London’s Muslim Mayor To Ban Sexualised Images Of Women

>London’s Muslim Mayor To Ban Sexualised Images Of Women
>London’s first ever Muslim Mayor is set to ban images of ‘unrealistic’ scantily clad women from ads on public transport, which could see the city adopt some of the most censorious policies in the Western world.
>Ironically, the policy is likely to please both the misogynistic Islamist and prudish, third wave feminist, whose ends appear increasingly similar.
>The announcement comes five years after suspected Islamists began painting over images of bikini clad women in Tower Hamlets in East London

HAHAHHA holy shit United Cuckdom when are you going to rise up and deal with this kind of shit?

Shariah law is literally being implemented in the seat of old Imperial power.

Other urls found in this thread:

Tits on regular TV were literally the only reason to go to Europe.


Those are men. Looks like they are promoting Isis



>London’s Muslim Mayor To Ban Sexualised Images Of Women

Seriously, England, when are you going to hang him for treason?

I am surprised the fucking Queen has not had a stroke yet.

It's haram to swim in front of men, even if you are wearing a burkini

why are somalis so disgusting

These Muslim scum are getting crafty about how they push their shit.
This guy is trying to ban pictures of female skin under some sort of a feminist guise. He's pushing Shariah Law trough feminism.

This video is not far from the truth

>'don't feel comfortable'
Well too fucking bad, go back then and swim at Somalia's irradiated garbage-carpeted shithole beaches.

They're niggers

They're super-Niggers. They take it 10 steps further. Plus islam.

This is a good measure. Diminishing the jewish power through the oversexualization of society is a step foward but in this case this is cheese on a trap.

Remind me again, why is some sandnigger the mayor of the largest city in Europe? What happened?!

I don't see why this is a problem Sup Forums
Aren't we always whining about degeneracy? I mean, these images inspire our daughters to dress like sluts.

The measure is gold. You can choose what your kids watch on the Tv but you can't choose what they see in public so this is good.

The problem is who's applying it and what comes next. Remember that this guy covered public transportation with allah snackbar.

Prudish authoritarians will be the first to hang on the Day of the Rope

What is this country? wtf

this is only the first step kuffar

we will fix your jewified culture

we will put women back in their place and make them modest

we will increase your birthrate

we will establish polygamy and renew the family unit

we will ban degenerate drugs and intoxicants

we will make you men

But this is a good thing

I thought all the fags in your country were killed.


He can't.

Tories are in power, this won't get past the Commons.

Khan = Labour
Current government = Tory

Try again when Labour get into power (they won't with Corbyn leading them) LEL!

rill mek u dink

The world is going backwards.
it's the first step towards the Sharia laws.

how did we get from sexy women are bad because it's against god's will to sexy women are bad because it makes unsexy women feel bad?

It is getting hard to brush aside the contradictions on the left

London is chalk full of fashion forward, sex positive, libertine types. I don't know how they will be able to accept this…. it won't fly.

Somalis are heavily inbred, generation after generation.

It will happen eventually
Muslim population in England and Wales nearly doubles in 10 years

How do we fix this, David?

>All bodies are bootiful :DDD
>Ban images of hot & /fit/ women on public transport!

t. land whale

Muslims took over

It won't get past the commons.

Khan actually has no power, I don't think people quite realise this.

Offset, by the fact we have a lot of Eastern Europeans.

A lot.


Britbongs I will gladly move to britbongistan to help the fight for your freedom. I cannot believe you are letting this happen.

20 years later

>Shariah law is all encompassing
>Women are now owned
>Alcohol is banned
>Lashes as primary form of punishment

A lone voice in the crowd.

It's a former feminist.

"Why didn't white men do anything to stop this?"

It's not simple, I think you can learn a lot from Israel in this matter.

Our main advantage is that we are really familiar with the Muslim mentality.

okay, and? Sexualizing women is still a problem, like you autistic neckbeards do
I don't see the problem here

muslim overhears it and scream to the crowd of angry mussies. "we got another one over here guys":
>first crucified feminist.

