Does anyone else feel scared?

Does anyone else feel scared?

And I don't mean the hums of a happening, I mean... does anyone get this eerie sensation like we're right near the climax of a terrible, historic moment? Like with all these latest events, there's something we're missing out on, and that somewhere, something is speeding towards oblivion with unsung characters that will be forgotten like sand trying desperately to save it before it's too late, and yet others push it ever closer to the great death of history?

I know we shit post a lot about happenings and race wars but there's something indescribably off about it this. Not just a helter skelter plot, but something much more than that. Do you feel it?

Do you feel the clock ticking?

plz i wantto sleep.

Dubs indicate Kek wills it

But seriously though I have been getting that vibe

Soon . . .

>Do you feel the clock ticking?

>300 Gallons of Whiskey
>168 cartons of cigarettes
>16,000 rounds of ammo

Nope. Nada. Don't feel a thing.

Well, it'll fun to experience it I guess.

Yeah I get what are you saying. Too much is happening recently and it makes me feel agitated.

we are

western society is strangling all of us with a tightening grip. people are snapping all around us at an increasing frequency. we wont be able to trust each other at all much longer.

Get comfy user. This ride only gets wilder. Get right with your family and God if that's your thing. Just be strong and be the man you were meant to be.

>I feel something amiss. Time to make a thread about it.

I've been hearing this shit since 2012.

Now ye assemble, my children,
waiting to hear the Secret of Secrets
which shall give ye power to unfold the God-man,
give ye the way to Eternal life.

Plainly shall I speak of the Unveiled Mysteries.
No dark sayings shall I give unto thee.
Open thine ears now, my children.
Hear and obey the words that I give.
First I shall speak of the fetters of darkness
which bind ye in chains to the sphere of the Earth.
Darkness and light are both of one nature,
different only in seeming,
for each arose from the source of all.
Darkness is disorder.
Light is Order.
Darkness transmuted is light of the Light.
This, my children, your purpose in being;
transmutation of darkness to light.
Hear ye now of the mystery of nature,
the relations of life to the Earth where it dwells.
Know ye, ye are threefold in nature,
physical, astral and mental in one.
Three are the qualities of each of the natures;
nine in all, as above, so below.

You will all discover the wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus or you will perish.

Seriously, does anyone else just feel like this time there's something off, something different? The extra levels of cognitive dissonance, the sort of culmination of all these different political groups paradoxically all attaining zeitgeist at the same time, and just something in the air. I don't know how to describe it, it's like how animals feel when a natural disaster is coming and run to all hell.

I don't think this is a regular happening. I think something really unfathomable is about to transpire.

Kek doesn't will it, but it's going to happen.

It's been keeping me awake very late into the night. Something is horrifically wrong, and it's coming together far too quickly.

I just graduated trade school, and instead of starting to work I've enrolled in online courses that will "augment" my trade school so I can get an even better job.

While this is completely true, the real reason I'm doing this is so I can stay NEET for about 6 months and see how all of this plays out.

I have a terrifying dreadful feeling about this. Even scared to write up non threatening posts on this site or social media to be honest.


Know ye, O man,
that all of the future is an open book
to him who can read.
All effect shall bring forth its causes
as all effects grew from the first cause.
Know ye the future is not fixed or
stable but varies as cause brings forth an effect.
Look in the cause thou shalt bring into being,
and surely thou shalt see that all is effect.
So, O man, be sure the effects that ye bring
forth are ever causes of more perfect effects.
Know ye the future is never in fixation but
follows man's free will as it moves through
the movements of time-space toward
the goal where a new time begins.

Man can only read the future through
the causes that bring the effects.
Seek ye within the causation and
surely ye shall find the effects.

We're not counting down anything anymore lads, it's already begun

Maybe you'll make it out of this, japan.
Maybe you'll be alright.

I am also astonished by the ignorance of everyone in my age range (mid 20s) to what is going on right in front of us.

If you showed me proof that people were being dragged out of bed and brainwashed, I might actually believe it. It's insane.

My peers that I went to high school with, laughed and had good times with. They are now so woefully unaware of what is going on. I've had many even delete me from social media when I gently tried to explain their madness to them.

