Let's settle this once and for all. You have one shot, one opertunity to kill all Jews or all muslims. Who do you kill?
Other urls found in this thread:
>do you kill the mule
>or the man whipping it
PS explain your reasoning (Optional)
Gas the ((( )))
Muslims taking the early lead atm.
How about we get rid of all of the Semites? Why be discreet about it?
must be all the shills who came to do "1 post by this ID" threads. get some extra shekels for voting muslims instead of jews
>those evil jews oppressing those poor innocent starving muslims who dindu nuffin
>all 1.6 billion of them
34 votes Muslims still in the lead.
Since nobody else has I'll try you why I voted Jews.
>cut the head off the snake the body dies
>end of tension the state of Israel creates
>Germany did pretty well without them
There are other reasons and it's a tough choice but that's what I'd go for.
The fags who say jews are oppressing Muslims causing them to "act out" are using the same logic as the SJWs saying your white privilege is the reason blacks are chimping out
Just face it pol, the jews are smarter and have earned their rightful spot. All the same IQ studies that put Abos and pygmies slightly above monkey are saying jews have the superior intellect.
Jews aren't that bad
Atleast they don't invade your lands and then rape your girls while if you report them you get called racist
Well they are a smaller demographic compared to whites. Their religion also encourages scholarship. We have white trash and such. I thought I'd say for every intelligent Jew there's at least 2 whites.
I don't care about Jews, Muslims are active threat
Feel free to leave a comment after you vote. The poll dies with the thread. The more voters the more definitive answer we get.
Whether it's our genetics or our culture, it's clear we are the superior race. You don't understand what it's like to be Jewish, we are 50 step ahead of you. Our brains are like 10 of yours combined and are operating on a whole other level. You cannot comprehend what we’re doing. Jews are playing 4D chess against the rest of the world who can only see a 2D board. To you it looks like the pieces are disappearing and reappearing and nobody can understand what is happening. We look weak? You think we can be defeated? You are wrong. You are surrounded. The pawns and pieces have moved in for the kill you just don't know it yet.
Rather the devil you know.
Jews are enabling the muzzie invasion
Jews are protecting the muzzie
By killing the jews you hit both
Im surprised, Muslims have what you'd call "traditional" family values, they don't drink, and hate women. Everything they do falls in line with the Sup Forums narrative. It doesn't make sense why they're hated so much, maybe someone will enlighten me.
Obviously the Jews. That would enable nationalism to rise completely.
Sup Forums and white nationalists, whether actually religious themselves or not, still have a strong affinity with Christian values. Muslims are more of an invading force in comparison
I don't care about the Muslim world, I just don't want to wake up next to it.
Jews work to open borders and flood white countries with niggers and subhumans.
Jews : Muslims
Arsonists : Gasoline
I'm with you but I guess muslims just seem to immediate a threat to ignore judging by the poll so far.
>>cut the head off the snake the body dies
the cultural marxism jews brought to western society has already spread well beyond them and has infected much of the rest of society, killing all jews wouldn't stop it, even if it did harm it
killing all muslims at least gets rid of the rabid dog they love so much
>Jews want the muslims to invade
How retarded do you have to be to actually believe this?
Muslims fucking hate the Jews.I'm not saying there aren't retard SJWs who don't know what's good for them, but surely you don't think some puppet master Jews that somehow smart enough to have control over media and legislation want the people who hate them to take over? That would be fucking retarded.
Sup Forums needs to reevaluate itself
Muslims are a temporary annoyance
Jews are the eternal enemy
Because then the Islamic countries in the middle east get wiped out and greater Israel can form out of the ashes
Fair point but what comes after cultural Marxism?
When there is smoke there is a fire
When there is a Jew there is a problem
There are two sets of Jews in the world: right wing Zionists who already live in Israel and hate Muslims, especially Arabs, with a passion. Then there is the progressive leftist/communist Jewish population in western countries to whom reality is unimportant compared to their utopian multicultural fiction. That Muslims would happily kill them doesn't occur to them any more than it occurs to all the thousands of gays who came out in defense of Islam after the Orlando shooting, even though they'd be next on the chopping block after the Jews.
