Stop listening to rap

Stop listening to rap

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id take a drugged out retarded teenager mumbling on a generic trap beat over any sort of metal any day


friend this is simply....epic. mind if i borrow it? :O

yes lord varg

half these guys look like your average metalhead though lmao

Stop leeching off welfare

they look like they listen to metal, since metal is an escape fantasy for nu-male manchildren who want to be tough but are really just fucking losers who LARP as vikings

nice projecting, ex metalhead

>mfw I see car full of white kids listening to rap music

He says he doesn't need welfare because he has so many children he doesn't pay taxes and makes enough money from burzum and myfarog. but he thinks if you're a NEET you should get welfare to help crash the system since it's all going towards helping shitskin refugees anyway

Yo you take Adam Ellis out of this image immediately

Yeah, if Deafheaven was metal

Rap is literally the least aurally pleasing genre of music to exist. Even country music is more pleasant to listen to.

Memes aside that's your average metalhead. society thinks they are weaboos furries or some shit.

stop stabbing your friend

Yeah Im sure these nu-males look a lot like metalheads and not trap loving soyboys who love rap because of how progressive and "empowering" it is. Please fuck off back to whatever subreddot you came from, boys of soy.

those are video game soyboys not indie p4k soyboys. leave your room more pol faggot

Rapfags are worse than weeaboo and furries, especially white rapfags who believe in shit like white guilt. You also have to deal with these soyboys on a much more frequent basis than furfags and weebs because they are considered "socially acceptable" despite how fucking pathetic they are. I'd rather take 20 thousand metalheads over 1 trap loving soyboy anyday.

That's factually incorrect.

What's the difference? They are look the same: pathetic fucking beta males. I don't even browse Sup Forums much, I just fucking hate nu-males.

>calling someone a Sup Forums loser because they don't recognize video game designers

Why not?
>black people are best singers

Hip hop vocals are barely even singing

>black people have a highly cultivated sense of rhtyhm dating back to tribal roots

Hip hop uses minimalist electronic beats for rhythm

I didn't call him a loser tho can you pol fags not read?

what is this nu-male style of arguing? you told him to "leave your room more pol faggot" implying he is a loser who doesn't get out and browses Sup Forums

>Snow Niggas

he admitted he does brows pol though. so i guess you really cant read

Because hip hop is too vast of a genre and has way too many subgenres for you to just group together? I mean that both sonically and lyrically. Rappers even take other genres and mix it with their music.

Kendrick's entire TPAB is jazz-y and has jazz-y production.

K.A.A.N. just released an LP that takes inspiration from multiple genres and uses live instruments as well.

Some of the most sonically pleasing albums from 2017 were by hip hop artist. Scum Fuck Flower Boy for example. The problem is you not looking beyond radio rap.

But he's less than a loser than a white person listening to trap, or anyone listening to trap for that matter.

>mfw someone listens to hip hop near me

You sit and do nothing. If it's a black guy you piss yourself when he says "huh?" and post on Sup Forums


mumble rap > black metal

>nigger is this triggered by a meme

those fascist frogs huh?

>Kendrick's entire TPAB is jazz-y and has jazz-y production
omfg...that was one of the worst songs I've ever heard...It's like KL have no fucking idea how to incorporate jazz and soul elements into hip-hop

>has way too many subgenres for you to just group together.
Not compared to other genres which are frequently grouped together.

Actually yeah, since hip hop blends with those genres as well.

Hiphop doesn't blend with every genre you tard.

Yes it does faggot.

Better than other musical genres can ever hope for.

I smile every time I see that picture of Varg

>it's a "stop listening to rap" thread summons an actual autist episode

stop falling on lamps