
Reminder that it's FUCKING HAPPENING and all you so called "red-pilled" cucks have bought into the media circus

>(1) Number of Russian armed forces attacks in southeast Ukrainesed over the last day, the enemy opened fire in total 49 times upon Ukrainian troops positions, in particular: 6 times on Luhansk direction, 19 times on Donetsk direction and 24 times on Mariupol direction;

>(2) Luhansk direction: Russian armed forces concentrated their shelling around the village of Novooleksandryvka with small arms, grenade launchers and sniper fire; one more Russian attack reported in Novozvanivka;

>3) Donetsk direction: Russian forces actively used mortars and cannon artillery, violating Minsk agreements; in total, the enemy released 576 (!) mortar mines and 226 (!) artillery shells upon Ukrainian troops positions; the hottest spots remain in Avdiivka industrial area, Horlivka and the village of Luhanske; besides of heavy weaponry, Russian armed forces opened fire from APCs, anti-aircraft guns, grenade launchers, large caliber machine guns and small arms; as a result of Russian shelling at Avdiivka a child was wounded

>(4) Mariupol direction: combats continue near Maryinka and Krasnogorivka, where Russian armed forces used forbidden 82-mm and 120-mm mortar launchers as well as grenade launchers, machine guns and small arms; in addition, the enemy opened fire from Dokuchaevsk upon Ukrainian armed forces positions in Berezove and Novotroyitske; in total, Russian forces released 82 mortar mines upon Ukrainian troops positions; Russian forces also shelled from large caliber machine guns, grenade launchers and small arms upon Ukrainian positions in Taramchuk and Vodyane; Russian APCs’s fire reported at the village of Granitne;

MORE: empr.media/news/conflict-zone/ukraine-war-updates-june-12-2016/

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russia did nothing wrong where are proves russia army number one fighting force take down usa anyone who disagrees with me is isis

Russian troops aren't in Ukraine.

And i thought i'd never have to use this picture again

They are now nigga

No one cares about a bunch of stinky slavs killing each other.

In regards to Donetsk, they need to shut the fuck up, there's more important things going on in the world, like the new series of the real housewives of beverly hills.

No one cares about their pathetic little cry for attention.

you sound upset

Ukraine is rightful Russian clay.

We need to get out of there.

I just don't care about Slavs chimping out, they have no real rights or reason to be chimping out and need to be silent.

They can all die for all I care.

Fuck off Putin shill

still upset over that goal huh

Why do we want to expand our bloc into Ukraine again? I think we're honestly better off leaving it to Russia.




We need a good old fashioned war gaddammit. I want to see massive army deployment in giant fluid battkefields. I want the draft. I want rationing at home. I want military expenditures to exceed all other spending. I want total fucking war. I want 10 tank divisions duking it out on the field. I want the blood of all soaking the earth.

And most of all, what I want more than anything else... what I want is to see the entire world slide into something like Twilight:2000


what is it?

What's the media like in Russia vlad? Complete blackout like here?

Part of your nation that was stolen from you. Arm yourself and take it back

If the Rouble threads are anything to go by, I'd say Putin is doing some serious damage control.

Who cares who Russia invades? They going to flood the country with niggers? Because that's what happens when you buddy up with the Kwa.

America is a nigger faggot country. People who defend it and its interests are garbage. Sand nigger kike garbage.

As usual not happening

Redpill yourself. Depend on event like everywhere.


Easy there edgemaster, don't wanna cut yourself


Nice grammar shills
I don't have access Russian media m8

That's what they are doing at the moment mate.

He's right you know.

Ukrainian government nowadays is 99.9% kike oligarch controlled, they even don't hide it.

Don't hate an entire race, because they beat you at a corrupt game, m8.

Because something something Next 100 Years, something something Intermarium Something something Imparative something something Brezhinski

I know, and it's fucking delicious

Why are they even fighting? For what fucking reason, there is no reason.

They need to shut the fuck up and get a real problem to fight over, like mass starvation or something.

Idiots, they are all idiots. They need to get over themselves.

The most funniest thing here is that "ukraine" literally means "periphery" on Russian and Ukrainian(periphery of the Russian state). And cuckrainians calls themselves "ukrainians".

If Russia loses Ukraine/Crimea, orthodox geopolitical analysis says they're finished as a superpower and castrated because ports or something.

Taking Ukraine/Crimea is a huge unacceptable strategic provocation to Russia.

>calling someone else an idiot when you just about ruined your own country

Jesus, did some ruskies slap your shit in Muslimville?

>finished as a super power
>implying they aren't already
They just have a fuck ton of nukes and that's about it. They have an economy the size of Italy's and it lack diversity.


>Donbass conflict
>real news
You don't even need to slide this shit, no one except the most radical svidomie and vatniki cares about this circus of khohols and drunkard coalminers.

It's fucking hilarious. My god, I had no idea. That's fucking glorious on an epic scale to this product of the glorious cold war

>craaaaawling in my skiiiin

I didn't even mention the mine, Shill

>“We know that the OSCE mission went to the separatists on the other side, to photograph and to see that it is the separatists shelled. The separatists have them kicked out, not given access to their positions, and they returned to our positions. The Butovka mine almost completely destroyed. Four children died from a very severe wound, the doctors are fighting for his life, eight wounded, and three wounded, 15th battalion. About 20 guys from different units of the APU are wounded,” he said.

