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oi lad who was going to fabric can i still join u?

>sell the goy shampoo to clean their hair
>luls them into using it more
>thus you can sell more shampoo
>then you can con them into also buy moisturiser and conditioner to further make more money

capitalism, baby

business idea: gf with massive tits who cuts your hair for you and her tits squish into your head


I'm not racist but...

rather not say

tfw first time i ever "felt" tits was at the dentist when they leaning against my head lol

i love pints


bash the fash

Bit mental that she will get more messages and matches in one week than most of us will in our entire lives

the first time i ever felt tits is yet to come
or is it

...Gang raping little kids is a bit out of order.


Been tired as hell recently lads

Not just lethargy from my shit lifestyle or moderate depression or anything, but pure exhaustion

Think I might have anaemia or hypothyroidism

Hi, I'm Gary Lineker. You may remember me from such tweets as "Let the 32yo refugee kids in, you hideous racist idiots" and "Dick". I am currently being cucked


just bought this

slut shaming isnt sexist if i hate all promiscuous people desu

rate the form

just ordered food ddin't see where restaurant is and just seen it's fucking 45 minutes away in london da fuck




>atheist (and very serious about it)

>locking out your knees on a leg press
>doing vanity weight so you cant even do full rom
served the cunt right desu

Same. Think it might be diet or sleep, or lack of exercise. Maybe need to drink more water.

Don't pay a hairdresser to cut my hair, don't buy shampoo or body wash, just soap. I would like to cut out deodorant too seeing as it's incredibly harmful but I'd rather not smell bad.


home alone for the first time in ages
going to run around the house wanking my fucking cock off

u couldn't pay me to wear branded or graphic clothing desu mate

imagine being this lads father



and hwere do you live

saw grenfell tower today. mad

Ego lifters eternally btfo

you also wear black skinny jeans with rips in them and wear flattops

t. primark clothes wearer


Wear neither of these things. Flattops? You mean Snapback?

went to look at it and some angry black woman was giving me dirty looks

What is the thing with skinny ripped jeans these days? I see every cunt wearing them. Even the girls look like absolute cretins.

hector what if i pop

hello nigger

unironically wear unbranded plain colour clothes.

like a cartoon character me.

Fucking state of this pretentious skank

just what's in init

how'd you know she was angry

Maybe if I stop sitting around doing fuck all, some of the basic maintenance I keep putting off might actually get done.

>naming your child sir

just copped this

there's another webm of this happening but with a girl

*something that is completely normal but said in a silly manner so that it seems absurd*

mad that

How come Britain looks less white then Portugal these days?

workers of the world untie

raced the toilet flush and lost


whats the point of a legpress machine when you can just squat?

when do you ever have to press your legs like that while you're folded over like that in real life?

might go actually

Hello literal child


mummy's credit card: the t-shirt


white genocide

for if you ever get stuck in an elevator door


Paid for it myself with my own money big boy


this is what london will look like in 2117

perplexing how people actually give celebrities and rich people such attention.

on a similar note
>watch foreign news
>"despite signing the agreement the interim government of burkina faso has been still attacking rebel strongholds, the report found., now to our correspondent in ougadougou..."
>turn on brit news
>"and kate wore a blue dress and shook hands with a bunch of character people and william is there wearing a rose on his jacket and now he shakes the hand"

*blocks your path*

such utter bullshit. moron

I wish the entire country was like this
love countryside
love villages
hate concrete

is that an asian footballer (6)

bloody hell never thought i'd live to see the day

filled with unexploded ordinance? not sure you thought this through lad

nice, ive got a shirt like that

sounds complicated


do you mind the white race being genocided as long as we get better at footy?

tfw put a mix on mixcloud last week and not a single person otehr than me has listened to it

oh right I didn't read the sign
more like this then I suppose

Donald Trump Forgot To Eat Dinner Today - Here's Why That's Scary

Opinion piece by: David Silverstein

how many people have you shared it with?

this is how the bbc want their staff ratio. 90% black women, 9% paki men. 1% chair holders and guys at the very top will all still be white though

wait a minute... that driver....

just copped this for my wife's son, he likes minecraft and anime will he like this?

no one

show us

>white genocide

there's no such thing

wish our countryside was like the cotswolds and our cities like Bath/York

britain would be so pleasant

ive stopped using soap and just use a shampoo with a few natural ingredients in it once or twice a week. don't smell at all, going into it i thought it wouldn't be sustainable but its been well over a year.

haven't cut deodorant out either but you can buy some without harmful ingredients in them.

steak was cold

holy shit who is this guy ooks just like me but taller

literally what i would look like if i went to the gym, sans all the tattoos, cap, earrings, dyed hair, beard, tanktop and weird pants of course.

>>white genocide

>there's no such thing

imagine that shirt except it doesnt say supreme on it

business idea: scrap greenbelts and just give everyone bigger houses with bigger gardens

I'll have to go back and watch that scene again, I don't recall an anime wank doll on the mantle.

honestly we dont need green belts if we built housing on them it would be cheaper