19 yo

>19 yo
>willing to get face tats

How do i become a successful soundcloud rapper ?!

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Why bother? Just kill yourself, it's much faster and you get to your endgame instantly

I just want the money so i can kill myself with drugs..

Record some demos, send them to small promoters who have the ear of some hip-hop publications, contact a real producer to make some beats for you (or do this first if the beats are free), keep doing that for a couple of years and you'll be good to go

Peep had no intention of dying,
he just liked drugs and had a major addiction to attention. The depression thing was a facade

this is going to be the look that people will look back on and cringe

>hurr durr he was faking it

oh well he said it on twitter so it must be true then

I have sources too

This is the most contrived bullshit. He was trying to copy Cobain

i used to be suicidal and if i ended up killing myself my family would have been surprised. having depression doesn’t entail trying to let everyone close to you know about it, more often than not it’s the opposite

there are a lot of soundcloud rappers exploiting the depressed drug addict meme for their image, lil peep wasn’t one of them. happy, healthy people don’t mention being abused as a child and wanting to die in interviews and lyrics or pop 6 pills recreationally with a fuckload of other hard drugs in your body. he didn’t care whether he lived or died

Do you have any clout?


>that fucking username

be hot
an have no shame

He probably exaggerated it for image but you can't just say he didn't have depression without knowing him.

post some tracks on soundcloud before you get the facetats and see where it takes you

I believe his brother was in shock and couldn't fathom that his brother would go out like that. Most depressed people put up a barrier to there families as to not let them know how bad it actually is. Although I definitely don't think Peep wanted to die from those fent-laced xans. But popping street pills is like playing russian roulette, you just don't know what you're going to get and unfortunately he lost his life in the process.

copy FAQQI




1. Buy an Arturia Keylab, it comes with ableton which is everything you need
2. If you can't produce your own beats (easy way imo), cruise YT and SC to find beats.
3. Shamelessly rap over anything that works
4.Tweak your image, make a new twitter and constantly post like Peep or XXX
5. make sure you get something on your face that's trendy. I.E "crybaby", "alone", "XIII', crosses, pentagrams
6. Act like your insanely cool all the time
7. make sure it's possible for your former life to become a mythos, i.e "dropped out of high school and moved to la", "dropped out of harvard to save rap"
8. viral marketing- stage fights at your shows and get videotaped doing dumb shit like fighting and stealing (a la XXX, Boonk, Tay-K, etc.)
9. be hot, duh. This is possible even if you're ugly if you're shameless enough to wear indescribable clothes and cover your body in tattoos (see tekashi 69, lil windex)
10. have a perfectly trendy name (you'll have to do this on your own, follow trends but try to be original. Even retard SC rap fans can tell when something is contrived)
11. Be repetitive, but cool. (i.e D Rose, Gucci Gang, Look at me/fuck on me, FUCK UPx8, etc.)
12. market to 14 year olds, the rest will follow (SC rap is one of the only genres dictated by the young rather than the old)

bro on the real all you gotta do is just be yourself. dont be no copyin ass nigga. make sure your shit is good tho.

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Mumble your words, repeat a phrase numerous times and have a generic lofi trap beat.

>i don't think what his brother said is true because i don't agree with him therefore i must make up a whole case in order to back up my point

I only assume because he talks about being abused in multiple ways in songs, and most abuse causes trauma and is more likely to start self medicating or abusing drugs to numb pain. And people don't start self-medicating because they feel good about themselves. Most addicts have low self-esteem and use drugs to numb or to act somewhat functional before it catches up to them. Dude definitely had problems.

And as for his brother saying he only popped pills for instagram or clout is highly unbelievable. Your body starts physically craving those pills, both opiods and benzos. Especially considering how often he kept up his social media appearance. Higly unlikely someone can just occasionally take 6 xannies without starting the physical addiction neverless the mental cravings.So yes I do believe his brother is in shock and/or denial.

Whatever you do, don't do this. Tried it for 10 years no results so far.