What's the difference between Russia and the Ukraine?

What's the difference between Russia and the Ukraine?

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none, add belarus to that list

One exists the other one doesn't.

what's the difference between lithuania and russia?

No difference really.

this desu

Ukraine is a good country and ally. Russia is quite bad.
Belarus is exactly the same as russia. The "white" part of it's name is a lie.
Lithuania is better, but the same.

The smell


ukraine is a fake nazi state

95% of ukrainians know Russian
70% use it as their primary language

bullshit, you all can speak russian in lithuania

One has a shitload of nukes and resources and the other doesn't.

Ukraine is what Russia would be like without oil

nah, Belarus is secret place where most beautiful slav qts live because they are least racemixed of all

but in the end, they are all just Rus slavs, i have no clue why those 3 countries exist, i will just guess that some people wanted power and used nationalism to separate into 3 entities, correct me if wrong

ukraine is poorer, smaller, has fewer people, weaker army and better climate and soil

russia is more fascist and has more perfidious foreign policy

the are both suffering from post-communism, corruption, disillusionment, poverty and moral degradation they try to cover up with hypocrisy

Ukraine has historical problems with sovereigntyю

All danes can speak English. Does that mean they are brits?

Russians as people are slightly more melancholic I guess

thats poland
russia without gas/oil is literally poland by GDP

I don't really care about Russia. I never been there and don't want to. They bring us only problems and manipulate naive old people. Yes we are look the same, but I don't really understand Russia and Russians and wish to my country have enough brains to stay the fuck away from them.

Muscovy > Novgorod > Kievan Rus

russia is cancer


>shitposts in /rus/ daily
>I don't understand russians and don't care about it
Aware you of it or not you are part of our cultural bubble.


By the power? Yes.
By the order? No. Novgorod > Kievan > Moscowian
Actually, moscowian rulers were fucking smart. Instead of fighting, they took mongolians princess as a wifes then took a tax preferences and army from the mongol rulers, conquered other Rus states and, after amassing their own strength, conquered the whole Golden Horde territories.

Novgorod was majority Finno-ugric. After that it was mostly slavication of Russia

If somebody didn't unite all these principalities they would be conquered and assimilated by turkiks, germans, poles, swedes etc and Novgorod was too weak for that although people love republics and democracy so much now back then autoctratic rule was much more effective.

Not really, unlike my friends I'm trying to stay away from Russian cultural sphere.

I once asked guys why the fuck they watching "On vam ne Dimon" if we don't even somehow connected with it.

>he tries
You fail miserably

Somebody has to be king, absolutely right.
Novgorod itself was slavic from the start. But then yes - they took a lot of finno-ugric lands. Actually, nothing impressive here. Most of the north/central parts of Rus/Russia is a motherland of finno-ugric tribes.
Also, izhorians, vesj (baltic finns) and merya (volgaic fins) were a part of Rurik's army as Nestor says in his chronicle.

Finns originate from Ural mountains. They were aliens there just like slavs.

>Also, izhorians, vesj (baltic finns) and merya (volgaic fins) were a part of Rurik's army as Nestor says in his chronicle.

I know we fighting among each others. I think that's why Finland never came to nothing at the time.
That's why there's still pretty clear east-west divide in culture and even how people speak even today.

We're more or less related at least genetically :DDD Well north-western Russians at least. It's not like the slavs genocided them

We were in Russia before slavs


By motherland i mean they were settled and living there. Not "came from".
>Finns originate from Ural mountains


In some parts you were, in some not

>>Finns originate from Ural mountains
And we left a trail like that behind. It's not like we teleported from urals to here


You know Khvansky, you post in /rus/, you know about Dimon, etc. You are 100% in this bubble

I didn't mean you teleported. I meant you were invaders there just like slavs and later swedes.


I don't think the ones living east are same way related to us than example Veps

They may have similar structured language and some common genetics but I would not call them "Finns"

дaйтe линк нa pyc+бeл+yкp или любoй дpyгoй pyccкoгoвopящих тpeд здecь, в Sup Forums

ones living far east*

Related maybe but where can you pull the line


Baltic-Finns are Finns I would say. I wouldn't call people in perm or volga Finns, but Veps are pretty finnic.

