Culture Pals - /cp/

Happy Edition

Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs around the world!


OP pastebin:

Mega with the memes all the cool kids use:

qtcrawler script (javascript, tampermonkey/greasemonkey extension)

Last Thread:

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First for Momo

Don't post this degenerate shit here Kim

Post conversation beginnings pls I need inspiration and have no idea what to say to cunts

No Sana, No Life

Oh you're back, hello again
Personally I'd recommend "Good day,where are you from", got me talking to a French girl :^)

I feel as if everyone has filtered me here or something.


I'm here for you senpai

Is that hair gel?

A 37yo catch!

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Question: does everyone use the msg system as a chat? Because I'm sending letters. It might explain why people don't always respond. One guy even states on his profile to not send paragraph long msg.

here have a sandwich

I'll give you a fiver if you down all those condiments

It varies from person to person, if I do receive a 3 paragraph message I'll always respond but it just might take a bit longer

My lunch


American """cuisine"""

look nice, here me

not halal enough for you?

Anglo ''''''''bread''''''''''

You're cutting?

Kpop is nothing wrong ٩(๑`^´๑)۶
r8 muh dinner

Fried rats???

look delicos unironically

Me grilled stuff few days ago

I used to play planetside 2 with a guy called Finlandia

Oh god

Every fucking time I'm hungry you guys start food posting

here is some of my bologna and mayo cake

I'd eat this Tbh

All I have to eat is continental Oreos

all those poor chickens

self improvement isn't working out. I need a head transplant.

Yes I do, have been in 3.

Drink water, lots of it.

that whip cream bottom left? You know what to do

Just kill yourself. If time and space are continuous and infinite, then at some point you'll be dug up and brought back to life

Guys how do I eat more? I'm trying to put on weight but my stomach physically won't let me

not an excuse, you can still eat even though your stomache feels full

Nice thought but my family would probably cremate me because I'm not worth the money for a proper grave.

Eat things with higher calories

I know what you mean, I had to skip my 3 am morning snack because I didn't get to sleep. So when I woke up for my 5 am snack I was starving. I was shaking and needed something to eat so I just got a spoon and started scooping up mayo to get some of the energy I require to make my 5 am snack. Stayed up for a few hours before I had my pre breakfast meal and then moved on throughout my day with ease.

looks healthy.... dont like

But I'm weak and can't fight through the full feeling
So if I just eat fried chicken I'm good?

Autism plz not now

Using normie memes for saves is a good plan

Post the response to that one

Eat nuts desu, peanuts alone are 692cals/100g. God tier for bulking


What does the qtcrawler script do?

you use it and it automatically views peoples profiles for you


Fuck sorry, came first then I replied with

Why visit and say nothing? I no bite))

Her bunda is minha

Say "you can fit on my penis too"
t. eternal anglo

wouldn't that imply his dick small?

And it's at this point you know a conversation is dead

Oh yeah didn't think about that

Was fun while it lasted

Shes going to show you her penises tomrrow


Korean girls don't interested in me anymore.

Make them be jelly when you show your European qt in Seoul.

Post profile oppa

show them your wang

Tonight isn't a good night /cp/
Pastabro over and out

Why are you pastabro and why isn't tonight a good night?

I'm on vacation in londonistan
Realised I'm catching feels for my Russian qt and there's no chance to get together irl

How many times have you avoided being run over or stabbed so far?

he's Italian so they think he's one of them

I will pay someone to talk to me?

Actually none, this suburb is quite nice and the touristic attractions are chill I'd say

Well congrats then


Now where's my money???

amazon wishlist, steam giftcard?

Redpill a newbie to, how good is it a site for meeting qts european grills?

That depends. Are you ugly? How autistic are you? If significantly autistic, can you suppress it over a text based communication medium?

Hi guys, I'm meeting with a qt tomorrow but you know how it is...

>I'll never get a Russian gf

Fairly good looking not brad pitt levels but fair enough. Autistic in txt based? Not really fairly ok with the only thing i'd go overboard with might be range shooting and guns but that's about it.

Rip :*( met for

Then go for it, keeping in mind that you need to send out a lot of messages.

what is the /cp/ discord like?

Ight i'll see how this goes.

beta boys flirting with /cp/ girls while trying their best to conceal it

People actually use it?

There are quite a few people in it, yeah
Probably why the thread has been a bit slow recently

What a meme

Is she a ruskie?

Please post your photo

The thread has been slow because I stopped talking about my addiction to femdom porn and plastic surgery.

You know what you need to do

join the discord server?

Talk about your cuckold porn addiction

This to be honest.

road route

I miss the UK's autistic rants

Are you going to post pics of your surgery-enhanced face or what?

I can pretend to be a cuck if you want

Sorry senpai, I'm only into real stories by real autists.

someone link me the /cp/ discord

I'm doing my laundry lads

A sense of panic consumes me when they say they want to meet, how pathetic am I?

I'm back lads, it's good to see that we're still /thriving/

everyone's nervous

Pretty good, as soon as you plan to trip to Europe in the near future