the smart thing do to scope out an area before comitting a crime

Also in reality if he was gay he could have just gone back to Afghanistan

boy fucking is perfectly fine there if not encouraged.

It was probably both. He was probably a gay but also a hard core Muslim that hated himself.

Witnesses to male anal sex is an Islamic thing

>nobody would be aware the FBI is after them, come on gays

How many of us here use multiple proxies and do all in our power to remain anonymous just to shitpost?
How many years have we all been using Tor
>ib4 tor isn't secure

>any of those things confirmed

all that's been said is he had been drinking at a gay bar "alone"

oh and he had an account. It's almost like he was infiltrating the place.

I bet you think the 9/11 hijackers were all just aviation enthusiasts too.

Retard alert. Aaand im gone

don't let the door hit you on the way out, leaf

What if he just got aids but my best guess was he was an aspie who went full retard

ill miss u too sugar

im not sure what kind of 3 year james bond undercover operation you're thinking it would take to shoot a bunch of people at a club, but I'm enjoying your flailing

He was a jihadi who was also a repressed homosexual. Most of ISIS seem like repressed fags

Since you're an obvious degenerate who is new to Sup Forums, here's an example you can understand.

How long does a degenerate guy go before he goes full faggy fedora? Years. Years of thinking about it, years of looking at it online, over time this degenerate gets the confidence to sin against his creator.

See, faggot? A disciplined person can go a long time before they snap.

I bet they all are fags

>3 years

no confirmation of any of this beyond vague "reports"
