When did you realize how out of touch with society you are Sup Forums?

When did you realize how out of touch with society you are Sup Forums?

For me it was when saw the most viewed youtube videos and realized I've only listened to five of the songs.

I haven't even heard of half the 'artists' with over a billion views.

For those interested en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_viewed_YouTube_videos

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you assume they're worth knowing

A man I admire once said to me, "Would you rather be a depressed Socrates musing over philosophy or a happy pig lapping up slop at the trough?"

I wanna be a normie too, but I have an IQ of 312 so I can't.

Why would you want to live a mindless life hardly worth living? Embrace the red pill or be like the living dead.

I'd honestly rather be a happy pig, but it's too late now.

The red pill can only be rejected within the first couple hours of swallowing, after that it's in your blood forever.

That slow ache of knowing that there's something terribly wrong with this world, that uncomfortable burning desire to make things right. The crippling realization that your efforts are in vain and ultimately pointless.

Fuck this gay earth.

Society sucks, drop out.

Checkout Steven Seagal's cool trick


This is the conundrum I've been forced to face.

I am a young male. People tell me that if I drop out, then things can never possibly change.

But how COULD things change? I am just one person, and I have fought for years trying to vainly right the wrongs of this world. It has drained the life out of me.

Dropping out seems to be the only viable solution for us. I'd rather salvage what's left of my spirit than waste my whole life "resisting" something that is too powerful to beat.

Do you guys ever think that our lack of connection with the real world and your extreme views are related?

It sometimes feels like I've never actually really tried to understand any other way of thinking, because I enjoy being a Sup Forumstard to much.

>That slow ache of knowing that there's something terribly wrong with this world, that uncomfortable burning desire to make things right. The crippling realization that your efforts are in vain and ultimately pointless.

Christ you pegged that well.


If you really want some motivation or something to put you attitude into perspective just remember this:

The Nazi Party began with 7 people and a dream. To think that you being a single person is worthless contradicts everything that has ever happened in the history of civilization.

>lack of connection with the real world

for the fact that we don't know the latest songs?
No way, this only mean you are capable of original thinking.

Or for the fact that you have no social life at all?
If this is your case, you have nobody who can correct your point of view and yes, social isolation can cause extremism.

When I started to use words like "nigger" as socially accepted words and offending people by calling them jews etc. Almost every conversation that I hold ends about how illegal immigration is destroying Europe.

I'm not. It's funny, whenever I get to talk to someone in private for a bit the topic usually shifts towards them being pissed off at the politicians and shitskins. It's hilarious really, because I don't start it because I know not to reveal my powerlevel.

It's almost as if it's a secret code whether someone's going to be on your side or not in the future.

The normal people don't care about all the shit the left pushes and they understand that letting in the whole world will make any place collapse.

But all my efforts have been in vain though. I have been redpilled for almost 10 years now. I wasted my time, my life, my energy. I am not Hitler, I am me. So no, that doesn't help.

Drop out. Once enough men have dropped out, society will come to feel the consequences, the same way they did in Zimbabwe when they chased out all their white farmers. All these people who think civilization is just some machine that runs permanently once turned on, who think the productive and innovative spirit of men isn't needed to keep it running, are in for a rude awakening. When the crisis comes, then things will change. Until then, just focus on your own well being and happiness.

for me is when i accidentally reveal my power level and am met with pure vitriol.

I tell myself it's because i've been exposed to the darkest corners of society via the internet. i mean, look at that video on Sup Forums right now of the white girl fight (). bystander gets hit in the face, starts crying and drops her bag, niggers immediately start rifling through the bag. how does that not fill you with hate?

i feel safe here, though

July 17, 1924
"I'm so despondent about everything. Everything I try goes totally wrong. There's no escape from this hole here. I feel drained. So far, I still haven't found a real purpose in life. Sometimes, I'm afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There's nothing to get up for."

Sound familiar?

>That slow ache of knowing that there's something terribly wrong with this world, that uncomfortable burning desire to make things right. The crippling realization that your efforts are in vain and ultimately pointless.

You live in a fundamentaly sick society and you blame yourself for it
That's where you're wrong


As a Christian its literally my duty to hate this world but love the ignorant fools that live in it who are the walking dead unlike me and other christians thank you

Yes, but I am not Hitler. Me and him are two completely different people in completely different eras.

This "don't give up shit" is just metaphorically slamming your head into a brick wall, all so you can feel that inner pain of bitter struggle so you can convince yourself you're doing something when you're actually not.

So you're saying Sup Forums is your safe-space?

>Yes, but I am not Hitler.
That quote is from Goebbels.

What's the point of giving up like that?

You know the only reason music videos are the most viewed is because cheap normies use Youtube as their pre-drinking playlists, right?

Do you ever think that your views are wrong and were just the result of an isolated part of your life and you were looking for something to validate you?

I know all of them except for 2 but those were number 30 or so

>That quote is from Goebbels.
Daym, where did he say that? Did he write a book or something? Can I read it all?

Actually, I know all of them except for proquesta something but I recognised the song when I listened to it

its from his diaries you filthy kike

Well I have become pretty antisemitic

I'm pretty sure thats considered out of touch these days, although I unironically feel that if you on some level don't have feelings of antisemitism, then you just aren't paying attention

It's in one of his diaries.

He wrote some books too, most of it are just compilations of his speeches though. Pic related is a must read if you want to look into National Socialim.

Of those top 30 Ive heard of the artists or 6 or 7 atleast. Not sure if Ive heard of the song but the wheels on the Bus I remember from my time as a youngster and my kid when the tweenies did it and Ballamory did it.

Im no where near society. Much prefer opie anthony with Jim Norton, Van der graaf generator or The Soft Machine. Will watch old war films and like discussions on anti religion, anti immigration etc.

you have listened to 5 of them ?

I already explained to you a few times what the point is. You're dumb. Seriously. Read all my posts again, the answer is there, a few different times.