German culture

>german culture

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I for one am glad they are going extinct

fuckin nazis

>This a complete joy to watch! Thank you for posting. I know I'm writing this a few years after the fact, but what I appreciate about this clip is what appears to be a younger generation of Germans embracing their heritage in a joyous, if not updated way. They are taking ownership of their heritage, and that is a good thing, a very good thing. I am in my late 50s and am in San Antonio, Texas... which is to say a long way from Germany. ;) Still, we have a strong German heritage in central and south Texas, a heritage that was born out of brave and capable and industrious German folk who came to this "new" world in the 1800s to forge a new destiny. I know Germany has some immigration issues right now; I pray that she finds her way safely through this challenge, yet I also pray that she keep her rich heritage. I hope I say this correctly: Gott sei mit dir.

I fucking hate flashmobs

they still exist in the current year?

The best part was the hijabis in the background looking on in confusion

>bismarck unifies germany
>world war 40 years later
>people leave germans to their own devices after
>another world war 20 years later
>finally get the message and split up germany
>let it unify because "muh wall"
>germany manages to take over two thirds of europe again
oh gee i wonder what's gonna happen next


UGH i cant believe those nazis are making them feel bad, arrest them all NOW

was it autism?

Pls,can someone explain what is going on in this video. I dont wanna ruin my night.

Does this mean they're superior or just assholes?

>people leave germans to their own devices after
Is that what we're calling it now?

>german free smileys

>the old man at 1:23

>bismarck unifies germany
>world war 40 years later
damn, like instantly broke the eternal Pax Europaea, I'm so sorry

He's a confused burger tourist
you can tell by the Florida State University hat

>literally fuels the most global conflict in over 150 years
>german mindset still doesn't comprehend
so the rest of the world didn't just let them call dibs on austria and czechslovakia?

>literally fuels the most global conflict in over 150 years
you mean britain?

you know wen germany went to war it was usually just germany, when britain went to war it was about 2 billino people from from 500 countries. not our faul if they have to drag others into their battles cause they are too weak.

>you mean britain?
how was ww1 even remotely britain's fault? they didn't even join until your armies entered neutral terrirory (belgium)

>split the country apart
>starve over a million to death after the war
>sponsor a civil war
>international boycott
>invaded several times by foreign militaries in "peacetime"
>call dibs on Austria
You mean their friend and ally who wanted to join them?
You mean taking back their own land in the sudeten? Oh and if you're talking about how they declared the whole country a protectorate, keep in mind Prague had several million communists, and after communists started civil wars, revolutions, and massacres in Germany, Spain, Hungary, Russia, and pretty much everyone else I would say it was a good move

>how was ww1 even remotely britain's fault?
Read a fucking book for once in your life
>Great Britain feels its colonial empire and trade routes are endangered by German fleet building due to a policy of outnumbering the next two combined. The US is building a fleet and Germany believes that it needs a strong fleet to be a useful ally to Britain (Wilhelm repeatedly tried to make friendships with Britain and was turned down every time, thought it was because Germany had no strong navy and couldn't assist Britain across it's empire.
>Germany gains oil concessions to the baghdad railway through trade with Iraq, upsetting Britain who feel that's an economic zone they should control alone
>England can prevent German oil production in the mideast if the new railway that runs through the if cuts it off
>"Made in Germany" meant to stop people from buying German goods, backfires and embarrasses government since German goods are higher quality
>every war Britain has been in since the 1400s has been to ensure a balance of power with them at the top, now that France is out of the way the new upstart Germany is #2 and fastly approaching #1
>Starts war preparations well before the outbreak of the war and begins preparations to move troops into Belgium well before Germany has even mobilized or shown any intent of conflict

You will never get through to a German on this, I've tried many times and failed. In their mind Germany, under a highly mobilised, aggressive martial state, was the innocent victim of literally every other power on Earth, and they just accidentally rolled into Russia, into Belgium, and so on.
It's pure bizarro world history but that's more or less what Germans choose to believe, probably because the reality isn't so flattering

this is fucking awesome

hope they do more of these everywhere in Germany