if a white guy made this album all these music sites would say its just another indie white people problems album
but because hes black and bi it's a radically emotional and vulnerable album :'(((
if a white guy made this album all these music sites would say its just another indie white people problems album
but because hes black and bi it's a radically emotional and vulnerable album :'(((
This is identical to claiming that Eminem is only popular because he's white, keep race out of music you 'tard
hes not wrong tho
Eminem is only as popular as he is because he's white though
not samefag, one person agreed with me lol
Nazis, racists, fascists, capitalists, Trumpists, kekistanis, "anti-SJWs". Get the fuck out. You're not welcome here. Join me in resisting the Sup Forumspol take over.
Fuck the race baiters
>posted from my Macbook
yes, and? are you going to cry about it, you butthurt cumskin alt-right pussy bitch? you have privilege they do not have (whether you admit it or not), so their art isn't contextualized in the same way yours is. get over it.
I stand with him
Thank you friend. We can stop this scourge if we work together as a united front. Sup Forums, TAKE BACK YOUR BOARD
eminem has said multiple times he wouldn't have been even close to as successful as he was if he wasn't white
>Gets called out
>Immediately shuts down
Are you one of those tryhards who clogs up Humanities departments or are you still living at home?
These artists directly reference their race as a contextually inseparable aspect of their work, and they both fall into predominantly black genres. For some reason you can't deal with these problematic perspectives on their own lives, so you hurt yourselves trying to spin it into something anti-race? What exactly made you this afraid of the real world?
I refuse to entertain your schizophrenic delusions with a response beyond two sentences.
Nothing quite as schizophrenic as claiming to refute capitalism on a forum afloat on pure ad revenue. You only refuse to engage because your own cognitive dissonance is so staggering that it bleeds into your own belligerent partisan delusions.
Well you're a racist forcing your bullshit on a music board so fuck off
Eminem guy here
How am I spinning this into something anti-race? By "keep race out of music" I meant don't let an artist's race affect your opinion on their success.
No, and also music sites like indie white people problems albums.
Eminem literally talks about his race positively affecting his success in his lyrics.
Where was I racist? I was giving you shit for your blasé inclusion of capitalism in your half-thought jumble of intersectional oppressions
OP was right but you cant accept that act that it true. And your a faggot for asking "What exactly made you this afraid of the real world" because your assume things about OP like a cunt.
His race shouldn't affect your opinion on his music though. Does it sound good or does it sound bad? His race is irrelevant to that. I think Eminem sucks, I'm white but his music sucks and doesn't sound good to me. I get that 90s white kids seeing a white guy rap competently and not be a novelty like Snow/Vanilla Ice is going to turn some heads and boost sales. *nsync sold millions too and Cardi B has the #1 song. That doesn't mean their music sounds good.
wow it's almost like an personal album is dependent on the person writing it.
I don't think Eminem is saying his race SHOULD affect his popularity, though. He's saying it does. My point is that it shouldn't. Are you done?
Your fighting the good fight
I'm not even the same guy
Capitalists and libertarians fall under the "alt right" bubble and those assholes keep shitting up this board with off topic shit. People who vehemently defend capitalism are more often than not Trump supporters and Sup Forums posters and these are generally the people we complain about.
Do you like the sounds/textures?
Do you enjoy the production quality?
Do you think the lyrics/melodies are both catchy and meaningful?
Do you have an emotional connection to the songs you are hearing?
If the answer to all these questions is "yes", does the race of the person making the music matter?
If you demonstrate that you're out of touch with reality then saying that someone is out of touch with reality is not a baseless assumption. I don't understand what you were trying to say in that first sentence.
Eminem's race is entirely relevant to the context of his entirely lyrical-based work. You don't just divorce context from art whenever it becomes uncomfortable.
This is a worthless opinion that has nothing to do with the world as we know it. Yeah things would be nice if it was an equal playing field for everyone and rappers had more to talk about than their race affecting their sales. And?
im with you man, this place has really gone downhill lately
That's a lot of projection there but unfortunately you're wrong. I'll do some of my own guesswork and bet that you've benefitted quite alot from capitalism, but instead of using that in any productive social sense, you've resorted to moral superiority on an online forum
>literally makes music about race
>"race doesnt matter"
Lol and then they will complain about how "you don't get mad when the left makes political/race posts". Well that's because they usually don't make threads complaining about "white privilege" or lack of black trans women in p4k top 100 or "what is the communist manifesto of music" whatever. I rarely see that.
I DO see threads about soyboy music, Jewish subversion, Trump, race baiting, hip hop = kill whitey, blatantly off topic political threads vaguely related to music, post-ironic Nazi worship of Taylor Swift, Sam Hyde threads, etc
Lol he talks about race sporadically, the nigga ain't Gil Scott-Heron.
