What do you think of Paris?



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I want a qt black Parisian gf

I want to live in paris

The more Indians and Muslims/Arabs breeding with White, European women the better! White women need to be with the Alphas.



but many of them are not violent, right?


Did they try...I dunno, not instigating a fight?
That usually works for me.

They really can't fight one on one.

Yess !!! get fucked france, death to white people

Don't know it no opinion

There's just something about these white, European lusting for Indians and Muslims/Arabs that is so hot. Blacks are so 2001. Make way for a new generation of Hapa babies!

meanwhile in belarus...

Since European (and soon, North American, White men) aren't fighting back, we taking your women. DEAL WITH IT!

Enslave white women and slaughter white men. Emprison the kids until they are of fighting age before killing them

SHIEEEEEET!!! Any more like this? LOL

It's full of arrogant gay leftist and commie morons who speak like faggots and who are proud of their niggers & maghrebis
At least the marseillais are ashamed of their migrants
They also all think we're still in the années folles and they're responsible for the negative image people have of us around the world
Also the city if fucking trashy and there's chewing gum all over the Champs Élysée

It's very dirty, full of blacks, arabs and homeless people.

Not a good idea to go in paris if you are asian.
Arabs and black attack asian people for money.

Why do french girls have such bubble butts?

You know, these types of videos are floating around Youtube, etc. very often, and I wonder why the left-leaning white women (and men) refuse to acknowledge this.

Was there a few months ago. Beautiful city but far too many niggers. Didn't see many muslims though that I can recall. Tourist areas had Military patrols and all the landmarks had military guards. I arrived right after an Antifa riot, I noticed a lot of broken windows and Anarchist graffiti all over the place which really killed the atmosphere. Eiffel Tower was nice I guess. Pantheon was impressive. Notre Dame was pretty damn cool. Louve was meh as fuck.

I don't recommend going there unless you have a lot of money and can afford really good hotels at good locations.

There are tons of videos of police straight up killing people on YouTube, doesn't mean I should be scared of cops.

is paris really so dangerous?
how are other french cities?
where do you live?

Why? Because leftist are crazy.


what the fuck
i really can't comprehend why anyone wouldn't know how to throw a basic punch, you surely see it in the media you consume daily or have at least been in a fight or two to figure it out.

Literal manchild flailing, if you're going to be a violent animal at least understand how your body works and how best to use it.

Nice ass

The only good place in France are countryside.

>how are other french cities?






Same thing on asian apartment.


Oh God it's worse than London

>that one brown woman smiling about his actions
is that common?

One of the most beautiful and fanciest city in the world that everybody would wanna pay a visit at least once

you have to go back

>south korea

Problem solved?

Issoutv 10 mo vp8 vp9 archive

Sup Forums 4mo on wsg and gif only
2 mo with no sound on other board.
Vp8 only.
Same webm all the times.


My sister in law went to paris with my brother. She told me she hate it, not because of the shit end city, they live in LA so they are used to it. She hated it because the arabs thought she was also arab (she is mexican) and was probably not wearing the ninja get up and was in a relationship with a white guy.

I had a great time there this spring on my way to Bordeaux, though I had a really tight schedule and did the most touristy things within two days. I also speak passable French.

Only racist, sexist small peepee drumpftard whiebois would have a problem with diversity.

I know that feel.

>What do you think of Paris
I haven't been there in four years but back in 2013 it was fucking terrible.

wow black dominance proceed than as I thought

Anecdotal evidence

Alsace is french or german?

>Anecdotal evidence

Judging from this video, it's literally 10 times worse than Oslo, which in turn is 10 times worse than the rest of Norway. To me as a Norwegian living on the west coast, the city of Paris seem like a really foreign place. Really fucking foreign. I was there when I was much younger, but I don't remember it like this. Is Europe really this bad now? Hmm.