White people are sick of being called racist

>White people are sick of being called racist
>Gets assblasted the Empire is an allusion to Nazis and white supremacist organizations(even though they were portrayed that way from the very start. Fucking Star Wars was conceived as "WWII in space".)

You can't make this shit up

>even though they were portrayed that way from the very start

Literally were they though?

Yes you have to be fucking autistic to not see it. It's not like it was subtle either. Lucas himself even went on record saying the Empire was meant to invoke Nazis

Yes, but there was subtlety to it. Lucas only based them off Nazi aesthetics and left the rest up to the actions of Darth Vader and the Emperor

>Sup Forums, ladies and gentlemen

It was not subtle. The goons the heroes fight throughout the movies are called Stormtroopers.

The Empire were a bunch of fucking cisgendered white males, whereas the Rebels were...

Imperialist fascists yes, but I don't remember anything about white supremacy


They weren't. The Empire originally meant to symbolize the United States.


Blacks, Muslims, and Asians all fought alongside the Nazis.

Not quite what's going on.

Starts with neo-left calling alt-right "literally Hitler" on a regular basis.
Then because the Empire actually is "literally Hitler", they start comparing the alt-right to the Empire.
And for some fucking reason people on both sides are believing them, so the alt-right is getting pissed at Star Wars and liberals are sucking Disney's dick.

I call it Godwin's Transitive Property.

>the Empire is an allusion to Nazis and white supremacist organizations(even though they were portrayed that way from the very start.

oh yeah, so why sell toys etc. of a white supremacist organization? i mean, isn't this the same as selling KKK or Hitler dolls?

>white supremacist organization
>troopers are all black clones


>Star Wars was conceived as "WWII in space"

No it wasn't.

You literally made that up.

only the ottomans, shia from iran and arabs were against the nazis
only the japanese, the rest were against the nazi


Yes, Lucas modeled them after nazis because nazis = bad, and making the empire look aesthetically similar is an easy way to show the audience that they are bad. They aren't a white supremacist organization in Star wars though.

IN the early EU lore it was stated somewhere the Empire had a vendetta against non-humans which were the minorities of Star Wars originally.

Fucking Sup Forums underages trying to rewrite history to suit their agenda. Next you'll say Indiana Jones originally didn't fight Nazis and they were "subtle" about it.

Oh, that guy in the back against the wall might be Italian!

See, the Rebellion was a diverse PoC alignment against the white male Imperial patriarchy (led by James Earl Jones)

Thats actually not the point.

Its never been subtle that the Empire is supposed to be an allegory to the Nazi party.

The problem more comes from the fact that the writing team decided to act like this is some modern deep political commentary about racism as if they're accomplishing some act of great charity, when its always existed and always followed to a degree, this narrative.

Having said that:
It annoys me that none among the main cast is an Ayy, since the Empire is exclusively "human" (although constantly employ ayys for sideops and sneaky deeds).
If you really want to drive home a point of racism thats already existed for 40 years, at least give the main cast the actual diversity the literal aspect of the film's racism depicts.

A group of terrorists led by a self-styled 'religious leader' from a shithole desert planet who led a suicide attack and killed thousands of people aboard an imperial space station?
The Empire did nothing wrong

>IN the early EU lore it was stated somewhere the Empire had a vendetta against non-humans which were the minorities of Star Wars originally.
In the current Rogue One lore the Empire is against both aliens and non-white humans in spite of the fact that human racial archetypes make zero sense in a setting that doesn't even have an Earth, let alone a Europe or an Africa

Oh, you mean the EU lore that disney decided wasn't canon? Okay.

He was maori and the clones stopped being used by the time the original trilogy took place.

yeah because there certainly isn't any Hydra and Red Skull action figures out there.

Kmt china was neutral / coopersted with nazi germany up until 41

>They aren't a white supremacist organization in Star wars
Fascism and fashion are the only two things Nazis and the Empire share.

and Gandhi thought Hitler was pretty swell

>Prequel shit

Kill yourself kid.

Yes it was. Look it up. The turret cockpit of the Millennium Falcon resembles a WWII fight plane cockpit. The space battles in the OT was meant to invoke this imagery.

> They aren't a white supremacist organization in Star wars though.
I think the guy who wrote the upcoming Star Wars movie knows better than you

The Empire did a lot wrong.
It's just that the rebels weren't any better
>something something Syria

>Prequel shit
see where's all the diversity in the Rebellion? The only clearly identifiable PoC in the whole OT happens to work for both the Empire and Rebels at various points

Germany's former African colonies like Cameroon fought for the Nazis in WW2, and the Freies Arabien Legion also existed


>I think the guy who wrote the upcoming Ghostbusters movie knows better than you

>It annoys me that none among the main cast is an Ayy, since the Empire is exclusively "human" (although constantly employ ayys for sideops and sneaky deeds).
If you really want to drive home a point of racism thats already existed for 40 years, at least give the main cast the actual diversity the literal aspect of the film's racism depicts.

