How mad are you Muslim haters that he turned out to be gay ?

How mad are you Muslim haters that he turned out to be gay ?

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are you assuming this person identified as male?

Not sure if I should kek or >leaf

The fact that he was a repressed closet case just makes it even more clear that Islamic ideas are to blame for this tragedy.

Fag gossip is not proofs.

Mad about faggots and muslims killing each other? Nothing could be better.

He was both. Islam + faggotron.

I called it yesterday, but everyone ignored it.

Straight men don't care this much about homos dancing.

Really makes you shill hug

Never seen a gay muslim before?

Just infidel my shit up.

Ain't even mad

Even better because it's a fag removing other fags

And we can say the he lived in a homophobic society which caused him to be consumed with self hate .


So far we have been hearing things, but not seeing any actual photos of him on the sites.

Sure he has pictures where he looks slightly effeminate, but no outright gay pics.

Then I also looked for the gays making the satements, I only found a sole chubby gay making statements.

It's possible they are fabricating memories in order to create their own narrative. Then another person hears it and they create a memory stating, you know what? I think I saw him too.

I've read quite a few books on psych and involving witnesses, these are not credible. And it's absurd how fast the media will run with things despite lacking of hard proof.

How mad do you think his radical shits for brain father is that his beloved martyrer son turned out to be gay and will burn in islams made up hell i bet now he is actually sad about one of the gay "victims" kek

He is a gay that killed gays. Gays will not defend him in his posthumous trial. He will end up in history as a mad man or a terrorist. The alt right can only gain from this.

Trump already demanded travel restrictions for gays?

So there's conspiracy by a bunch of homosexuals to help take the heat off Muslims ? I'd say you white supremacists have finally lost it

No one he ever knew recalled him receiving that though from anyone but his father.

not mad at all? I assumed it all along based on the way he got all worked up when he saw two men kissing

Why wouldn't you? I thought they were your allies.


no not even close . This will lead to increased gun control, surveillance , and gay awareness and making society more "tolerant" and gay friendly . Things would be different if he actually were a devout straight Muslim, all the talk would be about Islam and banning Muslim immigration. The fact that he was a self loathing homosexual drastically changes the picture . The alt right loses "big league".

You have horrible reading comprehension.

It's entirely possible that people are creating memories that don't exist, but make sense to them/they want to believe.

It's common with large tragedies.

Cute attempt

I knew right away from the odds of him being that close, then the facebook grindr profile url

Where's the proof? All i read was multiple accounts of people saying that he was friendly to gay people until he came back from the Middle East and said things like "America destroyed Afghanistan"

Also, he didn't shoot a YMCA, or a LGBT center, he shoot a gay DANCE club, which are literally a place were people go to listen to trance inducing music, doing trance inducing drugs, while having anonymous and virtual sex

You can't listen (music is loud enough to cut any other audio perception), you can't see (strobing lights + darkness = lose a sense of space), and also the nature of electronic music makes you lose sense of time too, ("how long has this 4bars been looping? 2 times? 2 hours? who knows lol"), and you can't really feel correctly either.

What you do is dettach yourself from humanity and have anonymous pleasure with anonymous partners that could be men, women, kids, animals, or robots for all you care

What you are doing is disconnecting your nervous system and indulging in a sort of infinite orgasmic experience until you finally come down

People who escaped are full of cuts and dirt cause nobody takes care of the place, is a literal dark hole of piss cum and garbage that you go in every weekend to elevate carnal pleasures to a godly state

Its devil worshipping

I pretty much knew it as soon as I saw that retarded selfie

Nope he wasn't gay, they will make up everything now just to not blame Islam and muslims

He regularly talked about killing people and expressing his hatred for America.

You're not going to whitewash this one assholes.

Good point. Maybe this is the future of Canadian shitposting. Keep this up leafs

Yeah it reads as completely fake.

Anything to keep Trump from being right.

Regardless, he wouldn't have shot up a gay bar if he wasn't Muslim. Self hating Muslim or not, it was because of Islam, and he declared his allegiance to ISIS.

Case close, ISLAM IS TO BLAME.

Actually, it's called taqiyya, not homosexuality.

