With the Australian federal elections coming up, is there a party to support who supports LGBT rights while simultaneously preventing muslim quote on quote refugees from entering the country?
Libs have basically lied about their whole preventing refugees while leaving the country in shambles, so they're completely unvotable.
With the Australian federal elections coming up...
didn't you Irish convicts make 'women' out of sticks and clay and mud and abos and anything else that ran slower than you did??
Australia is having elections? who is their current president? Is it the asian woman in your picture?
What is the leader of Australia called? A prime minister?
I believe the sex party is for you. They also want a child sex register
The current leader is Malcolm Turnbull, who people recognize because of their dislike of him. Allowing coal industry to move next to the great barrier reef, causing cute little turtles to wash up dead on the cairns beach is also sad.
Nobody knows who the Labor representative is.
Literally the least memorable election yet.
is Turnball the Australian equivalent of the Republicans and the Labor is like our democrats?
who is the asian lady in your pic? Is she a famous politician?
Nah they're more like your tea party
Turnbull has shown support for Trump. Though, he's much more bought out by international corporations and willing to sell out Australia for his own gain. He's probably closer to Hillary, only being the 'right wing' leader due to Australia's politics generally being much more left compared to you. At the very least, he presents himself much more respectably than your current candidates.
Basically he's trying to privatize the medical system/etc and make us America 2.0.
Asian Lady was a the Thai Prime Minister from a while ago.
Did you know the first ever socialist party to be elected to govern any country was the Australian labor party at federation?
You're welcome.
If you want a 'conventional' party then I think Labour would be the way to go. Liberals aren't too strong on the whole LGBT scene... (at least the Tonez wasn't)
If you can be fucked voting for them, then maybe the Sex Party (yea Americans its a thing) is the best option.
They need to fucking hold on to Medicare for a couple decades l, look at how hard selling Telstra fucked us.
They're going too laze faire too fast imo but all the other party's want to import Africa and destroy all industry.
No real choice, if only they'd slow down on the hooks they'd be almost perfect.
Love the dog whistles
And that's not all. He's a busy boy. He stuffed up the chance we had to build
a reasonable comms network for the next 50 years, or more. But he did make
sure his mates at Telstra, who he owns a boat with, got on the board and helped
move a few billion back to the big T.
Oh, and Mr Business was only out by a factor of two or three on his costings. Fully costed. Fasta. Soona. Cheapa. Jobson Groethe.
He's a cunt.
Has the video been released?
>The NT Opposition Leader is denying any Labor involvement behind a sex video scandal that is engulfing the former Northern Territory Sports Minister Nathan Barrett.
>Mr Barrett's future was cast into doubt after media reports emerged that he sent two videos of himself masturbating to a female constituent.
>quote on quote
nigga tell me you didn't
The cunt cares enough about gays to wanna vote for them
Don't forget tripling the national deficit, like all that debt gained during the global financial crisis was tripled, lol.
I'm still stuck on the part where he thinks "quote on quote" is how you say that phrase
Despite all the bad shit Turnbull has done while he's been in office, I just cant help but think Bill Shorten would somehow manage to fuck up even more in the future should we vote Labour in.
You mean labor fucking emptied the treasury first chance it got with no real chance for a surplus because Labour has completely fucked the finances for the last 50 years with their monkey see monkey do retardation. I fucking hate labor so much
Have no doubt cunt there's no policy no nothing they'll be beholden to the greens.
They are addicted to the political power and that's it.
I mean God, at least the greens are trying to subvert us. Labor is just fucking there
I am no fan of Labor but I reckon Shorten is a pretty safe pair of hands. Pretty moderate for Labor Party. Not stupid or incompetent.
He'd go alright.
Any reason why they want to cut funding to medicare? Do they want to kill off the lower/middle class over time while leaving the rich alone?
Liberal democrats and Sex party perhaps.
Yet the party retarded enough to waste $150million on a plebicite for gay marraige is better?
>shitting on actually being given a say instead of having the corrupt elites decide every issue for us
They're trying to cut 54.1 billion from the medical fundings while giving 54.5 billion to corporations at the same time.
Seems like a funny coincidence.
>is there a party to support who supports LGBT rights
Well, there is not party that does the opposite.
Even if we had a KAP or CDP majority, it's not likely that gays would be treated any differently than they would now.
The "support" you're looking for is merely election gimmicks that you'd forgot about 2 seconds after introduction.
You're better off drawing dicks on the ballot than to vote for something toxic like the Greens or the sex party.
Not even a referendum though, but a fucking plebiscite.
Malcolm Turnbull.
I don't like your negativity.
They have no choice their policy is no gay marriage but if they come out and say it the retarded population will go for labor because feels.
There shouldn't even be a conversation about it gays are 3% of the total population it's just that those fuckin labor dogs have literally no policy at all and forced the shit as a wedge issue I fucking hate labor so fucking much
Fuck off retard participate in the market cunt it's called Darwinism
He wants to double the shitskin quota.
