Clinton btfox100

Where were you the day The Donald destroyed Clinton with a single tweet.

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why is he acting like the US doesnt funding terrorist?

When America was great we didn't. When he's President we won't.

That's why.


When was america great?

Before the 60's.

for some people

Certain things you cannot say in a campaign, even him. But he has signalled that he knows.

Yeah, the people that mattered: whites.

for the only people that matter

you really showed him with your social media occult knowledge

>right before civil right stuff
>what are the indian wars

We didn't bother funding it because we didn't contract it out back then.

He has stated on numerous occassions that Obama + Hill funded ISIS and allowed them to expand and gain power.

America was great when we designed, invented, and manufactured innovations domestically. America was great when you could provide for your family using a learned skill without needing $100k+ education.

America was great when you could succeed with hard work, and not much else.

America was great when you could express your opinions freely, without the fear of having your life destroyed.

America was great when we didn't have to knuckle under and be subservient to a foreign ideology for fear of personal repercussions.

America was great when you could go for a night out on the town without being gunned down by some regressive sand-nigger who hates our freedoms.

After the end of segregation huge amounts of black businesses collapsed and black communities were left destitute as a result of having to compete with white businesses

Not just civil rights stuff, but the counterculture in general. The counterculture rid America of its morality, and brought along all the things that ruined this country, including but not limited to:

Casual/Normalized drug usage
Civil Rights for subhumans
Leftist Political Violence
Regularization of LGBT in Society
2nd wave Feminism (and through that 3rd wave)
Beatnik culture
Self-hating antinationalists

Blacks were better off before the 60s in virtually every way you can quantify quality of life than they are now. Murder rate, poverty, drug use, incarceration. Literally all less significant problems for blacks before the civil rights movement than they are now.

Let's not forget that the white gentry who were comfortable with African-Americans, free and not, were replaced with carpet-baggers who were confused and frightened by Black people post 1865.

The worst thing that ever happened to Blacks was their diaspora and movement to northern industrial cities.

How are Detroit and Philadelphia working out?

I saw this and also thought it was the burn of the century

But i was listening to the news before and they were interviewing people who were saying "I didn't like Donald Trumps Tweets" "I thought Hilary Clinton's Tweets were okay". I had to turn it off because it's nonsense

Is this what we've fucking become?

This is what they took away from his speech today

When people like you were beaten for asking a question like that.

>tfw you messaged Trump's PR guy and asked him to tell trump to tweet this a few hours before this

>When he's President we won't.
The only reason America is still relevant today is because of their abrasive foreign policy. If you cut that out, America will cease to be relevant, let alone great.

for the big guys

We are incredibly abrasive. You have that right.

Australia, right? That's that island next to Papua New Guinea. Didn't a Malaysian plane crash there or something?

I have a geography test tomorrow, what's your Capital? I know it's named after someone else's ruler, or it's some funny jumble of letters.

Is this your national anthem?

I just want to learn about your strange and foreign culture because I am a stupid American.


According to trump pre WW1 industrial America and post WW2 until Kennedy
He does not include the Reagan days