sweden pls

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The brim is turned up on the other side. It must be a south african or something. But then again, they didn't let blacks fight so I'm lost.

they used black troops against the german colonies

This shit gets more history bending every fucking day

How many blacks served for German in WW1?


German troops looked like this though...

Wrong picture fuck

Black german colonial trooper.

Does anyone else think they're just doing this to open up a new market (a.k.a black people)?

If you had a look at the livestream, I think there were 5 black celebrities playing this game. If there were no black people in game, or on the front cover, they would've told Dice to fuck off.

Reminder that more black colonial troops fought in France than ANZACs

We did have a tiny (less than 100) number of aboriginal soldiers.

And our top sniper in WW1 was half-chinese.

But they were the exceptions.

Am I dreaming right now?

ANZACS fought more in the middle east. They were trained in Egypt for a reason.
Pic related, ANZAC's in Palestine.

>ww1 Australian soldier

>WW1 NZ soldier

maoris never did combat though

This is a safe space for Trump voters.

Reported and saged.

Need a link to the video


>black german soldier

ok now I'm mad

>ww1 was only fought by european soldiers

You guys are no better than tumblr being triggered by this shit.

But I'm pointing out the inaccuracy of black germans in BF1.

Are we rewriting ANZAC history now are we?
First we invaded, and didn't save the natives from themselves, now the ANZACS, (who were considered wildlife until the referendum in the 60's remember) apparently were all natives.
You do see the occasional photo of an aboriginal unit, but they were not front line soldiers, or in most cases, armed.

It seems that they did see action.


No, in Europe that may have been the case but at Gallipoli, they fought.

The number of ANZACS verses the unending manpower supply of African colonies.
Of course more cannon fodder was deployed than were ANZACS.

Did you really?
Also you can be reported for saying you reported or saged (the same thing)

>let face-eating savages into your army
>never let them eat your enemies' faces
What's the point?

This is completely untrue.

And there were plenty of Abos killed in ww1

>this mad nobody's made a Tsushima/Port Arthur game
A Boxer Rebellion shooter, on the other hand, that would be p. cool.

This is moot because it's obviously a man of West African descent in the screenshot.

I don't think they added black to be historicaly correct. The developers are Swedish for fuck sake xD

>blasting through hordes of crazed qing monks that think they can tank bullets

you should be working for dice man

TFW Australia getting #blacked By Sweden KEK

We made up for that, by letting them loose in WW2

Do you ever get sick of being wrong?


It's just a tanned German nothing to worry about


can someone give the link with dice explaining why this is again?

>niggers all over on fucking WWI
Sweden strikes again with their forced diversity on every fucking shit they made


>ww1 was just a bunch of black guys muh diversity

eat shit proxyfaggot

Anyway BF has been worse and worse in that regard recently

BF4 had a nig and a female chink
BF Hardline had literally all its major characters being non-whites

France also used black troops in the Western theater. They apparently ran screaming in terror when they saw the front because the French had been a little shaky with the truth of the situation.

wait is australia in the new battlefield?

white people never existed before ww1

Maybe he's Aboriginal.

We had 3000 of them in WW1.

There is a monument to them in my city. I actually had to google it because they referred to them as the 3000 "Oddfellow" veterans.

I was like;

>These were the autistic veterans?

Turns out they just meant Abo.

Reminder that the Canadians and Australians were regarded as the most deadly western fighters by the Germans (no, I don't know what happened to us since then).

no there were only a few hundred

the new BF is WW1 so commonwealth soldiers are in it.

Honestly don't know.

If there's one thing Maoris are good at, it's inflicting large amounts of violence in organized groups.

Seriously, they're really good at killing things.

That is obviously not an abbo. You can tell he's supposed to be African.

The game seemingly lets you use SMGs as well...

t. Mad virgins that are angry we're stealing all their women

It's 2016

Shame because the game looks pretty cool actually. I mean if you ignore all of that propaganda... Is been a while since we have a good WW shooter game.

Tell that to the monument boss.

Some drunk Anti-Fa dickheads vandalized it once. Top kek

Fuck off Sven, go back listing to your wife being pounded by Jamal from your cuckshed.

>Over 1000 Indigenous Australians fought in the First World War.

Please don't tell me you're this ignorant about your own country's history.