You see there's an rule in Islam where you're allowed to lie, steal, murder, rape, etc. and get away with it by covering it up with lies.

>Okay Achmed, you're gonna go into deep cover for this one
>Post social media pictures of yourself looking like a metro sexual or straight up queer for weeks
>Convince everyone around you that you're not a religious Muslim and act the part to fool them
>After your cover is complete, shoot up a local faggot bar you will have also frequented prior in order for your cover to be more realistic
>Watch as the authorities investigate the false cover we've set up and proclaim through media that you weren't *really* a religious Muslim so as to throw off heat and focus the attention elsewhere
>repeat ad nauseum until Islam dominates the world

And that's how Muslims have learned from the sworn Kike menace.

No, its a """"conspiracy"""" by """internet activists""" to humillate and dehumanize the killer

Go check twitter, the same guys who say this shit are the ones that push other retarded memes like Zodiac Killer, they believe that pushing missinformation is a noble thing

After going to the Middle East, before that he was a normal lad, just an introvert, which means he already thought that the world around him was somehow messed up but couldn't put his finger on

Its pretty clear what happened to him, he was a doubting normie and then he went abroad, got a taste of Russian Illuminati-tier propaganda and lost his mind when he saw his country with those new eyes

What the hell are you talking about I said the only homophobia he ever received was from his family.

This has the potential to increase gun control, I'll give you that.

But there are also gays that incline to be nationalistic, they are going to get him for being an islamic terrorist. It does not matter if he is devout or not, he was a muslim, this isn't timmy smith from westboro baptist church. For the gay community to be protected it needs to be effective in its response, broad "tolerance" protects no one.

This. Muslims fuck little boys anyways.

Why would we be mad? Liberals blamed homophobia for the attack but clearly a gay can't be a homophobe so we win.

>Gay and grew up in muslim household

What do think made him hate himself?
What is it you think people believe?
The entire point is the pushing of islam as gay friendly when it's not.

Yes such a homophobic society, with its gay clubs, gay apps, gay marriage and anti discrimination acts.

You people are insane. Why do love muslims so much? They provide NOTHING to the west.

they're trying to whitewash it by saying it wasn't because he was muslim, it was because he was gay. a crazy fag.

so they're blaming terrorism on homosexuals. the left is doing this.

it's not because of islam, it's because of homosexuality.

it's like i said in another thread, it's as if the cold war never ended. this is fifties purple peril bullshit and the left is doing it because muslims are their special flowers. 'deranged homsexuals imperil america! not our values!'. holy fucking shit!

it is amazing to watch.

Not very. He could have been well adjusted, but instead his religion fucked him up.

It's still not a conversation the Left are willing to have though. Islam can do no wrong, even to one of their own.

They're pretty pissed breh. Frog slide threads about economic crashes are happening again. Maximum ass damage


Are you talking about the homophobic society with the most progressive LGBT laws in the world, where it's literally illegal to refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple? That homophobic society?

Or are you talking about the one where they cut off your head and throw you off a building if you're gay? I get confused.

Homosex is very prevalent among muslims. Probably due to inbreeding. So no surprise at all.

He already said he did this in the name of Islam. What is the point of this?

>How mad are you Muslim haters that he turned out to be gay ?

Do you have a source to back up this claim he's gay?

sometimes i think its just a sexual thing and they want to be forced to wear hijab and get hit by their strong abduli husbands

He said he did it for Islam and ISIS. Who's damage controlling again?

Point proof explanation. Point. BTFO. Muh but but but reiterations

A gay dude can be self hating. See Bishop Eddie Long's career of homophobia

He was on a FBI watch list for being gay is your logic?

i think it's exactly this. they're cowards, and all cowards are bullies, and all bullies worship power. muslim men seem powerful to them, because they're violent cunts. throw into that they can also paint them as victims, and you get a fucktarded situation. it's like all women like assholes, especially vulnerable assholes a la james fucking dean. and they want to save them while simultaneously being dominated by them. they probably think the traditional muslim marriage will give them the protection they so desperately want.

there you have it. muslims are the new james dean.

He had a gay dating profile, why would he have such a thing if he was straight?