Women actually want this because they want to be dominant by fatherly men. They don't the freedom to wear slutty clothes or have casual sex. They want you to beat the shit out of them and force them to do your bidding.

BRExxxIT you fucking KEKS


But it's not going to happen.

He has no power.

How many times does it need to be said before you people get it?

Boris Johnson had power because he is a Tory, we have a Tory government.

All Khan can do is shill and try to get this passed in government, which he won't because the current government is the opposition and will block it.

Herpa derpa dooo.


> I think you can learn a lot from Israel in this matter.

So the west should constantly go out of their way to antagonize muslims and then act like they're the problem?

>Bombproof buses

>unrealistic bodies
>code for 'I'm a fat fuck with no discipline so this body isn't 'hard to get', it's just straight up impossible'

I don't get it, do they have no ambition? No belief in themselves? If they want to be fat and unattractive, fine, let them. But they can get these bodies and be fit and beautiful, so why do they have absolutely no faith in themselves?

fuck, this made me physically angry
I used to have such pride in my historic English ancestry

YES, and that's why nobody is going to ban sexualised images of women in Tel Aviv.

I'm sure this ad will be banned too.

we will meet you in dabiq, your memes mean nothing

Our education, best education. Inbred scum.

>Feminists wanted to be oppressed all along

This is not big news.

The cycle begins again.


Wish we were on kekkit so i could upyacht it.

Also i see no problem here honestly, Islam is the only thing that can stop liberals and feminazis, if necessary to roll back to 13th century then let it be, it will be a valuable lesson anyway.


Muslims don't know how to fight, especially the Sunni.
They only know how to kill unarmed civilians.

All of Europe shall be one under a caliphate.

You will recognise the truth of Allah's word, or be destroyed in hellfire.


Isle of Man

So he's effectively discriminating those girls who really look good by telling them they are not real.

They should sue his poo-ass.

there's absolutely fuck all wrong with sexualizing a woman, we sexualize everything without the media's help, that's pretty much an inbuilt function of ours
now, if you disrespect women, deny them opportunities, and deny them agency because you see them as vaguely sentient fleshlights, then we got a problem
but this is getting way the fuck out of hand.

t. conservative feminist
fuck you third wave leftist dykes


former resident of herzliya pituach... bless you fuckers :3

Is there anything new? Come back home. Also you should know that kebab line has only 30% chance to hit here. How is straya nowadays Milos?

I, for one, welcome our new Muslim overlords.

After all, China will just slap the shit out of every fucking thing once the west is too weak to stop them and we'll go from speaking Arabic to Mandarin in about a year.


They all have huge baby heads. Must be Zyka.

is chest shaving prohibited in Islam, too?

this war was waged in the name of arabism, not islam, that is why they failed

but when a few men with poor weapons fight you in israel in the name of islam, you cannot remove them

She's got nice thighs. Too bad they're covered with tattoos.


Some island that's pissed the mainland is going full ackbar.

context and sauce?

Race war when?

England will be in civil war by end of the century

never. this was the ultimate outcome the lizard race predicted when coming up with new technology and industrial revolutions. then it turned into computers. then tvs. video games. phones. social media.

its all a big distraction to cover up these things. certain truths are taught in school, and when a lot of people herd on one idea it becomes an absolute truth.

this is how it ends. not with a race war or happening. but through cultural and sexual dominance. 1 well adjusted white guy having a kid or 2, while the other 5 white guys are autistic because they were raised on anime and Sup Forums, and then every muslim has 5+ kids. this is how it ends.

It's not even that bad over here.

What went wrong, Cuckland?

Butterface. Her leg is a nice gimmick though. For diversity in the Royal Family or some shit.

Looks like a strong Ottoman Muslim desu

>leftists thought he was a liberal, "moderate" Muslim
>Is now establishing a caliphate

Top Kek

>Giving a shit what happens outside its borders
do you even mandate of heaven?

I have never had a good time shaving my body hair. What's the secret, British lads?

This is all leading up to 50 years from now when there will only be 2 types of people on this planet
Hispanics and Muslims and there will be a war
Which side wins and inherits the planet

Someone should kill him