Yep. My dad just said this a few days ago. He said that this is a very crucial moment in history. He said he belives this is bigger than most of America's history, and that the entire world is on the brink of something huge.

He said he was jealous of my age, and that he wished he was 20 years old so he could experience it all. He really wants to see what is going to happen.

>instead of starting to work I've enrolled in online courses

Jeezus Keerist. Kid, you need to get out in to the world and start earning your way through life. Once you've got a shit ton of bills to worry about and how you're gonna put food on the table and invest in retirement and your kid's education, all these weird "feelings" you're having will be forgotten.

>it's grown-up time now, son

I feel it too, but unlike you I WANT it and I WANT it NOW. The sooner the better.

The feeling can be described as tension beneath a seemingly placid sea.

The beast is preparing to awaken


Shit is fucked, but shits always been fucked.

All I feel is the need to see what happens next.

I think it's been weird since 2012-2013. That's when I started noticing that things were becoming...different. There's so much hostility, frusteration, and drama these days. So much corruption is coming to light also.

I moved to Chicago in 2010. When I moved here, it was actually pretty nice. A lot of beautiful women everywhere, people were generally pretty friendly. But after about 2013, many people started moving away and this place got REALLY FUCKING HOSTILE. I mean, it's like nothing I've ever seen before. People are just flipping eachother off everywhere you go. Everybody is very angry.

You are psychotic and spend too much time on the Internet which is turning you into a lunatic. Also get to know the term confirmation bias. If you spend the entire day on Sup Forums reading about terror attacks, ethnic conflicts, political issues and frauds, sure you get a bit paranoid.

Go out and breath fresh air, turn off your computer. There's a life out there you know.

You're goddamn right something unfathomable is about to happen.

Something that will shake the very foundation of the world and it's people to it's core.

Something that will obliterate your very concepts of right and wrong, left and right, even time and space.

Humanity will brand together as a collective conscience. Your concepts of reality will start to blur and confuse themselves with dreams. Forces at work in the universe will reveal themselves to you in ways that no man throughout history has ever thought could have ever been possible, in any way, shape, or form.

And then you'll realize what you were thinking about the whole time was the fact that we have to choose between Trump and Hillary to run the free world. What the fuck is up with that? I mean, Trump is better, more like less shitty, but SHEESH, what the fuck happened?

>anyone else feel scared?


I watched trump in an imbecilic autism for about 20 minutes today making an utter ass out of himself trying to tell everyone that they need to be Very Afraid and Shit In Their Pants RITE NAO!! His numbers are plunging like a lead brick in an ocean trench, by the minute. He's barely even a cartton at this point.

Been laughing pretty hard. Feeling comfy as fuck. People are getting focused on some of the more serious problems of the world we need to fix.

Go outside. Feel the sunshine on your skin. Think about what you can do to make the world a slightly better place, then do it. You'll feel amazing.

The media bullshit circus just completely fell apart, and they just keep carrying on as usual.

Anyone in GamerGate saw that there is a real, coordinated dark fucked up agenda amongst all the left-wing MSM. Someone pulls their strings and hard.

Dude I've already worked 80 hour weeks without being paid for overtime at 8 dollars an hour, in the blistering 95 degree Florida heat. Did this for three years as a matter of fact.

Now I'm at a point in my life where circumstance allows me to take a breather for a bit. I'm furthering my education. I know you take me for a fedora wearer but you're wrong.

this is a well known delusion. People have always believed the end times were upon us

its your insecurities showing through. You subconsciously hope for the end times to absolve you of all your failures in life that have left you far from reaching your potential.

After all, if everything goes to shit anyway, nothing you did mattered.

Get over your self, fix your shit, and stop clinging to the hope that something else will.

They buy into everything they've been told. Why not? They're comfortable, everyone around them seems to be comfortable. Adversity is the only thing that keeps people sane, struggle is what keeps their eyes open to the real world. The West is so complacent that the technological advancements born of the struggles that lead to this comfort are being appropriated by those who still struggle in the Middle East and elsewhere. Your friends don't know, they don't want to know, and they're certainly happier not knowing.

Meh, old as fuck and it always feels like this. There's always some damn thing.