Him sucking cock changes exactly jack shit. He had to train and plan hard to do this, and he didn't act alone. He quitclaim his house to his sister, and his 2nd wife scrubbed her social media history. His family knew what was up.

What this means is he was given a choice between getting thrown off a building and burning in hellfire, or die in Jihad and get his 72 virgin boys. Clearly God Emperor Trump knows what we must do. We must torture his surviving family until we get to the truth.

I guess he was gay. What does that have to do with him being an Islamic terrorist?

>fag-lovers coming to Sup Forums and projecting their anger

Not angry at all, I think it's hilarious because it throws a monkey wrench into your retarded narrative.

He's gotten darker

lol, are you seriously asking that in this site

It's not that bad if you think about it. Doesn't ISIS deserve to be trolled? Their power comes through fear more than it actually does attacks. The best they can do is hit soft targets to get attention. If you call their followers faggots and back it up with supposedly real information that doesn't help them does it?

This is what Sup Forums should be doing. This is real meme magic at work.

Yes. Torture his family and do nasty things to hia sister.

Alright, so let's state he's gay?

What is his motives for going on latin night, opposed to a standard night to shoot gay whites, who treat nonwhite gays like second class citizens.

Or was it all coincidental that it was latin night? If he routinely went, he would of had a grasp on the schedule and more than likely attack gays who put 'white only' in their profiles.

>muslims are the new james dean

You just have to call him a gay muslim terrorist. Narrative solved.

Clearly he was a trumpfag who wanted to remove burrito.

Why do you think some goat-fucker rapist-terrorist with a windows98 computer in the middle of a war front in the desert cares about mean words on twiter?

The only who benefits from this "troll" is the Govs. of the West who can keep pretending that "Nooooope, ISIS is not inside, lol, this is just our normal fag self-haters"

And the only ones who suffer it is the victims of terrorism, because if your official story is "is self-hating fags" then you can't police correctly, you end up wasting millions in new "self-acceptance" propaganda while the real threat is still threatening you the same way it did before

If you keep playing this retarded game, it will come a day when you have so much unchecked ISIS inside your countries that you literally will have to turn your govs. into police states to handle with the shit, you will have civil wars inside of the US

This is the best thing that could've happened.

It makes it one step harder to blame this on the CIS white scum.

Gay Muslim kills LGBTs? The only thing better would be if he was on HRT.

>muslim haters

We're just logical thinkers.

Not even. Gays are the real menace to society. We've known this all along

muslims literally condone raping boys, they're all sick fucking degenerate animals, our military for some reason even condones it when working with them, saying its a cultural thing

so how the fuck does that make it not related to islam?

if anything it just shows how barbaric they are

>What is his motives for going on latin night, opposed to a standard night to shoot gay whites, who treat nonwhite gays like second class citizens.

Many news reports said that "Latin night" was the club's busiest night of the year. Omar had intimate knowledge of this fact, it seems.

>he's not a real muslim
>he killed the gays because he's mentally ill
>real muslims are ok with gays
>haha he's gay see muslims are good
>no he's not a real muslim though
Blame the guns in 3. 2. 1

Those people can't hurt us. It's the people that idolize them and want to be like them that exist in our own countries that are the problem. ISIS has a great propaganda machine that tries to spin hell on earth into a paradise. They're literally the most hated people on earth, I bet the people within their borders would rather have a plague of niggers. But there's always some misguided rejects that buy into the martyr meme. When we talk about how chilling the new ISIS video is on CNN we make these people sound powerful and fearsome. They are quite horrible and brutal yes, but they're hated by everyone including other terrorists. The easiest way to troll them is to deny them what they desire, fear, respect, and most of all legitimacy. Saying their guy that shot up the fag bar is a self hating fag throws a wrench in all three. It won't matter in the bombed out hell that is Syria, but what does?

literally how in the fucking world do you manage to be this gay, and a muslim at the same time, AND go kill 50 gay people in protest of something supposedly completely unrelated, something which THOSE GAY PEOPLE ARE THE MOST LIKELY TO AGREE WITH YOU ABOUT

literally what in the fuck is with this guy

>muslims literally condone raping boys
So does Catholicism

>gay muslim shoots up a gay club



and the guardian lines up to blow him

He was gay, had a homo dating profile. You can disagree with liberals and simultaneously be aware of the facts.


