Following the murder of former Beatle John Lennon on December 8, 1980...

>Following the murder of former Beatle John Lennon on December 8, 1980, Christgau penned a eulogy in the Village Voice which contained a quote from his wife Carola Dibbell saying 'Why does it always have to be John Lennon and Bobby Kennedy? Why not Paul McCartney and Richard Nixon?' The column produced a considerable amount of controversy and numerous angry letters were sent in to the Voice by readers.

His wife is a stupid cunt who should die in a fire

Paul detected

But Paul already died

is this real

Not wrong t b h

Faul isnt a threat and nixon was rad, christgau is a faggot ass bitch


It genuinely baffles me how someone with such a small amount of talent and taste as Christgau has somehow been able to craft out such a successful career in music criticism.

is this just fantasy