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Please tell me this was just polling Americans.
>not Australia
Who shot down the Red Baron again?
>not an option for the jews
It was all a plan to advance jewish hegemony, and they succeeded.
Now we need to cast off our jewish shackles and shekels and fight back to make sure they can never rise to such an occasion ever again by eliminating them all.
A British bullet
The "Don't Know" category taking second should be a clue.
I'd be amazed if most U.S. schools spent more than a few days on the subject.
Fuck you all.
>this shirt will trigger europoors
The Jews
Even that odd little Hitler chap admitted afterwards that it was only the Chosen stabbing Germany in the back that defeated the filthy Huns.
Definitely the French, with Russia/UK second. Even if the Russians surrendered due to revolution, they occupied the Germans for most of the war.
Italians occupied Austria for 3 years too, and the Yanks helped at the end.
The most what?
Well if *even* Hitler was saying something derogatory about jewish victimization of the German people then it is hard to deny.
When was the last time you won a war, Brits? Colonization? The best you do against any actual military is weaken the enemy so that the more important nations can come in after you and gather the glory and land. All of your 'victories' are only called so because the enemy walks away slightly more wounded than you. You've never successfully chased down a complete victory and conquest outside of niggers and the Scots.
And after the retarded kids answering that poll have played Battlefield 1, they'll answer "Africa"
>The country that died and sucked the most contributed the most
I hate this meme. America did the most actual work.
Crimean war? Boer wars? We did so well for most of the 1800s there weren't many wars tbqh.
By a soldier under the kings colonial armed forces, in europe, in the british empires interest.
Reminder that the current leader of your country hates Britain because we tortured his nigger father. To restate it. Our country tortured the father of your nigger in chief, and all he can do is be a passive aggressive bitch about it. Victory enough for me, to be honest.
no one cares about WW2 because the jews can't capitalize off it
More people were killed on both sides in Stalingrad than in every battle the US fought combined.
If the US haven't joined the war, you would be a blonde aryan master race nazi right now you disgusting muslim tea boy.
you better say "thank you" to your dearest son right now in this thread for saving you of such a terrible fate
>world war 1
From the winning side, probably France. Honorable mention though to Australia, New Zealand and Canada for their willingness to act as shock troops in a war that wasn't really their own. Australia and NZ actually had the highest casualty rates of all belligerent nations.
The country however that put the most into WW1 was not on the winning side. It was Germany.
i'm sorry, bro, i know that you were one of the biggest players with one of the most losses but ww1 isn't talked about much in the usa, at all.
>Who shot down the Red Baron again?
An American, pic related
>Scott...well learn your history.
What wars has the US won recently?
WW1:4y 3m
American war time:1y 6m
WW2:6y 1d
American war time:3y 8m
Total war time:10y 3m
Total American war time:5y 2m
American you are hereby given rights to brag about winning 50% of both conflicts
please end your life immediately
Germany obviously
>lets fire the only german chancellor that knows shit about diplomatic relations and ally with the shittiest instable states around
>hurr lets just take a plan thats fourty years old, itll be okay
>lets just march through a noninvolved country protected by the biggest Empire on the whole planet, nothing will happen
fucking retarded really
USA always saves the world
WWI America did fuck all.
WWII America won single-handily.
We need new innovative ways that relate to kids to teach about WW1
>pic related
please end your life immediately
You are hereby given rights to brag about losing until we got there.
Revisionnism at work.
Fuck swedish cucks and anglo education.
Fuck hollywood.
Pic related: "Which nation contributed the most to defeat nazi Germany ?" asked to french people through time.
>I'd be amazed if most U.S. schools spent more than a few days on the subject.
In my experience we spent about 45 minutes on the war itself
>Brazilian """""education"""""
Burgers broke the stalemate that resulted in an ally victory. Had it not been for us, the Allied and central powers would have likely reached some kind of peace terms that didn't result in the creation of the Weimar Republic, and by the transitive property, the rise of Hitler.
We created the nazis, you're welcome.
Slavniggers were just cannon fodder. Most of the hardware was provided by America through lend and lease
Before the US joined the war, the British were quickly running out of money and US banks were refusing to loan them any more without American joining the war, the French troops on the western front were repeatedly mutinying, and the Germans had just concluded peace with Russia, enabling them to move millions of troops west.