Yeah he also talks about his sexuality a lot, which OP also took issue with.
Sup Forums defense force
You're missing our point. The point is Stefan Molyneux-tier fedora libertarians are usually reactionary political memers and they're usually the ones ranting about the virtues of the free market and try to turn everything into debate to "enlighten the sheeple". They fall under alt right and they're part of that group that needs to get the fuck off Sup Forums, that's why it's in there.
This board is a music board. I shouldn't have to know any of your political opinions, but it's slightly worse when it's just Sup Forums race shit that drives away any poster with decent artistic taste. You have to realize a lot of the art world are apolitical or left wing, this shit just scares off people who actually know about music and it leaves only the Sup Forums memers who listen to video game soundtracks, jason aldean, metal and Skrewdriver. It's kind of a trickle down effect, and I know how much you love those ;)
This hits the nail on the head.
Because OP doesn't care about the music, he just wants to make this a thinly veiled political thread
I'm telling you it's mainly because of Sup Forums. Threads that are just Sup Forums bait get 200-300 replies while music threads die after 10. It's been going on for like a year now and we need to actually take a stand.
Still, he talks about sexuality but it's usually not very in your face. He's not making any songs about anal sex and fellatio.
Kiiinda sounds like you're saying all there is to queerness is explicit sexual acts
And we don't have a right to be here?? Who gives you the fucking right? Right wing people can't enjoy music? Fuck you asshole, you're not defending Sup Forums, you're just making it your safe space.
maybe if you retards posted about music instead of virtue signaling how edgy and triggering and le based right wing saviors of civilization you are we'd like you more
No I know exactly your point, you have a hard time understanding nuance and instead resort to grouping large swaths of people into categories where you conclude their opinions are in line with internet personas (Molyneux) based SOLELY on their disagreement with your half-baked premises. It's very similar to how the alt-right constructs their own views of their enemies.
My point is with your arrogant moralizing, spewing vitriol about forced exoduses while not even completely realizing your own implications in these systems that you claim to denouce. That's nuance, and if you actually cared about expression or debate you would recognize it.
>You have to realize a lot of the art world are apolitical or left wing
This is what gives you away - your grasp of the art world and its attendant opinions is falsely informed by your remove from it. You're not actively engaged with it, you just wish you were. People actually involved in it don't resort to the broad dichotomies that you've so explicitly indicated you subscribe to.
Right wing should not mean blabbering retard that believes in dumbass shit like flat earth and purgatory and nuking everyone that argues better than you, but hey here we are dummy.
I bet you if I was a card carrying party member I'd be alright huh comrade? If I allowed Tyrone to plow my gf to Kendrick's latest hit single and downed a gallon of soy milk a day I'd be accepted in your secret hipster club?
he doesn't want a debate though, he just wants you political posters to fuck off and you're debating him about stefan molyneux and capitalism, like he said you would.
>If I allowed Tyrone to plow my gf to Kendrick's latest hit single and downed a gallon of soy milk a day I'd be accepted in your secret hipster club?
this is the Sup Forums shit everyone hate
This is why we want Sup Forums to fuck off.
if he was white this would be canon sadboi material
Fuck you, free speech buddy. We can like music too and we can be humorous too. This guy can talk shit about racists and nazis and capitalists and alt right all he wants, no one cares, how is that not political? Yet we tell you we don't want you here with your draconian censorship shit, and you tell us to fuck off? Sup Forums is a right wing site, Sup Forums is the largest board. It's humor is going to bleed into other boards, deal w/ it.
Hip hop is shit, you're a faggot, fuck leftism. That is all.
What do those posts have remotely in common?
> People actually involved in it don't resort to the broad dichotomies that you've so explicitly indicated you subscribe to.
Uhh unless you're talking bro country maybe no one in the art world supports your regressive ideology
t. musician
I agree with the OP post but also this
I just think people being upset about him talking about his queerness are overreacting because he's not sexually explicit. What is there to be upset about?
Lo fi bandcamp releases hardly counts
Because you don't actually like music, you just post Sup Forums bait. That's the fucking point. The leftists at least discuss music and they only come out of the woodwork when you people shitpost your soyboy and "this is only popular because he's black" memes.
>Post political "music" thread
>people reply ask that you keep Sup Forums music related
>"by replying to my explicitly politically thread, you to are discussing politics
bitch are you retarded
he is right wing, what do you think
You can legitimately argue that channel orange's (and thus blonde's) popularity was influenced by Frank coming out as bi. This argument can also be made in a tactful and non-racebaiting way.