>muslims invade and conquer the west
>Islamic countries gone
>Almighty Israel
fpbp also nice hitler dubs
muslims by a landslide
>believing in the skidmark arrangements of an illiterate camel jelqing pedophile
>pitifully mundane rituals and regulations
>laughably absurd dress codes
>promotes brutality and aggression over level headed reason
>literally zero benefits besides sucking allahs cock in hyper-dimensional black box
>Muslims leave their homelands
>Continue to rape, shoot and blow western people up
>Western nations declare war on Islamic states
>Isreal free to expand into greater Israel
This is at least a more reasonable thought, but surely Jews in positions of power want to remain in positions of power? How is importing Muslims helping them? I will completely believe you common, everyday SJW is well beyond rationally evaluating what is good for them, but the higher ranks can't be that dumb
Jews because they are the higher ups. You can just trick the muzzies easily ans kill them 1 by 1 or nuke them. Jews are harder to get because genocide has fucking hardened their genes, they know this shit.
>implying the west hasn't cucked itself so hard that they will welcome their conquerers with open arms
The people on the street may be happy to bring vigilante justice against an invading force but we've seen repeatedly the politicians are doing everything they can to aid their attackers.
There's a reason Trump wants to ban the muslims while integrating his family with the jewish population
>Trump is right
>Muslims are cancer
I prefer muslims to be dead
JewCrew reportan
I think there has to become a point where enough is enough. Though adimtantly that seems distant from now. Either way having the west cucked means less competition and easy targets for exploitation for Zionists.
>Muslims ahead of Jews
wew, nupol sucks
So many Reddit retards who dont realize the muslims are fine in their own countries, but jews are actively trying to wipe out the white race and are using muslims as a tool in their box.
Without jews, we could just keep the muslims in the middle east. Jews are the root of all the worlds real problems.
Muslims are more like an infection
Jews are the cancer
Surprised this is so one sided thought it would be closer either or.
23% of world population
Allows colonization of Middle East and Africa peacefully
Allows Western control of oil and important strategic resources
Virtual global peace overnight (China, North Korea, Russia remain, but still)
Kill the Muslims
Jews are only 1% of world pop. and they do control quite a lot, but with the Muslims gone, we could easily focus on mowing them down.
The higher ranks have managed, for the most part, to successfully manipulate and control the lower classes of society for nearly all of history, even though in many cases and in many systems, the lower classes have had no shortage of reasons to hate and want to eliminate their rulers. It's kind of stunning to contemplate the degree of exploitation most human populations have been willing to submit to. I don't credit Muslims with an overabundance of intelligence, and I certainly don't credit them with any semblance of a desire for individual rights and freedoms. They seem perfectly happy to toil under autocrats as long as they get to pray to their fake god.
Wow you found 4 Jews (out of millions) who want multiculturalism. How many christian leftists are saying the same thing?
>cancer or tumor
>4 jews want multiculturalism.
how many christian lefts are pushing the same thing?
>Daniel Cohn-Bendit
even a cursory search shows that he is everything that is destroying everything that is good about western civilization
people like this need to be sent to the guillotine
Not sure how ENGLAND YES applies. People not wanting to get blown up = cucked?
You being a Shillary and blatantly baiting with threads like these is what makes ENGLAND YES relevant.
Two enemies a serious question = baiting
Fuck off
You think you can fool anyone with shitty excuses like these? the objective of the thread is obvious: disrupt the userbase of this board and push more people towards islam.
Fuck your retarded
Gold medal in mental gymnastics
Jews much harder problem, damn you guys aren't that smart
Thanks, it really made me think.
Well that would be a first. Glad to help.
I'm a Palestinian ex Muslim and even I voted for Muslims.
Jewish women have big ol' titties at least.
What kind of retards are you? You realize if you kill the Jew the Muslim problem can be easily solved right?
All the Jews aren't a danger.
All the mudslimes are.
60 cucks want to spare all the Muslims.
its almost as if your ingroup preferences outway your flimsy faith
Unlike the Jew, Muslim tricks result in physical harm. The Jew leads a mental war, once you become redpilled you can't go back. But once you let muslim in your countries prepare for the worst.
Aren't you suppose to say something like : " If you kill your enemies, they win " ?
If you dislike that much Jews, stop using Jewish inventions. Some people of the elite who happen to be Jewish are effectively driving this world to its ruin but I assure you, they are just Jewish by birth, they are closer to the rest of the goyim in the elite than the average jew.
Meanwhile, the Muslims are a real threat, they reproduce like rabbits and destroy civilizations.
Problem is, with Jews, you eventually get Muslims anyway.
Let's say you've got a soup. One ingredient is poison, and the other ingredient mixes the poison into the soup more.
You just remove the poison.