Some of them mix up funny and come out looking kinda African.

Shame they don't actually have real diversity like including our Abos and all the Indians and ex-colonies for the British - if you're going to SJW it up at least make it historically accurate and give credit to those who served

Doesn't effect me as I quit the video game jew a while back, not surprised its coming out of Sweden who else would be responsible

Look who's here!
Doesn't say shit about numbers

Its exactly that. Negroids play CoD. This is just a Diversity Drink Somali Sperm grab

>Look who's here!
Did you just accuse me of being the thought police because I quoted a reputable source with some facts and figures?

Are you literally retarded or just trying to troll really badly?

Wow that is literally what Reddit cancer would say, get the fuck out of here cunt.

Also i have conflicting evidence saying only a few hundred served.

Go ahead and post it then. Australian War Memorial (.gov) site is posted above, you're free to refute it.

Willie Apiata is the fucking man.


" It’s not sure how many Indigenous Australians fought in the war but it is believed to have been around 500-600. "

Now go back to /r/cuckold

Just play verdun on PC, its far superior.

It's on the other side.

Like I said, I was actually confused when I saw it and had to google.

Says 3000 Oddfellows.

I was like;

>wtf is an Oddfellow

And then

>Pretty sure we had more than 3000 blokes over there

Turns out it's some weird Black People association thing - Our I gather is for Aboriginals, but maybe it includes Islanders and shit too.

I just looked it up in detail;



>The fountain was created by Samuel Lipson (1901–1995), who was born in Leeds to Lithuanian Jewish immigrants and studied architecture at the Glasgow School of Arts. He arrived in Sydney in 1925 and first worked in the office of Henry E. White, then the Commonwealth Department of Works.

whats happening in this pic?

Nigga is u srs?


The Swedes wouldn't know this, they don't seem to have an actual clue about the military, the soldier in question could be mistaken for a musketeer or some shit.

oh lol i though it was some shellshocked character

Its a verdun character model, made to look like a tv character.

I want Martin Luther King jr to be depicted white, when a movie is made about him.

Its actually a way better game than BF.

No, they were used as "stormtroopers" because why send good british men to die when you can send worthless canadians and australians to die for you?

Just stroke their egos and tell them how brave and awesome at fighting they are.

Aussies and canucks were nothing more than cannonfodder so british men wouldn't die.

There were a bunch of Africans who fought for the Germans in their colonies, some of the finest guerilla fighters to boot.



It's the truth m8

sorry you can't handle it

go binge some maple syrup

Pretty sure most of those are just place holders, they look similar to the US Assault from BF3/4

What's next then? What will happen when they get into WW2 games? Blacks in the Imperial Japanese Army? Women in the U.S. forces? Whites in the Finnish Army?

It wasn't the British who said this. They just thought we were, as you said, good cannon fodder.

It was the Germans. They used to actually track Australian movements and deploy away from them, and they had some weird paranoia about Canadians sneaking in through tunnels.

Reading the wikipedia page about the Harlem Hell fighters (the only American all black regiment in WW1)

Mfw they only served from May - November 1918 yet they get a game made about them. What about the ANZACS or the Canadians who fought the whole way through, or the French for that matter.....

Also kek..

> This regiment suffered considerable harassment by both individual white American soldiers and even denigration by the American Expeditionary Force headquarters which went so far as to release the notorious pamphlet Secret Information Concerning Black American Troops, which "warned" French civilian authorities of the alleged inferior nature and supposed rapist tendencies of African Americans.

They apparently came THIS close to putting women combat infantry into BF1. One of the female devs said she was eventually overruled by the others, and they inserted a female muslm warrior into the campaign mode.

While you losers are whining about a video game on a japanese image board there are black men fucking white women

How does this make you feel?

But we already have the Gurkhas.

The ANZAC lighthorse regiments (mounted infantry) served in Palestine whilst the infantry served in France.

They're too short for the ladders.

You need the Maori's to carry them over the top.


He's not full blooded. I'm pretty sure he was talking on tv about being part Italian of all things.

Aussies and Canucks were through into the shit because they would sort it out.

You can look at that and see both sides. Either way the Aussies and Canucks were the best shocktroops the Allies had.




Did they play the Last Post on a didgeridoo?
I'm genuinely surprised you guys had them back then