Not scared. More like the night before Christmas type of feeling.

>be scared rite nao

Uhhh we had a pop singer get shot in the head, then 50 gays shot up by an ISIS member in the same city, then an ISIS stabbing in France. Three days in a row. Many areas in western civilization are in hostility and violence.

That's pretty fucking weird and unusual.

I've had this feeling for the past few years and it's been slowly getting stronger since it started.
Something big is coming very, very soon.

Im right there with you famalam.

yeah i do its fucking horrifying :c

Dear OP, buy some guns and 3-8 weeks worth of emergency food that lasts a few years. Try working out some and training with your guns.

Try centering yourself and meditating, goto church and be kind to people.

The happening is here and it is soon, but don't dwell on it, be productive and live your life.

Be happy but be ready to adapt.

Maybe get some Radiation pills too.

I'm pretty sensitive to the zeitgeist and have never been a very worried or anxious person. Been pretty confident my whole life.

Five years ago, I started having panic attacks in my sleep (girlfriend told me). Last two or three years, I've developed severe anxiety in my daily life.

I can basically hear the clock ticking in my head every second. Hesitant to do anything with my life because I know it's all going to be for nothing, and soon.

tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock

It's always like this in election years. Honestly, 2008 was more eventful. We were still in Iraq and then the whole economy imploded.

It seems weirder now because Trump actually being the nominee is fucking surreal. Politics has become reality TV!

It will happen when the weather cools.

That's when they'll make their move.

The plans laid long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition.

They're trying to force God's hand.

Watch for these signs:

Three branches will become one.

An island will drift away.

A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.

The star will gorge itself on clay.

Idols will speak and move about.

The black flag will fly above the dome.

The belly of the dragon will drip water.

Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.

A rock will stand on seven hills.

The ravens will starve.

The bear will leave its cave forever.

The rod and the ring will strike.

Those wargame posts anons from fake chan posted were quite sobering

There comes a point when fear is gone, and only the moment exists.

The happening is on the horizon, and it may kill me.

But I will adapt, and I do not fear death.

Basically stop being a pussy OP, and be productive.

Only monitor and worry about happenings that can effect you.

Something fucked up started happening with all this privilege-checking safe space SJW lunacy that just came out of fucking nowhere.

Like, what the FUCK is that shit and when did it start happening, and why? It's obviously a trojan horse to fuck up free speech on the Internet, like a US government hatchet job.

"Think of the women, give up your first amendment!!!"

i acutally feel the same way, like things are getting way sader and shit feels weird.

Compare the current state of the world to 1914 - 1945. WWI, Spanish Influenza, and WWII, all in the space of 30 years. 150 million + people died. Let that statistic sink in.

No hyperbole, the world fucking ended.

True, the world today is far more chaotic and awful than it was 5, 10, 15 years ago. But it pales compared to the first half of the last century.

Yeah. Something definitely changed around 2012-2013.
People just started acting different and everything started going to shit.
What happened, anons?

>work tomorrow

>media circus fell apart

It was seriously bizarre to watch that. It happened last winter/spring. It sort of casually became clear that all of the politicians were bought off, all of the media have some weird orchestrated agenda with an uncompromising bias, and governments are actually a bunch of normal people who are kinda confused.

It was completely bizarre watching Donald Trump walk out on national television and start insulting 17 powerful people of America's dynasty like a high schoolers. All of them immediately dropped down to his high school level and looked like children. These are people who are making decisions on how we live.

Mind blowing times we're in.

>I have a terrifying dreadful feeling about this.

So do I. The world, or at least my world, will not be the same.

Out of my hands; out of your hands.

I feel you, but here's the thing. For the last year I've almost stayed away outright from the Internet while dealing with real life stuff, moving out, getting a job, etc. And the thing is I'm not seeing this stuff jusy online, I'm seeing it in real life.

