I'll just leave this here

Gay SJW wants to start a race war...

facebook -- ricardo.gamboa.esquire

Other urls found in this thread:


Then we shall have one and see who wins

This is a good explanation of who's going to win:


Why are you blocking out his name and giving us his fb?

>gay muslim kills gay hispanics/blacks

>editing this fucker's name out

You have to go back

Yet if anyone said this about muslims, BANNED.

Why do you fools even use joobook?

I didn't make the original image (it was originally posted on the_donald), I just doxxed him based on the thumbnails and posted here since you're not allowed to dox there.

Yeah wtf??

>if you reported this it wouldn't violate kikebooks community standards

Here's the full convo without anything blocked


Because whites have 'privlege' and that makes the whole world bad, apparently.

Get rid of the whites, and the world will become an instant utopia.

Because whites have 'privlege' and that makes the whole world bad, apparently.

Get rid of the whites, and the world will become an instant utopia.

Privilege is just us being better at everything lol. Their brains just can't fathom that they're inherently inferior so they make up an invisible entity to use as a scapegoat.

Lol, get rid of the whites and the chinks and arabs reinstate slavery and split the planet in half. Blacks are so dumb they don't realize the only reason they exist, and continue to, if through our good graces.


Someone posted the original screenshot on the_donald (no personal info allowed) but I doxxed him and posted it here.

The full convo with names is posted and I found his job too:


>get killed in the name of islam
>somehow its christians and rich white peoples fault

Honestly want to kill myself

>let's get into a war with all these people that have and know how to use guns

that's some high tier nigger logic

He's a student at NYU working on his PHD. He is also a big activist. Maybe the school and the media need to know about the words from a gay latino activist?!

>I'm perfectly fine with someone letting loose with an assault rifle on ... people that are pro-guns

>shoot all of the pro-gun people

Literally EVERY liberal blog is blaming white people and the NRA for this. Nobody is even mentioning Islam at this point. They're calling it a 'mass shooting' just like any other random incident.

Give it another couple of days and they'll start calling him a white guy, just like they did with Zimmerman.

Never mind that his dad made videos pledging loyalty to the Taliban. Never mind that he pledged his own allegiance to ISIS. Never mind that Muslims have been blowing shit up nonstop for years now and they throw gays off of buildings.

Nope this is all about white people and gun control.


I just, what?

The Left has allied itself with Islam, this is why they never go after Islam. The Left will ally itself with anyone that is an enemy to Western Civilisation.

In 10 Islamic countries, homosexuals are legally executed simply because they're homosexual. Yet, this is ignored all the time, and the West gets the blame again.

Jesus fucking Christ this pisses me off hard.

Yeah I think so.

Right now he has a show every Friday at the Free Street Theater in Chicago, in case anyone wants to give them a call or stop by.

1419 West Blackhawk Street
3rd Floor.
Chicago, Illinois 60642
P: (773) 772-7248

I think at this point using the word "privilege" in conjunction with race or gender is grounds for automatically losing any argument

Oh Fuck I am in Chicago, home of Black Hitler, just fuck my shit up senpai

HAHAHA sadly you're correct. I reported it and Cuckbook just replied saying they reviewed it and it doesn't violate their standards.

He does realize that other than the KKK, alot of those other organizations aren't purely white right?

we should do a test , use the same exact sentence change the races to target blacks or jews or some shitty minority and report it .

>Fine with killing certain kinds of people
>Not understanding that the reason they aren't fuck with IS because they are armed and dangerous

Liberalism is a disease

You know, I don't think he actually does realize that. He probably believes that everyone he doesn't like is automatically white, even if they're not. Just like how they made George Zimmerman white.

That's a good idea actually, although I think we all know for a fact that the account would get banned immediately.

Ok I just did it and reported it . What kind of violence did you file it under?

lets see how zuck the cuck responds to this

You are an unfit mother. Your children are now property of Cuck's Jr.

So if a race war happens who will the Asians and the Hispanics side with?

>probably not even a land owner
Typical nigger.

Fug :DDD

It really makes you think, how propaganda was effective in making world hate white people, that they would blame White man for literally everything.

Still haven't figured it out? The entire SJW mindset revolves around hating whites and ultimately wanting us to all be murdered. It's why they do things like try to change the dictionary definition of words to make it so that only white people can be bad.

This is why it is suicide and betrayal for any white person to become a SJW or make common cause with them. Nothing you say will ever make them happy. Nothing you do will ever appease them. You will always be the enemy. You will always be evil. They hate you, and they want you to die.

I did it under credible threats of violence, but it could also be hate speech.
