ITT: aggressive, angry, fierce and loud albums that aren't edgy

ITT: aggressive, angry, fierce and loud albums that aren't edgy

Orchid - Gatefold

Black Flag - Damaged
Cloud Nothings - Attack On Memory
Drive Live Jehu - Yank Crime
i hate myself - 10 Songs
Lightning Bolt - Wonderful Rainbow
Lightning Bolt - Ride the Skys
Operation Ivy - Energy
Orchid - Chaos is Me
Orchid - Dance Tonight! Revolution Tomorrow!
Ostraca - Last (best album of 2017)
Part Chimp - I Am Come
PUP - The Dream Is Over
RATM - The Battle of Los Angeles
Rites of Spring - Rites of Spring
Scratch Acid - Greatest Gift
Sex Pistols - Never Mind the Bollucks
Still Life - Madness and the Gackle
The Jesus Lizard - Goat
Unwound - Fake Train
Viet Cong - Viet Cong
Wavves - V
Windir - Arntor
Wu Tang Clan - 36 Chambers



>not edgy

Every Foetus Album



How were sex pistols not edgy?