Let me tell you something, I'm a venezuelan. I grew up in a socialist hell hole where everyone was scared for their life and their livelihood. But there was always, I don't know, some basic humanity there. You could walk up to someone and agree of the bad state of things, share an empanada and maltas, and leave with some sense of, maybe not camraderie, but of a very basic human connection. I moved to America and... there's nothing like that here. I don't know if maybe americans don't notice it, but you people act like fucking aliens sometimes. You all focus on weird things that don't matter and it's like everyone is in their own separate reality crying to get out. It's like whatever human connection any society could have was completely severed in American society. And I've been in both the south and the north, though not the west coast. But it's the same everywhere.

There's something intensely alienating and scary about American society and I've been noticing it get even worse over the last year alone. And it goes beyond politics and into basic human interaction. The poor have the hubris of the rich, the rich have the humility of self made martyrs, and everything is just really wrong. And lately it feels like it's all coming to a head, like this way of being just cannot support itself anymore and we're about to see some very terrible results along with the machiavelan puppetry going on behind the scenes. In fsct, I can only guess the being the scenes stuff will be worse than it ever was because of this strange society.

Its interesting you mentioned this. I feel like whatevers coming kek either does not will it or is neutral towards it. Theres a deep happening coming.

>Occupy Wall Street
>Elite shit their pants
>Soros & Co unleashed their funded rioters/civil unrest squads
>Plebs are fighting over breadcrumbs again
>Extreme racial agitation and Islam cocksucking out of nowhere
Like where the fuck did all this unrest come from?! I thought race relations were great and improving until about 3 years ago. It's almost like people were finally getting over it.

Women on the Internet hit a critical mass around that time.

I'm so old that I remember president Kennedy going toe to toe with the Russians over nuclear missiles in Cuba. That said, OP is right. There seems to be a bad moon rising tonight.

Shut the fuck up and buy a sleep-aid like I'm sorry

And that's around the time that microaggressions, trigger warnings, white privilege, constant offense being taken at everything, safe spaces, and general anti-white, anti-male, and anti-western insanity ceased to be the domain of dark corners in campus liberal arts departments and started reaching a sudde fevered pitch in mainstresm culture. And it's just been getting worse and worse each year. The US is balkanizing before our eyes and now we have someone like Trump as a serious contender for President with millions of hardcore followers and millions of violent opposers. Things are coming to a head. Dismiss it and ignore it at your own peril.

No need to fear it. Just as it has always been so shall it always be. Life is cyclical. We will be back again.

Honestly, I had this exact same feeling exactly last year as we were nearing the Shemita...Experiencing shit on the daily on here, whether it's absolutely fucking convincing posts about CERN, or those cryptic threads where information is encripted...cryptically.

Maybe we overshot it, maybe the Shemita is this years in September, and not last?

It's the Jubilee year, friend. If you've paid attention to the markets you would see the coming of a new time is upon us

>Stocks overinflated
>Homes overinflated
>Italian banks near bankrupt
>German banks printing billions of euros
>No job creation
>Various billionaires warning of a coming economic meltdown including the prime minister of Glorious Nippon
>Growing civil unrest
>Holdouts against the dollar are rising (Silver, Gold, and Bitcoin)
>Global Economy on the precipice of collapse

Can we not do these?

Agreed. My high school had a bunch of hippie families in it, so some of my peers were overly-sensitive SJW types in about 2009. People would laugh and say "haha shut up feminazi!"

Nobody really took it seriously. I remember around 2012-2013 that sort of stuff getting really mainstream. Then suddenly EVERYBODY bangwaggoned on it. Even people who were always just normal people. People who were never even opinionated about stuff just turned into massive SJW faggots out of no where.

Even CHURCHES became SJW-tier faggots. It is BIZARRE.

The Orlando shooting I think is the turning point desu. The straw that broke the camel's back. I've had a sick feeling in my stomach since that day that I can't shake. All the things I've heard and read, people reacting to it.... I honest to god for the first time in my life fear for my loss of freedom and rights.

Yea it's called Muslims and birth rates

They will take over soon without even any violence, if anything, these little outbursts of violence are just little glimpses into what our daily lives will be like when they're the majority. We will be killed for not being Muslim if we don't stop from

the niggers were pacified for a time after obama was elected.

Then not much changed for them and they got angry again. What do you know, Obama couldn't make nig nogs stop committing more crimes than whites and thus getting arrested/shot more often

Same. Work for REIT, am pretty successful in life for a 24 yo who hasn't graduated the college YET.