See these people are posting how much they hate "the right" and no one gives a shit, but if I make fun of the left I get told to fuck off to Sup Forums. It's retarded. How is grandstanding about how much you hate the right or "racist" threads not political? Look not everyone likes your hip hop nigga bullshit. It's terrible. If I want to talk about how much hip hop sucks and only low IQ degenerates like it, that's music related. You have no right to shut it down even if it hurts your feelings.
When did it all go south?
browsing Sup Forums was one of the highlights of my day but these nupols are just a bunch of unwelcomed shitters
whats bad about being sexual explicit? Cakes da Killa for example?
Can we finally have a Sup Forums civil war and purge the non-music posters? Dead serious these threads are getting fucking annoying and it's why this board is losing traffic.
Trump won because the Kanye/Death Grips/Kendrick spam threads turned me into a literal nazi :\
If you don't recognize the basic philosophical distinction between "is" and "ought" you are unable to think critically. That is a hard prerequisite to independent thought.
more like "join me in the trash" lmao, go starve commie
You have a board to talk about Trump all you want faggot. It's not Sup Forums.
"Race should effect your opinion on an artist's music because it does"
I know plenty of people who aren't concerned with an artists race, so how would this opinion have no place in "this world as we know it"? That's literally like saying "people are racist though" after somebody points out that racism is wrong
And you have a board to cry about his oppreshun and the ebil whiddey, and it still isn't Sup Forums.
This is an American website, bud
Because it is on an already explicitly political thread.
It is fucking simple. I'm not posting anti right wing threads masked as music criticism.
that literally happens though and there is literally a "omg drimple donald doodle is gonna kill us all" thread that's been up for twelve hours, regardless of whether it's you posting them
Again leftists aren't making threads whining about Trump, they're just replying to threads made by Sup Forumstards about how Trump le triggered someone and telling them to fuck off to Sup Forums because it's off topic.
>not including anything to the left
go kill yourself commie trash and a huge reminder that you are the minority
>hip hop nigga bullshit. It's terrible.
>You have no right to shut it down even if it hurts your feelings.
No one is infringing on your free speech, we are just saying you are a dipshit
I can point to far more soyboy, race bait, and white male persecution complex threads made on here.
>Again leftists aren't making threads whining about Trump
It's literally on the first page, putting "music for this feel" in the OP doesn't make it a music thread
How fucking dense are you people
It's because the left isn't the one shitting up the fucking board with off topic shitposting garbage. Jesus.
Now we're backtracking? First it was "it doesn't happen", now it's "it happens less", how many examples will I need to pull up before you admit it's a problem?
This is how delusional you people are
I haven't seen that, but if your describing it correctly, its sounds out of place as well.
I agree with keeping race out of this board, but being white was a big part of Eminem's success.
Are you saying I'm hallucinating that thread existing or are you just bas at quotes
I'm saying the claim that the left doesn't make off topic threads is delusional
one is deleted, one is literally just calling Kendrick Lamar overrated which is true as fuck and music related, and one is about an actual artist
You miss the point idiot
That thread shouldn't be there either, but it's far less of a problem because it's not nearly as common. Every day I see 10 threads with the same soy joke or some debate about rap being racist. Take all this shit where it belongs, not here.
So now there's a question of (unsubstantiated) degree? Digging yourself deeper
>soy cancer
>calling rap racist
Is a discussion about music, it's just cancerous because it's reposted so much (but then again, so is every halfbit soundcloud mumble rapper and you aren't barking up their tree)
i'm going to admit it the reason I hate seeing right wing threads is because the right wing is based in hate. it's just racism and mindless hate. i dont care if the left makes threads because frankly leftists arent a big problem. at worse they just want equality. no one civilized wants to see this hitler KKK glorifying shit. get out of here.
dig yourself into a grave fash
the racist rap threads stop being about music after 5 posts max though, it's thinly veiled pol b8
have you even had the passing consideration that you might be wrong and that your entire view is based on what stephen colbert told you about those dirty "others", which is itself mindless hate
no because i see what you fuckers post every day, i dont need steven colbert to tell me what you think
>saying "fash" unironically
>can't format a board title
So you're an outsider concern troll, the only question is /leftypol/ or some communist subreddit.
>you fuckers
I think you're projecting that "mindless hate", friend.
the right-wing posters are quite simply a reaction to the explicitly liberal, idpol-obsessed and hyperpoliticized climate of contemporary music. its wicked claws are sunk deep in every possible platform, from DIY to the major media outlets
you didn't have this problem back when MBDTF got a 10 or odd future were at their zenith or whatever, because fuck whitey clickbait hadn't completely taken over the internet by then
Sup Forums is one of the last places left where you can vent your frustrations about shitlibs in music and that's a Good Thing. there's always reddit, RYM and last.fm if you're in dire need of decent tone
and frank ocean's got it made anyway who cares, he's is a soft shite who could use some anonymous bullying. as could people like this