Music which kills the brainlet

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autechre fans are slowly turning into oasis fans. what happened?

they've been this ever since WATMM became a thing

Uviol is my favorite track on the album, anybody share the sentiment?

brainlet detected


but any real elitist should be able to name better shit than autechre

there isn't

shit like this is how everyone knows you're a brainlet

name one


why is their production such shit

Brainlets will NEVER understand this intellectual music

parhelic triangle >>>>

Alva noto

name one other artist of TODAY more creative and courageous than autechre


Alva Noto is really fine and it has literally defined the sound of Raster Noton, but he doesn't adventure that much in confront of Autechre, not at all. He's been pretty minimalistic in sound design and his structure are not really complex in terms of progression and irregularity.

>He's been pretty minimalistic in sound design
In some of his most popular works, yes, but listen to xerrox series and more specifically (challenging autechre) with his techno series of unitxt and univrs.

Alva Noto is one of my inspirations, I listened to everything from him. In his best moments is at the same level of Autechre (especially on the rhythmic side), but does not go further imo.

I think in terms of experimentation in timbre autechre have the upperhand but everything else alva noto and many other artists on raster noton have done much better though I get your point of not comparing them because of the difference of approach (reductionist vs much more complex sound design)

It's maybe because you have no understanding of electronic music.


Autechre have collaborated with them.

It's cool for a couple of tracks, and technically boundary pushing for anyone who's into sorta stuff. But honestly, who listens to this for enjoyment all the way through? I like experimental, but Autechre is often too cold for me. ready for the normie accusations, but at least i'm honest. Unlike some wannabe bleep nerds on here

>Unlike some wannabe bleep nerds on here
Just because you don't find it enjoyable doesn't mean nobody can you fucking autist

Autechre have a lot cool happy jams everyone knows that come on.

I said "some", you read it as "all autechre fans are pretentious nerds". Def not, but they do evoke a lot of pretentiousness in their fanbase

The project is just one guy, despite the name.

Of course they do. Especially when they have become the artist that uniformed rockfags hold as the best and sometimes even only good electronic artist (that, boards of canada and aphex twin)
>pretentious RYM cucks will never be able to appreciate the brilliance of this song

ah yes my good sir
i will now partake in the listening of muddy, flat, one-dimensional bleep bloops to appear cultured

>muddy, flat, one-dimensional

Nah, you're just superficial, and maybe a bit brainlet indeed.

you just proved me right
at least pick some of their good stuff

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Autechre. The sound is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the experiments will go over a typical listener’s head. There’s also Sean’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Stockhausen music, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these tracks, to realist that they’re not just trippy- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Autechre truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sean's existential audio speech “Wub Wub Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Rob Brown’s genius wit unfolds itself on their speakers. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have an Autechre tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.

Sorry it's not my fault if you're blatant

See, that's the autechre I actually enjoy. Not the technical exercises they became known for later on.
This one's good as well:

>if you're blatant
is this chav speak

This fucking live is like a mastodon robot flying in the universe.

t. brainlet

Better than Autechre? Less popular doesn't mean it's better dude

You've got to be fucking kidding me. I've listened to every track from Alva Noto and it's basically all the same shit again and again (just rhythmic noise clicking) except for xerrox 3 which is some pretty standart ambient. I'd rather listen to one Autechre track for the rest of my life than anything this guy has put out.

Alva Noto isn't much less popular honey, I just think he's better

Really? I'll ignore the rest of your post as it's even more retarded

>t's basically all the same shit again and again (just rhythmic noise clicking)
Listen again

Actually you have a point, certain periods of their work are mostly mixed super dry/mono to the point that it's really grating.

What are you talking about?

It's fun to see guys go "b-but I can show you some next level from Autechre, stop fellating Autechre" and their examples are shit.

This is hella primitive compared to what Autechre's doing with MAX/MSP now. In fact, if anything it's like a precursor to the earliest MAX experiments which have now been surpassed today.

Alva Noto's the epitome of the example of a guy who, like everyone else in his record label, really went all out the first time they released something only to really do the same thing instead of continually push forward. We are in the 2010s now, not the 2000s anymore. Any leverage he might have had in this conversation is long gone.
This nigga literally does outdated tape shit that hasn't been cool for at least five decades now or the kind of outdated computer music shit that hasn't been cool for three decades.
Then you got guys like these two who are so incapable of listening to the variety of tones and detail that often goes towards making Autechre's newer sound that it's just some overtly technical monotonous blur to them. Sup Forums allows people who only hear, not actually listen to music, to declare themselves music fans. A big part of why this site isn't the best for discussing music unfortunately.


go back to watmm pseud


I want brainlets to leave Autechre's threads forever.

t. pseud

He's right though.


rob is a hot guy