Iceland thread

ask a sober(1 month) icelander anything

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Why is sigur ros so boring?

þið eru alltaf vakandi

Because it is shitty indie made for export?

enough (you)'s and i'll turn this into a drunk icelander thread and throw away that month sober

>you will never get asked questions that aren't asking if your women are whores or something about bjork

i know that feel

Afhverju er Ísland grænt og Grænland fullt af snjó??! XDXDXDD

... is Iceland is green or/and? Greenland is full of snow?




But Bjork is hot as fuck so no wander everyone wants to know about her more

>stþ þú hefur ekkert að gera nema að hanga á Sup Forums á laugardagskvöldi á meðan allir eru að skemmta sér
Mun ferðin nokkurn tíman taka enda?

já ferð og kaupir þér kassa af bjór og gramm af kokaíni
>stþ ég gæti verið að rúnta enn bílinn er drifbrotinn(aftur)

Used to be anyway


She looks like her name m8

Icelanders look more mongoloid than Finns, why?

how did it feel to rek england at the one sport they're supposedly good at?

nice anthem btw really enjoyed watching the euros, shame the final wasn't iceland - wales

Did you even knew we exist before your Prime Minister turned out to be hidding moneies in some randome tropical shithole?

she just looks weird man her parents are normal

panama canal

Maður væri til í smá kók, alltof langt síðan seinast. Bjórinn er því miður búinn
It's only her
It was glorious, it was hilarious to see these cocky cunts get humiliated

ekk búinn að fá mér kók síðan 15. apríl

I like Iceland now. :D

Drink up

True. But I still like her

Þungur hnífur?

Þessi hnífur á að vera þungur.

>buy a beer and 2 absinthe shots from a guy at the bar because he was leaving
>he kills himself 4 days later
Fucker should have just given me the booze not like he needed the money

is there anything to do in rayjavik? or you guys play snow everyday
aslo do you think its better or worst if the danes are still in control of your country and your part of the EU

What's it like not to have mosquitoes?

I dont live in reykjavík
My hobby is cars and used to be alcoholism
I don't quite understand the later part of your question

Why are you so evil?

as in like Greenland is under autonomous ruling by Denmark since they didnt' go for independence unlike you guys. So do you prefer to be like that or just prefer what it is now

Bruh mývatn is full of flies not mosquitos but annoying small ones

Prefer how it is now
Nobody cares about denmark anymore

at least they don't drink you blood

Are you comfy? Have you ever watched Rams or Trapped?

>Are you comfy?
very comfy drinking chocolate milk at 4 am
haven't watched either of those, not a big movie or film guy but they are both very good I hear

What part of iceland do you live?
I only ever visited Rejkavik when I was 11 and visited all the tourist spots on one day, then flew out to belgium.


Have you ever thought about living in America? Do people in Iceland like anime?
>you will never be a street drifter in tokyo

the anime people at my school are all weirdos

mogga? ella bert fleyga?


how's the price of living in your area, job market, and freedoms?

not good enough

Watching king of the hill

How's the view in your window? Would honestly like to see it senpai

Do you live in icelandic commieblock or house?

Do you like it there?
Where should I visit?
Is it true I would encounter lots of fellow green eyed folk there?


Just drive the ring road

Þekkir strákinn


do you want to fuck an elf?


I would

I imagine Iceland is pretty much the greatest country in the world, if you ignore all the tourists.

why did you stop drinking

is there any youtuber living in iceland and making videos about his (her) daily life?

Why do you drink so much coke?

Is Iceland a better place to live in than France ?
(Trying to find a country mostly white and not part of the EU)

Because alchohol was a problem for me


I am so glad that I am out of iceland. The ass smelling water. The ridiculous prices in the stores. The Asian and American tourists.

>job market
What are you talking about, there's nothing in Iceland outside Reykjavik. I took a road trip in the south of the country and it was just isolated farms from outside the capital all the way to Höf.

This. Let's see that moonscape OP

In a car rn

>south coast
Literally no one has ever lived there

those parts of the country keep reykjavík afloat
aluminum and fishing you know


Will you be able to retire by the age of 35?

How's life, user?

How many guns do you have?

why don't you have any trees

good af famalam
they get in the way

could i move from america and would it be worth it?

not really
Idk. Depends on how your life is now

How often do you wear those sweaters

Best places to see outside of Reykjavik?

About twice a month

Why did you cancel my whale-watching trip just because the sea was a little rough? Fag.