So. I came here originally just to see what all the fuss is about. Now I browse and even post here regularly

So. I came here originally just to see what all the fuss is about. Now I browse and even post here regularly.

I don't agree with a lot of things posted here, but that's alright. The free speech allowed here is totally intoxicating, and unlike almost all other places on the internet. People can say whatever the fuck they want. Gives me a real freedom boner.

Am I here forever, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

>I don't agree with a lot of things posted here
Like what?

Anti-cuck probably

>I don't agree with a lot of things posted here
Fuck off, nigger lover.

I stared off like you when I first visited this board. Over the weeks and months I started to agree with the opinions of this board. Now I've been here 4 years, you can never leave.

For starters, I haven't been convinced that Hitler did nothing wrong.

>I don't agree with a lot of things posted here

You're fucked.
True believers can pretend to not see a great many things.
Open minds can't run from the truth.

You could be lying. But, so could I.

I haven't either.

I'm a pretty mainstream faggot but I find Nazism fascinating. National Socialism requires a common enemy to unite against, but when you create a false enemy to unite the people, suspicion is naturally bred, which leads to a huge lack in social stability.

What I guess I mean to say is that, for me anyway, the memetic Nazi shit is incessantly funny and intriguing to me. I would suspect most people are more along these lines.


Nah. You just haven't delved far enough or don't share the same view of what humanity should be.

Well you need to learn about how the Jewish Elite is directly involved in this Multicultural Excitement which is destroying the west. Look at it and then look how the Jews handle the issue in Israel

I've delved pretty far, but then again I'm a huge Jewish sympathizer so...
I still think the Jew meme is hilarious though

It's worse than that, user.

You'll agree with more and more as you start seeing the sense in things.
Don't overdose, though, or we'll have to move you on to /x/

Maybe I shouldn't have said "a lot." More accurate would be "some." I'm pretty far right wing. To give you an idea, I agree with Trump on every issue except for a few like transgender bathrooms and gay marriage.

I agree the Jew meme is hilarious. Never gets old.

pretty much me

Oh well, keep where you're at. It's still a ways before the deep end.
I'm mostly here because of EU and immigration skepticism, gays and such being okay in my book.

This is one of the few places on the web where there is actual unfiltered, anonymous speech that's simultaneously well moderated (to screen out shitspam).

This is perhaps the one place on the web, and indeed in the world, where you have a chance of stumbling upon the truth
The redpills are real, once you take them you can never go back.

Discard your PC filter and keep an open mind
You're already frogposting which is a good sign

Back to

yes motherfucker now stop leafposting

You post here without the required lurking. I miss when newfags had the decency to lurk before they thought their fee fees were important

Ah yes, the famous Jewish communist rebellion of 1918 that isn't taught in the history books

>The free speech allowed here is totally intoxicating, and unlike almost all other places on the internet. People can say whatever the fuck they want. Gives me a real freedom boner.

you are one weird guy.

freedom of speech was a mistake

>Implying that laughing at something means not taking it seriously at all


>Imaginary requirements
No one gives a fuck, and no one ever will.

It's a fucking meme you dip.

Poe's law. You can never tell for sure.

Take the holohoax redpill

The evidence against the Holocaust narrative is overwhelming

Victim testimonies are thinly veiled propaganda filled with inaccuracies, lies, and contradictions

The infrastructure of the camps is unsuitable for the purpose of mass extermination

Note that every single one of these videos is blocked in Europe

My views rest squarely on the "Hitler wasn't as wrong as normie society asserts but he still majorly fucked up" side of things, if we're being completely honest here.

>Am I here forever, Sup Forums?

7 years from now you'll be sitting on here at 3:15 in the morning asking yourself the same question.

I grew up here without even realizing it.

Hitler did nothing wrong because the world today proves him right.

That's because you're ignorant, my friend, and if you're over the age of 25, just fucking kill yourself. You're a lost cause.

There would be no point in me spending time watching those. It has already become established history in the minds of the vast majority, true or not. It is "true" even if it didn't happen.

I think, because I wasn't specific about most of the things I don't agree with pol on, some people have mentally gone to their pet theory, value, or belief, and are offended that I supposedly don't agree with them on it.