>yea well remember the crusades
Now I'm just waiting for a post about how Christianitys 600 years older and started fucking boys 400 years later. And how muslims stretched more boy pussy. This board is like a broken record. Fuck you

modern Catholic priest fuck little boys

He's a pedo though

>How mad are you Muslim haters that he turned out to be gay ?
none of what you said has any correlation with anything you said.

Yeah, remember all those mass shootings by gays in the 50s!


Libs are immune to critical thinking and self-awareness

>Those people can't hurt us
Yes they can, they are doing it routinely and their attacks have accelerated in pacing in the last years. YOU can't hurt them, they don't give a fuck about their own people, you throw some bombs and they go in and cut the heads of the remaining ones for "not being muslim enough"

You don't do that, you globally react to each single murder they commit inside your land

The guys who "fall for the meme" are not the muslim equivalent of katana fedoras, they don't get hyped cause the videos, the videos are for scaring the normies.

The guys who "fall for the meme" are the equivalent of KKK, Black Panthers, of Latin American Marxist-Terrorist (ERP, Montoneros, Sendero de Luz, etc.), Italian Mafia, and of Mexican Cartels; they are all memebers of the same kind of marginal criminal culture that hates western culture for the same religiously-tinted reasons.

They are young males with good physique, trained for combat, knowledge of how to conduct guerilla intelligence, know how to shoot, have street-smarts, connections with corrupt government officials, either raised in extreme poverty or from persecuted ethnic backgrounds, big sense of moral righteousness, believe in a fair after-life, and a history of self-reliance all through out their life.

They don't care about their memes, they are not real for them

>I demand DNA evidence on cum rags

Wow it'd amazing how the proof standard jumps when the story doesn't ft the narrative anymore

>still falling for the electric jew
There's no hope for you. The proportion of pedos in the Church is no higher than in the general population. You would know this if you questioned MSM now and then.

>Sendero de Luz
Sendero Luminoso, im sorry

Yeah, the Syrians are coming here to shoot and bomb us. Maybe once the refugees get in you'll have a point, but that's not happening. It's the people that were born and raised in the US that end up doing this shit so far. I'm not sure if you've noticed or not but ISIS hasn't managed to actually attack the US, just "lone wolf" "sympathizers". It's not because they don't want to either.


>There are people who UNIRONICALLY believe that Obama was not replaced with a doppelganger atleast four times
Original Obama died on Febuary 18th 2009

>implying hearsay has ever been hard proof

>ISIS hasn't managed to actually attack the US, just "lone wolf" "sympathizers"

Dude, yes it did, this is it how it works:

Above-average intelligent disaffected Muslims go to Mosque and talk to Iman about how shit the culture in the country is, Iman surprisingly agrees, is the only person in the world who "understands".

Iman slowly "radical-muslim-pill"s them and when he sees that the guy is prepared he connects him to a local terrorist cell of American-Born disaffected Muslims who trains them, maybe they convince him to go visit Middle East if needed

Then the guy carries on with his normal life while he awaits for orders to act

I'm a gay man on Grindr. He honestly looks like many middle eastern guys on here

Gays are terrible at recognizing faces with how many people we browse through on Grindr

Gays are claiming he was on Grindr, he was in several gay clubs, he was on Jack'd (another gay app), he was on Adam4Adam (another gay app)

They're creating memories that didn't exist. If he was on those apps, then show us the messages

Why would we be mad?

The homophone excuse just got pulled out from under him

Sooner or later they'll have to admit hid religion was to blame

>implying we're in a court of law
>implying you give a wet shit about proof when he was a isis sleeper agent literally yesterday

What if he was planning to take out men from grindr on single dates to kill them off?

and what if he went to the gay club to scope it out to kill them?

but probably, was a fag

>>implying we're in a court of law
>implying hearsay is solid proof outside of law
>>implying you give a wet shit about proof when he was a isis sleeper agent literally yesterday
>implying i was on Sup Forums yesterday
>implying everyone on Sup Forums is the same person