The plan for me a few years ago was to start my own company, even shopped my plan around to a dozen or so investors.

Far from not a grown up.

Worthwhile post.

We'll all live to see Europe awash with blood, that's for sure.

The only thing that terrifies me is that the current situation normalizes, nothing eve happens and no one pays for their sins.

I want reckoning.

What is this from?

The last three out of four posts were repeating digits and they all indicate similar things.

No doubt the civil and racial unrest has been initiated on purpose by the ((media)) in order to maintain their status quo. Shit is coming to a head. This isnt just about the 50 shot in Orlando. But I have a deep intuition about our cultural zeitgeist like the other user indicated.

>A Bad Moon Rising indeed.

Stay comfy out there anons.

Well and shitskins in general

European banks: a problem of profitability—but not of liquidity or ... › 2016/02/12 › e...
Mobile-friendly - Feb 12, 2016 - However, Italian banks do not face solvency issues (with the possible exception of Banca Monte dei ...

i hope somthng happens im bored

That's how American culture has always been. It's called individualism

Abe is also shit why would you listen to him. You wanna hear from Narendra next?

We are nearing the eschaton the stands at the end of history.

>their own seperate reality crying to get out

Holy shit that is so FUCKING EERIE that you just said. I have had at least 5 foreigners explain this to me. I could never figure out what they were talking about until I read your post right now.

Man has been saying since dawn of time world will come to end by their life times

I've had this feeling for awhile, but with all of the recent events the past couple of years it only reinforces that feeling.
It feels like i'm anticipating a sudden and swift change that i'll have to adapt to quickly. It's eerie as fuck

What the heck are you talking about?

Everybody in America thinks they are the main character of their own movie. Probably the negative mental effects of growing up in a country dominated by Hollywood.

The world will never end, only change.

Nice post. All the best. I don't buy half the shit we talk about south and central america nor the reasons for fuck all

I'm talking about a major political shift, not the end of the world, you fucking leaf.

Wow you really don't know geopolitics

I love Hermes, but you're a faggot

It's almost the 100th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution. Did you think the kikes weren't going to celebrate?

I don't think it's the end times. I think it's massive civil unrest and social upheaval. A total reordering of the United States, if it even stays intact.

I'm looking at the markets, famajam. I have no idea of what you're talking about.

I fear that we have breached the time when history is made by great events, but instead is only made by great statistics. What we're experience is the beginning of the heat death of society. No spirit, no structure, no institutions, no heroes, just fear and babble.

It is, people will realize how horrible Islamic states are when its too late, meanwhile they are going to blame homophobia, guns and absurd ideas.

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The end is near. The sinners will meet their maker come Judgement Day. All thimgs will be returned to God.

Welcome to diversity.

user, where did you read about this? Point me somewhere. My dreams have been getting more and more vivid. I find myself confusing them with reality and feeling like I'm living in some whimsical dream.

I don't care. They are such basic concepts. Nobody wants to play this lame fucking of pretending to be an illiterate. The two "strange and weird and unamerican" words there are simply two first names. Bitch get your ass on google or say nothing to me

I've never known a time as violent as this. I can feel something bubbling out from the pot, like it's all going to explode very, very soon. Something that no one can stop is coming- and it's very obvious who's been pushing us here. I'm almost certain that this is no accident, there is a force behind this that is too ubiquitous to call it coincidence. I know it's not gonna be nukes, I know it's not gonna be a pandemic, but something far more evil and less tangible than that.

But I don't begrudge it. Trump is actually creating the atmosphere that all these social shifts are taking place in.

Additionally Its just ran its course. The media narrative. People are sick of it. They don't respect or trust it anymore. They don't trust the news...or entertainment...and in fact they probably never should have.

People are starting to push back. I don't want to watch female ghostbusters...I don't want to watch female jedis...I don't want this shitty agenda constantly shoved in my face. Black lives matter tore down decades of racial progress...and I think people are seeing that....More people are not blindly accepting all the bullshit from the black community in this country anymore.

The Times

Theys a changin.

2:30 in the am, I did not need this.
I asked for this, but I did not need this.