Fuck that cunt.
>He wants to double the shitskin quota
Yeah but that is only to keep the left from going bananas. That was the price he had to pay to keep the border protection and boat tow backs in place.
Yeah they are fucking retards someone needs to shoot the fuckwit
Lgbt have all the rights they are going to get...just be happy with that.
But Tonez already stopped the boats!
>fuck off we're full
That waste of money goes to private/public services to give people shit they don't need.
Which Arnott's cream biscuits are the best?
For me I would have to say Kingston.
Mint Slice
I specified cream biscuits m8.
Mint Slice is shit anyway. Mint is for old ladies depressed about their hysterectomies.
>mint slice
nigga what planet are you on
This is a computer simulation m8. There are no planets. You need to upgrade your taste software if you think mint is any good.
Don't you dare talk shit about Mint Slice
Mint Slice > Tim Tams
Spotted the greens voter
Heard someone was talkin shit about mint slice.
>all these mint-eating poofters
No wonder you are all such political plebs too.
Are these real elections or just a puppet show put on by your shadowy emu masters to give the public the illusion of democracy?
Pffft Turnbull is politically similar to Obama. We go way further left in Australian than in the States. While the liberals have swome extreme conservative elements I wouldn't say they were as right wing as Republicans let alone the Tea Party
Both parties are pretty similar as far as being bought out goes, but Labor supports Medicare, welfare and all that stuff while Liberals hate it and want us to pay $200 for a GP visit.
Rise up Australia or Australia first whatever they're called now
>want us to pay $200 for a GP visit
More like $5 m8. all that mint has clouded your brain.
I'll fucking kill you for that. I've had Tim Tams, they are ambrosia you fucking cunt
One Nation supports a referendum on same sex marriage, and yesterday Pauline literally said no more Muslims
>Pauline literally said no more Muslims
My hero. I hope she gets in.
This triggers the greens voter.
Huh, well good luck with that I suppose.
Sounds like pretty clear cut lines to me.
>pro bring our industry back
>military members
I'm voting for these guys. They won't win, but I'll vote anyway.
She was on TV the day after the parramatta shooting quoting the quran.
Went and saw her speak at a town hall, she is redpilled on a level you woulldn't believe. All but names the jew.
Tim tam terror sect detected!
I'd be more worried about the chinks buying everything up... esp. agri land and ports... to say nothing of plowing the earth empty or its resources
we'll be at war with them within a decade
Mint Slice
Me too, user. As a QLDer, I will do my duty and vote for based Pauline.
Monte Carlo's or Shortbread Cream.
In early June 2016, it was reported that "Fortitude" has failed in its aim of establishing a viable political party. The registration deadline was not met, making the group ineligible to run in the Federal election,[29] and as of June 8, 2016, the fortitude-australia.com website was offline,[30] reportedly suspended.[31] Despite having been registered in December 2015 for a period of two years, the website existed for only a little over six months.
Fucking fight me cunt, look at how ripped I am
Who is Pauline and why should I vote for her?
>Aussie elections
Wait you mean to tell me people don't donkey vote?
>Monte Carlo's
Yeah these are really good.
>Shortbread Cream
A bit bland for me.
nice pics, are you suggesting we gangbang the chinks into submission?
Good man.
I hope you are trolling m80.
. . . more
Nope, not with Plibersek as Deputy, who is in the wrong party and should be with the Greens.
Mate that's sheer vile treason past the point of flagburning you spitting there.
No, I already have several refugees.
You are meant to have the Shortbread with Milk, then they become absolutely orgasmic.
This is not the place for this.
nah mate, you're fucked
>that feel when your 4 choices for the house of reps are , Liberal, Labor, Greens and the Christian Party
tear my life to pieces
Did he smash that?
I've heard of her but don't know much about politics
Why not make the Sup Forums party and pronounce it as Pool Party so it sounds fun?
If your top priority isn't keeping out shitskins stopping Asians from flooding in and keeping Australia white,your a fucking cunt. That's all I came here to say mates
I'll rather be a little more poor then usual and 90% White then okay off and 60% white. All your green energy,religion,gay shit,internet comes after that got it mates
Kingstons, lad
Why not post you're tits
We've already been full of shitskins ever since we started letting in Italians...
Remember to vote the greens!
>implying Mediterranean niggers are bad
post tits
fuck the tits I want more belly
well, given "gang-banging" implies a larger group fucking a smaller one, that's clearly impossible with a nation with a 1.4 billion strong population
unless the west goes cold turkey with its addiction to greed (all but impossible) and stops viewing chinks through a western prism, nothing can be done
Hey their fucking fine they integrated fine and they haven't exactly been lefty cucks. I'm all for keeping us by far majority British isles but their one billion times better then Chang and his eleven children or Jamal and his 8 children
a fine connoisseur of the sheila form, are ya?
Greens leader is Italian
nah just a pervert that likes a nice tum tum
>tim tams
>compound cooking "chocolate" on top of more compound cooking "chocolate"