The US has historically been a white country

>The US has historically been a white country

it has, and is, in terms of majority

but will not remain so in the future. how are you preparing foe the chicano century?

The US was originally inhabited by natives and has for most of its existance had a very sizeable black population

who cares?

>the US has history-

are you prepared for a trillion years of consecutive democrat governments?

This. Thanks Norway.


All american edgelords claiming their countrys original whiteness are wrong. The US has always been a multicultural country

>t. Ahmad ibn Mohammad al-Somali

Notice how many black people that have always lived in the US

t.hassan al soufni

but he's right. america wasn't white. whites are invaders from europe.

The vast majority of them lived in the south. If you want to split hairs, the northern states were white before the invention of the mechanical cotton picker during the 1940s, but not the south.


>but he's right. america wasn't white. whites are invaders from europe.
United States is a creation of Europeans. And as I pointed out here:
the southern states might have never been white but the northern states definitely were before blacks became obsolete as farm equipment in the 1940s due to automation.

News flash: the south is and has for the majority of the time been a part of the US

>News flash: the south is and has for the majority of the time been a part of the US
Yes, read what I wrote Ahmad.


In every single census before 1980, America was between 80% and 90% non-Hispanic white. inb4 "census numbers don't real".

Whites realistically might have to flee to Canada. Look what happened to the whites in South Africa.

We have a history thanks to you guys :D non-whites

Yes it has. Although Jews and menas were/are considered white, in 1950 excluding Jews and menas the US was 83% white, this is also excluding Hispanics.

Today it's like 55% white excluding Jews, menas(now apart of Asian stat but scum Armenians and Georgians still claim to be white, Turks too), and Hispanics.

No it wasn't. The geographic land was inhabited by natives but the US has always been a white nation. Well until now that is.

Oh hun