Reminder that this is the real flag of china

Those faggots on the mainland are fakes. We are the rightful government of China and we will be back in control again some day.

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hi myanmar


true desu lad

How's vacation going in Myanmar?

I've heard most true Chinese don't really care about the mainland anymore, is this Jewish tricks in the media again?

i forgot about taiwan thanks for reminder mini china

hope one day you make flag look more like texas and establish our weeaboo presence

Yes Taiwan is the original China (Republic of), but might makes right hence the People's Republic is the world power now


Wish you luck

Agreed my friend.

You will have your vengeance soon enough on the descendants of the Bastard Mao.

Long live the memory of Chiang Kai Shek!!!!!

they will fall apart someday because they are commie fucks
thank you. god bless Chiang Kai-shek


Face it, you're fucked, and you get even more fucked for every penny the PRC makes.


>The world would never know Taiwan is fucking based

I love animu.

taiwan is pretty based

>The world would never know Taiwan is fucking based

You guys need to be more vocal online. There is plenty of anti Commie sentiment out there. You can really make a lot of friends.

it's an ugly flag get a new one


I'm going to make China great again.

what game is that?

>Urobuchi Gen
>Sawano Hiroyuki
>All those fucking big name seiyuus

What the fuck is going on
How can anime compete

That idea is pretty much dead in the water now, isn't it? The KMT seems to want reunification under the PRC and DPP wants total independence. Is there a party in Taiwan that wants to take back the mainland (i.e. shit that's never going to happen)?

Only about 12% of Taiwanese are even from the mainland.

Actually if you notice the current events things are going pretty south for China.

Their economy is slowing down at the moment. The more economic slowdown there is, the more dissatisfaction there will be amongst the populous. Not to mention the fact that hundreds of THOUSANDS of jobs are being lost to robots. People are going to start to become very angry very soon.

hearts of iron 4

in my last game i played as fascist ireland, joined the Axis, and invaded england

It's a shame the commies took the Mainland. China would have been better under the nationalists.

Commies are Cowards. Chiang Kai Shek had Mao on the run and his forces nearly defeated. However, when WWII broke out he had to devote all of his forces fighting the Japanese.

By the time the war was over, his forces were depleted and Mao came out from under his rock and took advantage of the situation.

This is how Commies operate. They are scum of the earth and need to be purged. Death to Marxists!



But even still, modern day Taiwan barely has any roots in the mainland. After the PRC took control, the ROC fled to Taiwan and established martial law there for 40 years. When they became a democracy in 90s, the KMT remained in control, but they'd been steadily losing it.

Tsai Ying Wen and her party, the DPP, are Taiwanese nationalists. The exiled Chinese no longer have any power in Taiwan. Chiang Kai Shek is now regarded as a brutal dictator.

The name ROC and its flag are just remnants of old ruling party of Taiwan. They will be replace when the KMT loses what little grip they have.

>Republic of China
>beautiful, happy, rich, colorful island

>People's Republic of China
>gigantic poor shithole packed to the brim with soulless roaches

Every single time it goes like this.

God bless the ROC

I highly doubt that Taiwan will one day be the owner of China ever again.

You are right. For that to happen, the communist party needs to be dissolved.

Unfortunately, America backstabbed Taiwan and kicked them out of the security council first while they kissed up to Communist Mao which is why Taiwan is in such a cucked position today.

Read this article to find out what we did to Taiwan and made them permanent cucks by sabotaging Taiwan's nuclear arms program with the help of the CIA.



>Shop at Home Depot
>come one day and there is a Graingers there
>Home depot moved down the street
>Grainger, the site of the former Home Depot, oddly insists on still being called Home Depot, even though the Board of Directors, company officers, line and staff are all different .

Yeah no.
ROK real China
PRC imposters