We might not have contributed much materially, but we were instrumental to the Entente's victory. To be perfectly honest, I wish we hadn't intervened, since that would've enabled a likely German victory that would've enabled us to avoid WW2, Nazism, Communism, the Cold War, and the massive scourge of leftists and white hating cucks that run the world today. Britain would've kept her empire, Germany would've dominated Continental Europe, and the US would've remained isolationist.
Hope the swedish girls wil all be impregnated by somalians and DICE will be massacred by an islamic terrorist.
Sweden deserve to be erased from the map.
We had them exactly where we wanted them
Surrounding us on all sides and without any military assistance
Hate to ask it, but shouldn't Ivan be represented on that list?
They did help a little.
>WWI America did fuck all.
Do you recognize this man?
If you do, please slap yourself in his honor
If you don't, do it anyway
to be fair, we did the most to help France so it's only fitting that our contribution is best remembered there
No-one won world war one thats why we had a second one
damn fine b8 there
mc donalds did the usual jew stuff, wait for things to be almost done and jump in to take everything
lets wait for 9/11 2.0
This is simply not true.
So you're saying we're the closers brought in to clinch the win?
Sometimes i think humanity annihilation would work in favour of humanity itself and every fucking thing on this planet.
>Crimean war?
How many allied 'empires' did it take to convince Russia to stop overextending into the Crimean sea? Three, or four? I forget, now. A true display of military dominance if I ever saw one.
Why not? We didn't allow it to happen, pastabro.
>The Battle of Cantigny, fought 27–31 May 1918[1] was the first American battle and offensive of World War I
Your first battle was in May 1918 when the war was already won, sorry to tell you this
All of them?
Define "winning"
We went into ___ and kicked ___'s ass.
Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea
>read post
>think to myself: "He is either retarded or he is just shitposting,let me check the flag."
>"He is retarded."
Lend lease helped the soviets get through 1941. ,after the Red Horde industry began pumping out equipment/war material from behind the Urals the Wehrmacht was doomed. Eastern Front was the biggest and the most important in the whole war,best German divisions and highest allocation of resources/prioritization. Saying that the Soviets did not effectively break the Wehrmacht backbone is an outright lie. Show me one piece of historiography that points otherwise.
>inb4 commie retard
Natsoc here,but we cannot bend the truth.
Strong insults coming from Turk rape babies who acted like niggers for the last two decades (getting foodstaps from the EU and then proceeding to writing yourselves 13th salary cheques). You are the niggers of Europe,everybody knows that.
dubs dubs dubs dubs
>Crimean sea
Lets continue to pretend that russia didn't single handedly destroy Germany.
Remember when Hitler killed himself? Who was knocking on his front door?
Is this guy for real?
>3x times more czech soldiers dies in WW1 then austrians or americans despite having only 15 milions people
>nobody cares
such is life of slav
Fighting for my future children and country. Deffo give my life and any injuries for this cause #trenchfoot
Where's Russia?
Surely they deserve more notice than the country that got steamrolled.
Joke ?
Cannon fodder? What makes you think that mindless attacks would have worked against the German army? Russians outproduced the germans anyway. Also, lend lease didn't win the war but contributed for Soviet massive territorial expansion. Americans would have fight more but also win more, so they played it safe.
You're joking right?
The Royal Navy had regained supremacy at sea and Germany was blockaded from every side.
They would have starved to death which is what the Nazi's tried to do to Britain in WW2 but couldn't secure the channel or the atlantic.
Lost and if you say "muh kill to death" then you're basically saying Russia lost WW2
Perpetual war
Perpetual war
They're still at war and SK is being threatened and shot at every few months
Congratulations, you start wars you cannot finish.
Misread, thought it said 2, my bad.
It's true. We did 95% of the work. You're just mad that we saved the day.
You won the Pacific and gave the final blow on western front, nobody denies that but that is the millions of russians who broke Nazi Germany in Stalingrad.
I hate the commies and have no particular affection toward Russia, but the might of russian people was extraordinary, I can't think about any other nation that went through so much oppression and suffering through history without breaking.
Whats got you triggered lard?
kind reminder German soldiers saw Americans as inferior opponents, especially those who fought with Soviets in the East
even American historians admit this
>Win WW1
Brits wasn't it?
