What are some other interview kino?
>tfw find that goofy looking chick really sexy for some reason
also, it was pretty funny how Richard says "Come on troll me heheh!" and then she just completely calls him out for being a hack fraud
Thanks for never posting the name of anything and actually fostering discussion in the mire of ten thousand Star Wars threads Sup Forums. You truly are the deepest dick loving faggot ass board on this green Earth
sauce please
This, sauce and YTlink plz
Is she......................dare I say it........................................................................../ourgirl/?
who is this?
Is she giving Dickie Spencer the "fuck me" eyes?
thanks brah
also, harder daddy
She's fugly as fuck and to blatantly a hipster, 0/10 fuck of vice shit scum.
>Is she giving Dickie Spencer the "fuck me" eyes?
we discussed that on Sup Forums last night and shes not the only female vice reporter to do that. Its apparently some weird new journalistic trick where women act flirty in order to lower the guard of people so they give more honest answers
>Is she giving Dickie Spencer the "fuck me" eyes?
No, she is just goofy looking...like for real.
Watching her is a fucking experience.
So she's a vile temptress then?
That was how she looked for 90% of the interview. The smug cunt wouldn't stop closing her eyes while talking.
>Richard is wearing sunglasses while the sun is behind him
>Shes wearing regular glasses while facing the sun
>this was the last time they spoke as friends
is this poetry?
I can tell by her eyes and mannerisms that she's on a shitload of anti-depressants
>So she's a woman then?
Are all fucking neo-nazis altrighters this deluded and embarrasing?
She's literally cosplaying Gloria Steinem.
She straight up lied in reference to him mentioning the daily stormer, which she said was probably a journalist instead, and even the lie itself held no relevance. How does that call him out as a fraud?
do people think those kinds of glasses look good?
if she takes them off will she be fired from vice?
Oh it's *that* Elspeth Reeve. No wonder she's calling herself Elle now.
>New Republic editor Franklin Foer disclosed that Beauchamp is married to Elspeth Reeve, a former New Republic reporter and fact checker, and that his relationship with Reeve was "part of the reason why we found him to be a credible writer."[6] Accused of insufficient fact-checking, the magazine had, according to Foer, planned to "re-report every detail",[2] but the magazine later stated that their investigation was "short circuited" after the Army severed Beauchamp's communications with anyone overseas.[7]
>She proves and tells him exactly how he is fraud
>He denies and pretty much starts getting triggered about her fucking tone
This is literally like talking to a college aged SJW.
>How does that call him out as a fraud?
Because he tries to style himself as this well spoken intellectual and that this movement is based around some philosophical framework, when in reality, its just a bunch of loud mouthed, crude shitposters being edgy for laughs
>live in the south-east
>have to deal with cockney diaspora from London
apart from that's now what happened you leftist mong
welcome to reality, wake up and smell the Coffee and Trump SteaksĀ® any time faggot
is Gary /our guy/ ?
I voted for Trump though. Richard Spencer is a very obvious hack pandering to retarded teenagers
hmm, can you give me a rundown on this guy, or alt-right or whatever it is that she's attacking? I don't really feel they're discussing anything to be honest, more-so just exchanging rhetoric.
does she actually need those glasses? looked like she was squinting all the time, maybe she needs a new prescription.
>meme glasses
>smiles and talks with eyes closed
god what a cunt
The Alt-Right is a term Richard Spencer, the guy in the video, came up with that is essentially just a more palatable rebranding of white nationalism. Richard is a white nationalist that among other things believes that human rights are a joke and that some people, even within white people, are shit that are essentially there for the patricians to use as they please. He rode to some relevancy on the backs of Trump and Sup Forums
The guy styles himself as a well spoken intellectual like she said, but its just a mask for just a really rotten person. For example, hes really articulate in his speeches, but when it comes to questioning, if anyone ever really proves him wrong, he just resorts to shitposting irl. For example, in his speech at Texas A&M some student was questioning his understanding of genetics/race and he fired back with "well what do you know about genetics?" and the guy said he was a PhD in genetics, so Richard just insulted him and called him a fat beta male. Its kind of funny to since hes sort of faggy/effeminate himself
>white countries for everyone!
not an argument. You are, as Richard put it, posting snarky little comments
"""they""" are trying to change alt-right movement into controlled oppostion, this guy is self claimed leader
She just needs a thorough dicking and she'd be wearing a trump hat by the end of the month.
remember - you have to be on the spectrum to fall for taqyyia
>muh dick
Crispin Glover on Letterman - classic interkino
Ok. Ive heard interviews with him before because I follow Jack Donovan a lot and he seemed cool in those when they were talking about movies and the left and shit but this dude is a fucking moron and either a CIA plant or someone who spends too much time on Sup Forums. Yes it was memed in existence the same way bronies were memed into existence. It started out as a joke haha men liking my little pony whatever until people started surfacing who really liked the show and jacked off into jars with MLP toys in it. You're basically the bronies of the right. Any movement that survives on memes whether it be tumblr feminism, transtrenders or this garbage is an embarrassment and is bound to fail.
post more gary
>CIA plant
why are you all such paranoid retards that you think everyone is fucking "omg muh controlled opposition!"
underrated post
Because it's pretty hard to believe that the leader of a movement that liberals believe is powerful enough to steal the election, ruin Paul Fieg by boycotting his movie and is more or less the most evil movement since hitler himself is a bumbling moron.
It's like looking at all the propaganda against Hitler over history equating him to being some evil, maniacal mastermind and then actually meeting him only to find out he's a fucking spazz who gets tricked by people doing that thing where it looks like they removed their thumb and out it back on
>"well what do you know about genetics?" and the guy said he was a PhD in genetics, so Richard just insulted him and called him a fat beta male.
So basically Sup Forums in human form.
Jesus fucking Christ he is embarrassing.
I literally laughed out loud when I saw that he's 38 years old.
She wants to fuck him so hard, it's not even funny.
>For example, in his speech at Texas A&M
find the video or your mother dies in her sleep tonight