ISIS attacked a small town, Magaville in France today. The terrorist killed a policeman and his wife. Their son was saved but will now forever be butthurt. Where will ISIS strike next?
ISIS attacked a small town, Magaville in France today. The terrorist killed a policeman and his wife. Their son was saved but will now forever be butthurt. Where will ISIS strike next?
Make America great again!
It was Magnanville.
And I think Belgium or France again will be next but it will be another minor one.
Unfortunately, Meme magic isn't that strong.
Tfw isis will never strike sweden so we can kick out the sand niggers.
Oh and they just released his identity by the way.
Attacker was Larossi Abballa, sentenced to 3 years in prison back in 2013.
Its a shame
Light a candle
Keep their memories alive in this world and know they are in a better place
I dont see a difference.
just one taking out the competition
Fuck off anti-fascist scum
How much communism do you need before you wake up.
Instead of talking shit go become a police officer and then comeback and enlighten us.
If you know better change the system from within...You're the fucking future after all
>I dont see a difference.
In that case you should leave your polish basement immediately and learn the fucking difference
You can't ignore this Sup Forums.
You can't ignore radical Islamic terrorism.
Not on my watch.
It's 2am murican time bro, but I'll bump for justice.
Lots of shills, amongst so many reddit refugees.
Gotta keep Sup Forums, Sup Forums. We always do, it's just hard at times.
Oh, fine. In that case I'll be back at the lunch break. It's 8 am in Poland right now and some asshole turned off electricity in the entire building.
>Name is Larossi Abballa
>Had been condemned in 2013 to 3 years in prison for being involved in terrorist activities
We must not blame Islam but right wing racists :^)
Why oh why can't our countries deport these shits?
He's "French" probably 2nd generation. The problem is treating anyone born on our soil as a national.
We need to bring back völkisches citizenship.
This, jus soli was ok as long as we had European immigrants who could actually blend in
Too many people turn a blind eye to these nutjobs right up until the moment when ISIS snackbars at their doorstep.
>but will now forever be butthurt
You insensitive prick, I can't stop laffin
XCOM is so comfy
i'd trust trump to lead us to victory against the alien menace way more than clinton
Poor kid
He'll grow up to hate them now
Do you think this generation of raped, broken Europeans will raise a redpilled generation
Or do you think they'll continue to rot and die
New gen will be redpilled, but outnumbered.
It only depend on how badly outnumbered we will be when the war start.
>i'd trust trump to lead us to victory against the alien menace way more than clinton
Trump would make deals with them so they go invade Venus or some other gay-ass planet.
The woman was a cop too
But I'm laughing at this shit really, if it could happen even more frequently it wouldn't be half bad.
So he was just released recently? and went full snackbar shortly after? what the heck is wrong with Europe.