I've always felt that the Empire's human-centric policy came about as a matter of practicality rather than any actual racism.
For example, the amount of time and money it would take to create Stormtrooper armor that would fit every single race would be a huge waste of time and money, so the efficient thing to do would be to restrict Stormtroopers to being human.
Just my take on it

let's not forget the obsession with unpractical weapons

>I think
You clearly don't do this.

He compared the Empire to Trump

Trump isn't a white supremacist

>White people are sick of being called racist

Nice straw man.

I'm pretty proud of my racism.

fuck off, the rebels are literal americans rebelling against the british empire

Oh snap


See this one epic Sup Forums post that DESTROYED a butthurt faggot forever

Better call Pawn Stars because you just got OWNED


There's tons of other species in the rebel alliance. I'd call that diversity.

I disagree.

If we're doing Revolutionary War then the Rebels are Tories because they want the old government back

And JJ fucked up hard because 30 years after bringing back the old ways of justice and democracy, that government is just as helpless and inept as it was the first time the Shit Lords tore them apart


>Galactic Republic is the same thing as the Galactic Empire

Ebic post xddd

It makes me wonder how these underages keep their Sup Forumstism in check during history class.

Oh who am I kidding. Most of the whites on Sup Forums live in shitty flyover states. For all we know, their school's curriculum probably teaches them how the KKK and Nazis were heroes and totally misunderstood.

It makes sense.
The empire was founded mostly on the prospect of cloning if I'm not incorrect. Those clones were mandalorian humans, which became the foundation of the empire.
Empires all about efficiency, no real need to clone/employ other species.

Its not like the Sith were very racist, for instance.

But regardless, if their writing team of fuckheads are going to push that message, they should at least give the rebellion actual fuel for fighting that racism aspect by giving some Ayys.

>white supremacist
The only humans in Star Wars are white to begin with how the fuck could the empire be white supremacist.

He's a racist but I don't think Trump's a white supremacist or nationalist. He only gives a shit about himself. If he could make money for his businesses in destroying the US, he'd do it and probably will.

>I *want* to live in a world ruled by shitskins, they're so noble and courageous
Just fuck off to Africa if it's so great, why bring it here

>American rebels
>assault a handful of loyalists
>engage in standard warfare with British soldiers
>throw some tea into the harbor

>SW rebels
>blow up a massive base, indiscriminately killing everyone from conscripted soldiers to janitorial staff

They're inherently evil.

Whites are inherently evil.

It fits.

I thought he was red-pilled?

that's my point, they should feel guilty for taking money to sell poor kids those evil dolls and should donate the money to diverse groups in need

Ok Dylan Roof.

>the Empire are the Nazis

Remember that time the Empire was literally America in North Vietnam

breh there's so much WW2 imagery in Star Wars
>ball turrets like said
>modified period weaponry like the STG-44 and C96
>ARC-170 starship from episode III looks like a Black Widow fighter

Because America was never a white country. Fuck off back to Europe if you hate it here so much.

Every single protaganist in a A New Hope, from the rebel pilots, to soldiers on Leia's freighter to Gen. Dodonna to Luke, Han, Ben, etc were white males.

Literally every single fucking one was a a white male.

But nobody is going around saying that the Rebellion is a white supremacist organization.

SJWs are so fucking stupid.

but they weren't white/human supremacist

there were alien/black imperials

furthermore the attempt to label them a white supremacist organization is a recent addition to lor by writers attempting to link Donald Trump to white supremacists so the spin is actually an anti-Trump statement, which is stupid because they're alienating potential consumers

>America was never a white country

Are you saying that Europe should just be a place for white people?

There was another guy who believed that, too.

The likely scenario is that he's one of countless asshats who believe the line that Trump is a fascist, and even if you hate him for being a dick, he's clearly not that.

Liberals see that tweet, think it's about Trump being a racist, and thereby infer that Rogue One is about race now, and the Empire is white supremacist.

They exclaim in jubilation about it, everyone believes them for some reason, and now everyone is upset about something that isn't even true.

Did they totally skip over the New World in history class Cletus? Stealing a piece of land from a group of people does not suddenly retroactively make that land always yours.


America has always been a white country. It's had a white majority for 300 years.

Every major institution and company was founded by whites including Star Wars, Sup Forums, and the Internet itself.

Blacks literally haven't mastered subsistance farming in Sub Saharran Africa. There is no competition here. There never was and there never will be


user if only white people exist there would no such thing as white supremacy you retard, white supremacy is only a thing because nonwhite people exist, back in the old days we didnt call eachother white we just called ourselves by our european country ethnic groups.

No but it is their homeland. And they can get in touch with their white roots better and be with 'their people'.

See? Now we're getting to the crux of it.

