
hmm edition

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willing to be actual currency that this thought catalogue article was written by someone from Sup Forums.


really don't buy this whole white genocide business desu

white genocide is:
a) not real
b) a good thing
c) something that should happen

because you're too deep under the jew's hypnosis to see the truth

just so you know lads, every day I am here talking to you all is my worst day in life.

If this was a few years ago yes. But now...


you're right. go onto the article you'll see that "she" hasn't written anything else, and there is no record of an actual person by that name espousing those views

the whole conspiracy is created almost entirely out of fake news and false flags like this one and has been since the protocols

I'm not a racist. It's true, I do hate whites but you can't be racist towards them.


I'm jewish but you'd never know if I didn't tell you

gf got some new shorts


freud, rothbard, boas, marx, mises, chomsky, cantor, rand, strauss, horkeimer, adorno were all jewish and produced the most pseudoscience in the 19th/20th century
dont think its a coincidence 2bh

poltards and kekistani edgelords take things too far but you can't deny the Jewish conspiracy
it's plain to see, the only argument is whether it's such a bad outcome

cute boys

look at the top of his head


I never ever saw the northern lights
I never really heard of cluster-flies
I never ever saw the stars so bright
In the farmhouse things will be all right

It's not genocide as such but there certainly is a displacement going on. Whether or not it's purely financially motivated or out of spite for Europeans is the question. It's also not just Jews driving it either.

proof? merely fake news goyim

>you can't deny the Jewish conspiracy
can and do


alri schlomo

what books you lot reading then?

there's no proof of a conspiracy

*wokes up*

NOT surprised no one put their name to this desu

the gene by muhkajee

Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. It is not that they are afraid of being convinced. They fear only to appear ridiculous or to prejudice by their embarrassment their hope of winning over some third person to their side.

it's financially motivated. replace 'jew' with 'capitalist' in the bollocks that Sup Forums spouts and you have just arrived at the truth

plato's parmenides

15 pages to go and i've got a massive headache from reading it :(

What does the background picture have to do with the text?

nobody is having a go at all jews you retard

just the evil elite ones

>but you can't deny the Jewish conspiracy
Aww, poor little whiteboy crying because his dominance is coming to an end. Brings a tear to the eye.....

: ^ )


>They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert.
*calls you schlomo*

heh... thanks for playing kiddo...


Think I went to the wrong seminar hall lads


typical classist #notallcapitalists

>it's financially motivated. replace 'jew' with 'capitalist' in the bollocks that Sup Forums spouts and you have just arrived at the truth

anti-semites are mentally ill (paranoia)

The State and Revolution by V. I. Lenin

is that his gay identification number on his right arm?

*pedals towards you*

Of course, but I wonder whether it's PURELY financial. It wouldn't be happening if the people behind it cared about the countries it's being inflicted on, so they're either psychopaths or foreigners.

the guy who debated Sargon is posting in here right now

Watching Blind Date

asked the african lad at work if he believes in evolution (of humans from apes)

he said scientiifcally he couldn't really think of how it could be possibly refuted, but he still finds it quite a difficult thing to swallow

anyone watching the wimbledon doubles final

it's really epic for the win

wow his sense of scope is pathetic


*falls victim to the system*

and then he gave you something difficult to swallow

Don't understand multiculturalism

Imagine being, lets say a yank, and you visit England. Imagine going home to your "dudes" like
>yeah England was great, i learnt so much about Pakistani culture and Islam
>"yeah bro but what about English culture?"
>uuhhh broski, that IS British culture, bigot
The world is multicultural, why make countries "multicultural" where each culture is a diluted version of its original?

: ^ )

hate cultural marxism

just paid sixteen great british pounds to watch the chris eubank jr fight

?? im watchin

*doesn't respond to your Jewish Question*

how could you be anti semetic? Such a crazy and illogical position to take

ohhh yess i love drugs i certainly do indeed LOVE drugs i love killing my braincells and plunging myself into a catatonic stupor for a very temporary and unfulfilling buzzz I LOVEEE drugs

the gf was so nice to write me a song:


hope you'll all have exhausted yourselves by the next thread sick of reading this

so you're saying Jews are incredibly intelligent, driven and ambitious? whoa

absolutely bored out of my mind. summer holiday is only good if you have people to spend it with. no clue how neets get through their day. uni at the very least kept me from doing absolutely nothing every day.

Just made myself a big G&T, lads. That's not gay is it? There's no way in hell that's gay.

that'll be an F in Jewish Studies, better luck next year



No but you are making it gay

they never do anything wrong either. The most unlucky people on the planet! hated for no reason!

remember my mate asked these birds if they like the IRA and they said no because they do drugs haha

What does your boyfriend think?

the UK is inherently a multicultural country though sweatie?

Scottish culture - which is divided between lowland and highland cultures (broadly speaking)

Northern Irish culture - wihch is very clearly divided between the Ulster-Scots Protestants and indigenous Irish Catholics.

Welsh culture - which has various regional variations such as valley culture, north welsh etc.

English culture - Which can be cut across various ways: eg the culture of the working class being distinct from that of the gentry/nobility - or northerners vs southerners.

+ cornish culture.

all very different and distinct cultures wrapped up in one sovereign nation.

alri love
*wolf whistles*

Chris Eubank Sr is a gent

>By Emily Goldstein
Bait requires a touch of subtlety to work properly

oh fuck off with your homophobic bullshit

Hnnng pengest slut in my motorcycle course.

black cigarette jeans and tight white t.

wrote a song about ur mum:

feels good knowing antisemites are on the wrong side of history

No, he's saying nepotism is rampant amongst Jews yet if you call them out on it, like liberals do with 'white privilege', you're branded a nazi/anti semite.

>wrong side of history

well by that logic you can say that there's a different culture in each town/village/suburb/city
everywhere and everyone is a bit different

he's a fucking bellend and so is his mug of a son

Rorkes have an obsession with suits.

How did they ensure that those 3 men didn't just get on a lifeboat like ~700 people did

thoughts on this song that contains vaguely similar lyrical content?


>Rorkes have an obsession with suits.



bored as fuck lads.

there were different sections the upper class bit almost everyone died

But Pakistani culture has never been British culture. British culture is the indigenous cultures of Britain

tfw half jewish half non jew white wonder which side of the race war between jewish and whites i shud support