>In the area of ATO the Butovka mine almost completely destroyed. This broadcast channel “112 Ukraine” said the head of the NGO “Carpathian Sich” Taras Deyak.

Putin's alright. Except for the fact he tolerates islam

Agree. Sup Forums needs to know more about Russia.
Welcome to our thread:

>Being this buttblasted that Ruskies killing Ruskies really isn't important in the grand scheme of things.

Allahu ackbar Jihad!

>the media circus

NATO dicking around IS the media circus

Cyka Blyat!!!

Russia will win

I've seen a video once disproving all of that retarded anti ukrainian propaganda. Don't believe it.

>Russian forces

Sadly nothing is happening, I would kill for some more "Adventures of Givi and Motorola"

in this case try to play in google translate "yкpaинa" and "oкpaинa"

>Somebody on youtube once said that Islam is a religion of peace and showed a meme saying that if ISIS was really muslim they would know that killing is false
That's how you sound, anyway.

excellent. no more fags in kiev

Name: Okpaina (Okraina).
Name: ykpaina (Pikabu).

Edgy burgers are the worst

wtf are you talking about?

Why so many shills itt? Why so much sliding?

This doesn't make sense

Burgers are not slaves yet. Unlike you. Mud hut nigger.

Not yet.



Fuck off 5th column

> This doesn't make sense
Shill's boss Volodin (gay) don't care about it. He just makes money.

Shit, take picture before you run out of batteries

Feel free to turn off your proxy.

So many shills on full force today
when its actually happening you fucks deny it
kill yourselves

>people have different opinion
>shill shill shill!

Welcome to our anti-shill thread

Polish roulette.

>russian forces
Fuck off. Also, ever believing anything Ukrainian "sources" say - theres OSCE reports that are somewhat remotely reliable and thats it.

If "russian forces" were involved, the war would be length over. Ukrs should be happy we arent, Syria was good display of what we can do.

you mean you did fuckall

Well, that fuckall sure would be sufficient to fuck all the country like yours. More airstrikes than "coalition" in year.

Kek, we even shown off the ability to fuck your shit from 2 thousand miles away from the local pound.



Y'all can't do shit nigger


They're chimping because Israel is using tactical nukes in the middle east.

It is excellent pic. In Russia I would have been sent to a prison for posting of this picture.

>In Russia I would have been sent to a prison for posting of this picture.

What kind of sentence could you get for it?
I mean i heard you banned some memes.

Says the actually nigger that does shit. You didnt even see us comming neither in Crimea nor Syria. Talk about incompetent.

Ha, ha, ha.

Big Kids Free Online War Games@Sup Forums.

What a Fagot!

Are you inbreed jewishshills run out of people to bump your shitty shill thread?
Get lost, fucking walking soap.

>i see you!
i'm spooped

This an attempt to inject war money into russias lethargic economy. Rulers always say war is good for business, and thats exactly whats happening.

>Get lost, fucking walking soap.
My sides were not prepared for this KEK,
This is why my favorite posters are Russian because your insults are fucking hilarious.
Spasibo za kek bratan :DDD

> What kind of sentence could you get for it?
The most probable is a conditional sentence for a common man. But if you have been observed by FSB, you get a real sentence.
Like he meduza.io/en/feature/2016/05/27/this-is-how-russian-police-deal-with-someone-who-wrote-one-comment-online-video
> I mean i heard you banned some memes
Russia banned most of antikremlin memes.

> Russia bans memes.
They couldn't handle the bants, clearly.

Might i ask, what are your political views?

Sounds really bad, And here i thought Sweden were bad when it came to questioning our government.
Here i can lose my job if i openly question shit that government don't want me to question and that's about it if we don't count the scumbag Antifa who attack people they don't like.

>Ukraine today


>projecting this hard
Sorry about all of the niggers m8, but try to keep your vagina under control.

I am right liberal (I hate commies and feminists) and siberian regionalist.

>right liberal
Could you take this test and come back politicalcompass.org/test
I don't really know what a "right liberal" is.
Up to you if you want to or not

Nothing big happened. Some batallion cucks got blown up on a landmine few days ago and last night armed forces allegedely got shelled 40 times

in other words, a mongol or tatar

It seems your test was made by leftist scum. But I started anyway.

Don't project, kremlin shill.

>Don't project
Are you implying Canadians are mongols of tarar

Kremlin shills are mongols (not literally).


In other words cuck. Go to reddit.

Don't go insulting the Mongols and Tatars by comparing them to that idiot.
He's an American spy. He showed off all his passports in another thread a week ago.
He's probably not even in Russia. They opened that "counter-propaganda" centre in Estonia or Latvia at the beginning of the year. He's probably stationed there.

>467k total men
>1.325k total casualties

then you won't be able to shitpost user. we can't have that happening.

OK. My results related. If this test has been made by normal people instead of leftist scum I would get more realistic results.

>being a libertarian
>letting degeneracy exist
>not letting the state clamp down on degenerates
What's wrong with you?