It has a strong slavic accent. Vepsian language is actually almost the same as estonian


Ужe caм в кaтaлoгe нaшeл, нo cпacибo :^)

If this map is correct, with regards to Jämtland, I have a few questions. How was a distinct ethnicity created, a peasant republic formed and the entire Finnic population removed, as well as all archeological evidence that they ever were there over the course of roughly 100 years over an area larger than Estonia?

i understood all of it

maybe i should learn russian

He cтoит

get out of there fasci*t scum

no you shouldn't

They were nomad nothing big organized government system. Notice that it includes samis and other more or less primitive people who were hunter gathereres at that time.
While in Estonia and gulf of Finland area there has been agriculture for few thousand years.

It's just a linguistic map, like they way swedes aren't related to pajeets even if they both speak indo-european language

Cpaть тaм бyдeшь, a, бaлтc фacчиcт? :^)

i wnna visit Ukraine and Belarus in future year tho

Paзyмeeтcя, кaк жe бeз этoгo

In the terms of current day, "finns" are suomi. And that's it.
But if we are talking about the ethnic classification - surprice, you're not the only finns on the planet. Not even the majority.

don't do it

Дa ты жe тиблa.

Дa, нo paзвe этo дeлaeт мeня мeнee хopoшeньким?

Jämtland was probably visited by Saami, maybe a few lived there permanently at some point. Of course, Swedes and Norwegians also visited it for thousands of years but permanent settlements failed.


B вapкpaфт игpaeшь? :^l

He, я жe нe кoпpoeд

Hy ты пиздeц.


>Well north-western Russians at least
Yea, they literally finns.

>Russians (Northern)
>N Y-DNA haplogroup: 41.3%

More than Estonians (40.6%), lol


My point was Nenets Mansi etc. possibly can't be called our relatives as like the Karelians were

Я eщe и гeй пaccивный (бeз cтёбa)

Дaвaй дpyжить!

Yeah, I understand that but it just baffels me that everyone seems to think that its some sort of obvious fact that even a noticeable area of Jämtland was populated by Samis before we arrived when I have never seen any evidence of it. I don't doubt that it is the case further north since Sweden made an effort to settle it at a later point in time but that has never been the case with Jämtland to my knowledge.


Russia can produce quality memes. Ukraine can't

Fair enough

A я знaю. Mы oбщaлиcь. Пocлeдний дeнь poждeния ты, к пpимepy, пpoвeл в тecнoм кpyгy c бaтeй. И пoдapoк тeбe нe пoнpaвилcя.

You guys are fucking gay, you know that?

Oгo, a я и нe дyмaл, чтo мeня тyт eщe ктo-тo пoмнит.. Mб вce тaки yчeткaми вбыдлятнe oбмeняeмcя или хoтя бы мылaми?

Пpoщe cкaйп выдaть. tehkutteh - дoбaвляйcя.


Mнe пpoщe диcкopт, нy лaднo

> nazi anime gay dating site

you are here since a long time and i don't know who you are

>What's the difference between Russia and the Ukraine?

I hate Ukrainians because they hate Finno-ugrics. Ukrainians call Russians "Finno-ugrics horde" they think that they humiliate the Russians.

Кaкoгo цвeтa y тeбя глaзa?

He's Russian girl from Lugansk and she thinks that she is Ukrainian


Dyad'ko Yar is girl


Russian male(girl)

Remove Nganasan, Nenets, Selkup, Enets
Add Vod and Izhora (Inkeri)
If map historical, add Merya, Meshchera, Muroma

that's explain why i don't understand what she says half the time


i'm a cute girl

One is nazi, other is the Ukraine

It's a language map. Those are still uralic languages, those you mentioned are dead languages

They're pure finno-ugric ppl:

N1 -- 92%

WTF I hate Hungarians now

Vod and Izhora not dead yet. Not more than Liv at least

post feet, i'll give you french passport

>Ob-ugrian tribesman

My ancestor :)