>all races are equal and people shouldn't be judged and generalized by the color of their skin, and that's why all white people must be exterminated and displaced for the crimes of their ancestors

>Everyone that disagrees with me is stupid


>"The Empire is a white supremacist organization"
>At the time the Empire was formed, literally every soldier serving in the army was Maori

Really makes you think

>America has always been a white country.

American "education". Oh boy electing those Republicans sure did work out well for you inbreds.

>For all we know, their school's curriculum probably teaches them how the KKK and Nazis were heroes and totally misunderstood.
Most american white people dont even know who the hell the KKK is until black people show their genetic PTSD in college.

Third party here to tell you that
>America was never a white country
>America wasn't originally a white country
are not the same thing.

If you're going to argue with 'Cletus', at least do it properly.

America is a white country, before there were white people here this landmass had no name you stupid fuck.

It did have a name in various Amerindian languages.


there's nothing nazi about them though, they were literally just a normal military in the original series.

"Stealing" land from small savage low IQ tribes who didn't own it in the first place (and they themselves conquered and killed off smaller tribes to get it) isn't quite theft.

A more evolved, more intelligent and dominant animal (who initially attempted to live side by side with said savages) did what all dominant animals do in nature.

They built teepees.

White men built the Empire State Building and the Large Hadron Collider.

Grow the fuck up fatgirl

How many blacks are here?
How many asians?
How many arabs?
How many latinos?

How many fucking Iroquois or Apache?

In fact, more than anything, it looks like the fucking Galactic Empire doesn't it?

There was no name for the continent in Amerindian languages. American natives didnt even know they were on a fucking continent.

The USA is a white country because white people literally built the USA from the wilderness of North America, the Native Amerishit did nothing but live like a neolithic savage.

The empire used a Nazi aesthetic to seem evil, but they weren't even human supremacist at the start. That is now non-canon shit the EU added.

>stealing land
Native stole land from Buffalos since they are actually Siberia by your logic.

Its not stealing land its just evolution for the smarter animal to outcompete the stupid one.

>there's nothing nazi about them though


They're obviously WHITE

Buying a piece of land*


I live in Manhattan. Im pretty fucking far from being Cletus.

And the Democratic Party is both a poorer and less educated coalition of people compared to the Republicans.


It's a fucking movie and people are calling it racist and insulting each other over the internet because of perceived propaganda or some shit

You're reading too deep into it, it's a fucking movie. Calm down.

And yet you'll be the first to bitch and moan about how unfair the "brown invasion" of Europe is by Muslims.

America's racial anxieties are going to continue ramping up, forever, until the country ceases to exist.

And it might take fucking decades.

>Proving his point about you underages not knowing your own history

You cant make this shit up.

>wooow you don't want your land to be conquered and your culture to be destroyed the way those Injuns were, racist and bigoted much?!

The wilderness is a misconception, but I forgive you, they usually don't teach this in high schools. Much of the land was worked to suit their needs. And yes they did have names for the lands.

"Rather than domesticate animals for meat, Indians retooled ecosystems to encourage elk, deer, and bear. Constant burning of undergrowth increased the numbers of herbivores, the predators that fed upon them, and the people who ate them both. Rather than the thick, unbroken monumental snarl of trees imagined by Thoreau, the great eastern forest was an ecological kaleidoscope of garden plots, blackberry rambles, pine barrens, and spacious groves of chestnut, hickory, and oak... Incredible to imagine today, bison occurred from New York to Georgia. A creature of the prairie, Bison bison was imported to the East by Native Americans along a path of indigenous fire, as they changed enough forest into fallows for it to survive far outside its original range. When the Haudenosaunee hunted these animals, the historian William Cronon observed, they
'were harvesting a foodstuff which they had consciously been instrumental in creating. Few English observers could have realized this. People accustomed to keeping domesticated animals lacked the conceptual tools to recognize that the Indians were practicing a more distant kind of husbandry of their own.'
... Carrying their flints and torches, Native Americans were living in balance with Nature---but they had their thumbs on the scale. Shaped for their comfort and convenience, the American landscape had come to fit their lives like comfortable clothing. It was a highly successful and stable system, if "stable" is the appropriate word for a regime that involves routinely enshrouding miles of countryside in smoke and ash..."

Make a fucking counterargument. Cite something. I'm so fucking over actually typing a thought, and having a leftist respond with "Your thought is stupid, I'm right."

Tell me about the fucking genderqueer pansexual mulatto Founding Father. Please, do it. I'm fucking listening, bestow your beautiful enlightenment upon me.

Its not a legit conquest because we arent allowed to kill them, we are just supposed to let them come in, in a real conquest we can murder them and if they murder us into submission then they win.
Shut up prairie savage.

The Empire has always been Nazis, that's obvious.

It's still pretty amusing the way the Rebels seem tailor-fit to check off the diversity checklist. Like the first thing they did when they were writing the story was say "Alright guys, let's make this PC af"

Not gonna bother seeing it, desu, it looks about as interesting as TFA.