why do I love her bitch face and cunt eyes so damn much?
Why do I love her bitch face and cunt eyes so damn much?
Other urls found in this thread:
What was the meaning of this bit?
This is the only marginally funny scene in the entire seri... sorry what was it a season?
"I am my brother's keeper." - Sam "Muh Medical Insurances" Hyde
Why are alt-rightcucks so bad at humour?
I honestly didn't find it funny or even high brow funny. I have no idea how this is considered comedy.
I watched that scene only because of her. Does anyone know here name?
I turned it off after the next sketch. After reading these threads and about that guy and being completely unaware of him before this, that whole sketch seems like it wasn't even written by him. It's too good.
>leftists soo triggered about being cucks that they try to turn the tables and use it against the people who call them that
so cute.
Why does Katie turn me on so fucking much? Who is she bros?
Also the thicker girl from the sleepover or whatever episode
Wow if that's sam he really looks like shit when he puts on weight
-Sam Hyde, an cuckold, 2016.
Luckily right after that interview he got a 100 grand from his book sales so I guess he isn't really doing that bad right now.
Because you're a cuck
Passive aggressive behavior is funny
I have no issue with this being an "alt-right" show (and i'm pretty sure Sam doesnt give a shit about the alt-right).
This shit it's not funny. Maybe you have to watch it while you're high idk
Perhaps he got around $3,000 of that.
So about a month's wage.
@8:28 hhnngg
it was self-published, though, so, probably a lot more.
Shill thread
Sage and report
Cheetos and condos?
>unicorn harry5 months ago
>4:09 mind blown javseen.com
Nice nice nice.
>alt-right nazis get their show canceled because they are too racist and crazy
loving every laugh
This cutie is a cutie
Sexy Blonde on the far right the far right like sams politics
I really like a lot of Sam's stuff, esp. vertical videos and pissing his mom off but he really seems to have gone off the rails recently. I think it's in part due to how fucking rabid his fanbase is. They view him as some kind of God, which is weird because he's clearly not all that smart and of late, a total fucking hypocrite. His legion of fans essentially work as his own echo chamber, which is kinda funny considering he's clearly pretty insecure "Should I keep doing this bit? is it funny? should I delete this video? I don't think it's that good"
Fuck him, total turd.
this, he's funny and creative but bought into his fame a little too much
what is it, video won't load for me
Same. Blonde in preview image does not look like her either?
Anyone knows who is she? She is crazy hot.
>tfw no Cheetosfu
you guys think adult swim will do reruns of world peace?
>trips the bitch and smacks her head on the way down
>smashes through table
>everybody is silent
>"Nick, what's going on, big guy"
Seemed pretty funny to me. TEE BB ACHH It's all about delivery
I'm not trying to make excuses but maybe explain that it is sometimes hard to know what [the] sender is beforehand. I'm happy this was disclosed and glad it has now been cancelled. I take this very seriously and will use this opportunity to better my research when it comes to syncing requests. I would never want any song of mine featured in a context of racism, sexism, homophobia or bigotry. It should be clear that the so called “alt-right” are nothing but neo-Nazis in suits.
tf are you talking about. if anything he's become more serious. have you seen hydewars?
humor can work by circumventing expectations, this scene did this well and dry, I really don't follow people's dislike of World Peace on this board.
what is that
Before the shills and or brainlets flood this thread:
Reminder that Hyde's show SLAUGHTERED Eric Andre's show in the ratings.
Reminder that Hyde was black listed, which is far worse than just getting a show cancelled.
Reminder that no writer has ever been black listed from a network for producing a show that was deemed unfunny. Therefore the actions against Sam were undeniably politically motivated.
Step 1: Search for hydewars on youtube.com
Obviously, just thought you might give a quick jist.
this is funnier than anything tim and eric has done yes even funnier than DOBIS
I find her qt as fuck
she reminds me of Ivanka
>“alt-right” are nothing but neo-Nazis in suits
so anybody got the mega link for kickstarter tv ?
Hydewars is essentially what I'm talking about. He's gone from a fairly libertarian guy who would satirise both sides of the political spectrum, esp. the left, into a full on pizzagater. But if you actually listen to him talk about shit, he's not that smart but clearly thinks way too fucking much of himself.
hyuck hyuck im huntin the cucks
gracie glam
half of it is on youtube and there is a torrent for the whole thing. I don't think Sammy gunz will hit you with a copyright complaint.
Is that Sam "One Dollar Extreme" Hyde?
where is the torrent for the whole thing ?
You know the funniest joke from this show?
It got cancelled
>muh health insurance
on TPB, search for KSTV
isn't he jewish? he sure looks like one. MUH HEALTH INSURANCE probably will nickel and dime any way he can.
Why doesn't he use that as motivation to lose weight? You know why? Because he's actually a fucking nigger.
he's unironically bulking
who is the girl from the start, anyone got her twitter
>why do i love features on a woman?
That's pretty gay.
The real question is why does Sam Hyde look like the type of guy you wouldn't trust loaning money to or leaving a child alone with?
any other alternatives ? it's probably gonna take a month with that speed.
materialistic suburbanites on anti depressants
He has been watching youtube skeptic people like styx or sargon .
Which basically explains HydeWars, it's just the same formula of retarded politivlogs but it's just rambling and with even less research into these topics they discuss.
thats what they do with literally everything
even when their favorite politicians got caught raping kids they were like "....nu nu uh YOU rape kids now!"
>It was Swiss cheese
Well, which one? Emmentaler, Gruyere, Appenzeller, Berner Alpen cheese, Sbrinz?
It took me a day. The speed will go back and forth. Give me a minute and I'll start seeding it
Anyone else remember when Tim and Eric improvised an almost identical bit years before this show was a thing?
sam is fat
love you man thx
Just donated to Sam's Patreon, I'm really glad to support him, thank you Sam for doing the things you do m8
Astroturfing: The Post
the people who take your money and watch your babies are the ones that fired him.
yea it's disgustinge
Makes me think, maybe he did something to the children of somebody at Adult Swim? Could explain things...
Look up Amelia Earhart JAV
what was the meaning of this?
Anyway, i like it
These are nothing alike. The tim and eric one is fucking terrible too.
Fuck off kike.
>Look up Amelia Earhart JAV
But this doesnt look like her?
Chelsea is cute!
>you're my Ideas Man thats what i pay you for
Do we get a season 2 of world peace?
wtf are those you tubers face blind autists or am I tripping, they look nothing alike?
this is fucking awful
Sam just kill yourself there's no reason to continue with your life.
How'd the jailer know it was cancelled before anyone else? Really makes you think.
it's the girl 4 mins in
read fagget
Ok thanks. Hard to surmise as none of em will work.
>date] [Auto] No new posts
anyone know her name or twitter/facebook
You "people" make me want to join the black panther party
And I'm not even black
This is a working link. No idea where she's supposed to be, not in the first few mins.