Yeah it was
All our bloody dominions decided to waste themselves on ottoman beaches, baka senpai desu
way to not name the jew and try to blame the puppet
You can't deny that America played their cards perfectly.
Using non-interventionalsim and platforms like Woodrow "He kept us out of war" Wilson until America could easily enter the wars to win them without major losses.
We didn't do much, just showed up at the end to teabag Germany. France and the UK did most of the work and most of the suffering.
They probably wouldn't have won it without us, but the Russian front was pretty much hell on earth and Russia delivered the crippling blow to Germany.
USA helped in Europe though and carried the Pacific theater and we supplied war materials to all of the other allies, so we were a major contributor at least this time. That said, WW2 was a horrifying war for everyone but the USA, which is why the USA was able to grow so well after the war - everyone else was reduced to rubble.
The Germans certainly respected the Australians, and the Japanese were terrified of them by the end of the war
>WWI: French and Brits in a stalemate. Germany sends Lenin to Russia and knocks out Russia from the war.
>Germany is gearing up to throw its full weight at France.
>France/Briton: oh shit, we need more bodies!
>fakes the Zimmermann Telegram to scary America into joining the war.
>US joins and with the extra numbers kicks German ass.
>WW2: Polish and French ass is smashed by Germany.
>British cucks begging for US to enter.
>US just gives them gear for lend lease.
>British cucks with their 'empire' still can't do shit about Germany.
>Japanese attack America
>America: Its on mother fuckers.
>sends the Soviets a shit load of gear, and fights a two front war in the Pacific and in Europe.
>Soviet troops march into Berlin on American trucks, wearing American boots, and eating American spam.
>Euro cucks forever buttblasted that America had to save their ass and spend the next eight decades trying to marginalize the Americans.
>Lets not even get started on how the French ultra cucks collaborated with the invading Germans, and try to argue their 'resistance' did anything.
The American troops though were pretty useless on the ground. The first defeats on land of the Japanese were by the Australians.
Although its true that American technology and 'materiel' was greater than anybody. Without American manpower, supplies and technical superiority, the Axis would have won.
It is fair to add that a lot of the scientists who developed US military technology were European born.
Australians were seen as good fighters but you fought in Africa
I'm talking about Western Front
Just remember that it was the Soviets who trashed Berlin.
Talking about WWI or WWII? Australians played a highly significant role on the western front in WWI. General Monash was the first to pioneer integrated tank/infantry warfare. Australians also played a highly significant role in the Middle East in WWI.
Australians also played a reduced role in WWII in Europe, but they were there. Many Australians were involved in aerial warfare in Europe.
Hey we were selling you cucks weapons 100% of the time. Show some gratitude.
Thanks for profiteering off death and destruction of an entire continent while you counted your shekels
WW2 obviously, and that's true about WW1
Australians mainly fought in Africa though, and troops were occupied in Pacific so you weren't sent to Europe
and Australian troops played important role in Pacific (fighthing in New Guinea was hellish), but of course Americucks ignore that
Just to be completely non-troll for a second, the yanks in WWI were hopelessly untrained, and at first were in a state of fiasco. They were also unprepared for WWII. As WWII progressed though, there were some really excellent US soldiers and units. But the American soldiers were not particularly feared as such from my reading of events.
That would be such a beautiful fate, but also soviets did most of the heavy lifting, US just cleaned up in all honesty.
Are we just going to ignore the soviets?
>Without American manpower, supplies and technical superiority, the Axis would have won.
Why do people seem to assume the Axis had infinite supplies and manpower?
I always hear "Britain/France was running out of money/supplies" which was certainly true but Nazi Germany wasn't exactly comfortable either.
Their oil situation was only getting worse, especially with the harassment from the British/Aussie and French forces in Africa. Not to mention the fact that the Royal Navy still had naval supremacy throughout the war.
Been in America long hermano?
Yep, da, dobro
North Africa did see some truly heroic Australian fighting, but PM Curtin pulled back the Australian forces deployed there to fight the Japs (to Churchill's dismay, the stupid inbred git). Some members of my family were involved in the Pacific theatre. Mercunts are ignorant, it isn't their fault its their mass media
Didnt i just say....
>He wants credit for being there but unable finish it on his own
You get a participation award for your contribution.
I do think that Britain and America allowed the USSR to bleed deliberately, because they knew that the next conflict would be against the Communists