He still doesn't realize that neo-Swans are the artist of the decade

>he still doesn't realize that neo-Swans are the artist of the decade
What is taking you so long?

mfwgmuartts > the other nu swans albums

Haven't listened to TGM. Is it good?

its fuckin wank
and directionless music.
climax vore
not the best but very good for it is.


Because Swans is shit. It always has been and always will be.

fuck no
shit taste in musics

Pretty good, better than TBK imo

>I don't enjoy full-body orgasmic music experience

That's a weird way to spell James Ferraro

that's not neo-swans
that's nu-swans

"directionless and climaxcore" is literally an oxymoron you fucking idiot

fuckin lazy throwin in climax at best

Nah, not really. I like My Father, but the trilogy doesn't stand out that much to me. Honestly, it's not Swans without Jarboe.

decent but overrated
each album is like 100 minutes of drone and 20 minutes of music, it's actually really annoying

Jarboe was the worst part of Swans

>each album is like 100 minutes of drone and 20 minutes of music, it's actually really annoying
nu-mu needs to fuck off

its like they got some average singer off the mainstream radio, and then she tries to act edgy lyrically around the real deal Swan bros, but just ends up being reddit still

michael gira; king of nu-males and art hoes

>he doesn't listen to the best album neo-Swans released

Nice one pleb, why don't you form your own opinions on albums and not just listen to the ones Fantano tells you to.

come on, the point of that drone is that it creates really powerful mantra and aura and completely sucks you into its world

You think so? I've always thought that the balance between Jarboe and Gira's creative input is what made 80s/90s Swans so great. I respect Gira very much, but the new albums feel like they're trying too hard to recapture the "Swans sound", and it just comes off as soulless. It's almost as if the albums are long for the sake of being long. Sure, SFTB was 2+ hours as well, but every second felt absolutely necessary to the whole. For lack of a better word, neo-Swans comes off as wank more often than not. With Angels of Light, Gira did whatever the fuck he wanted, and the albums were better for it. However, I think the prospect of making a new Swans album limited him creatively, in a sense. Don't get me wrong, I like the new albums, there's just something missing.

Jarboe was not that good and should never been part of Swans. She was corny tumblerina. New Swans albums are just Swans without Jarboe holding them back. STFTB was largely a collection of random tracks it did not feel together as a whole at all

they are really great musicians. love all their work for the most part

eh it just bores me

Can you please describe a person that was musically active in 80's and 90's without using corny modern internet insult terms? It is kinda out of context.

This criticism I do not get, they sound absolutely nothing like old Swans, at max you could say they sound like 2 or 3 songs off of SFTB, that's it tbqh

Jarboe is corny and lame
she needed to just stop.
she used her pussy to get into Swans thats all

You Just Know

I suppose I worded it a bit poorly then- they're trying to capture the same sort of atmosphere that the old records had, specifically on Soundtracks, but I think you can hear shades of Holy Money, Children of God, and even The Great Annihilator to an extent in the trilogy. Sure, it's not super obvious, and it is something new, but it's trying to recapture the overall mood of those albums without letting it come naturally, if that makes sense.

I see where you're coming from, what's your opinion on The Glowing Man? I think that one specifically has a really meditative feel that imo you don't see in any of their other projects

they are doing things new on the recent albums
...even the very 2nd track on Filth they were already ripping themselves off, think about that.

I don't really see what you mean, to be honest. I like it more than To Be Kind, but it still suffers from the same problems I was talking about above. I haven't heard it in a while, though, so I'll give it another listen. I don't really see it as a "meditative" record, but maybe I'm missing something.
Not a huge fan of Filth, to be honest. It's a decent album, but Holy Money onwards is when they really started getting good.

I don't enjoy being a gigantic faggot which is why I don't listen to this garbage.

but you are and you have shit taste because what the fuck how are they shit listen to music sometime