Obama and Hillary hate thread

Obama and Hillary hate thread

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trump will trick the flag-wavers and bible-thumpers into thinking we should immediately pull every troop from every middle eastern country

there will be some carnage short-term. but ISIS will run out of money, and without any recent drone bombings, will find it hard to recruit.

Putin might invade and annex the middle east. I'm no fan of Putin, but if Saddam and Qaddaffi were the least-bad option in retrospect, then letting Putin take over seems like the closest thing to turning back the clock to those times.

trump laments the loss of american lives in these wars AND of the muslims AND of the money wasted on the wars


“Hell No! I’m Not Serving Them!” Cook Out Restaurant Employees Refuse to Serve Trump Supporters

i hope everyone is ready for the "unrest" at the conventions. prepare for martial law to be declared on or around the 8th of august. also, the terror attacks in september are going to be fucked up. white christians will be deeply offended. at least hillary will be indicted on july 22nd. she won't serve a day in jail though. she'll plead guilty and be pardoned after the election. stay safe out there. july 23rd will be an important day. we'll all have a choice to make. i hope enough people make the right choice.
>not all alphabet agencies will be against you



So the lawsuits against shillary being slided?

The lawsuits are a scam.
That one instance is 1% of the scandal behind the libyan intervention
John McCain stood next to "libyan freedom fighter" Abdelhakim belhadj and visited and promoted his salafi cronies and nobody is questioning him on that.
If they were sincere about this problem there would be way more people on trial than Hillary

>100s of millions


well the new pending election fraud lawsuit can hopefully do something, If not go MAGA i guess, this coming from a californian




