"Rogue One is an absolute sausage fest"

"Rogue One is an absolute sausage fest"

What did she mean by this?

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She means that sjws and feminists are never happy and need to constantly bitch about anything to take their minds off their failed lives.

She means that Sup Forums was right again.

When will the studios learn, that these people will never be happy, and they should just stop trying to pander to them?

>I tried to enjoy it but my blind ideology didn't let me
I feel bad for this woman. Imagine trying to make her sit through Seven Samurai.

Hopefully when The Barbie Movie makes less than $10,000,000 opening weekend

This is true, just look at Sweden, they've achieved near perfect equality, but the SJW shit just keeps getting worse.

One of the things that caused me to grow up and switch from being liberal to a conservative was when I realized that liberals will never be happy and if you give them an inch they will take a mile. I remember when gays got the right to get married I thought they would be happy but they weren't. They immediately started calling anyone who didn't want a mentally ill man in a dress to use the same bathroom as their daughter a "transphobic bigot". They literally invented the word "transphobic" to give their insanity the moral high ground. This is why you always do the opposite of what liberals ask for.

>look at Sweden, they've achieved near perfect equality

if by equality you mean letting in hordes of unchecked migrants and refugees and allowing them to commit crimes, rape women and children, demand their culture come first over the country's own, and offering welfare to ISIS fighters who have decided to come back, sure, let's call that equality.

The end game is not equality, itd a new order

Stop being a degeneraphobe

It sounds like you're still an ideologue

Good post

>it didn't check the "enough females" box

fuck off

Reminder that pic related, fat feminazi lucas daughter, literally scripted one or two clone wars episodes where you have a literally matriarch planet of witches ruling over savages men (darth maul race).

Let's hope Kennedy will hire her.

You don't have to go full Sup Forums to see the flaws of the progressive left.

Yes I am now a right wing white supremacist nationalist. I turned into one the first time a liberal called me a racist for voicing my concerns about open border immigration. Now I always vote as far right as possible

>switching political ideologies because of what some retards are doing, instead of developing your own beliefs

Sounds like you just saw which way the wind was blowing when it became cool to worship Trump and be conservative online.

You're confusing HRC for your average gay on the street user

There's a whole lotta division between gays, lesbians, and trans folk now that the former have been legitimized.

It means despite the leads of both new SW films being strong mary sues, SJWs will never be satisfied

You dipshits never seem to get how this all works. They don't pander because they're "HUR DUR SJWS". They add women to broaden their market, aka more money. I'd say 99% of decisions are based on balance sheets and profits.

Most casual movie goers and the target audience (fucking children and their parents) don't give a shit about the gender of the main protagonist.

Sup Forums would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and thank Sup Forums for all their hard work ensuring the recent presidential election victory.

I disagree. Many people and not just storm weenies were annoyed at another female lead

yeah that worked well for them with the ghostbusters remake lad

babymen aren't people

>there are still men in the movie
>what gives

love how this new disney wars is generating zero energy and enthusiasm.

aside from a few twitter hashtags nobody is talking about it in any sort of light.

She means she won't be happy until every character is a woman, even Darth Vader

You're in an echo chamber that is the internet, the profits will prove otherwise. Remember all the idiots saying TFA would fail? Hah.
It helps when the movie isn't total trash. A numbers cruncher likely warned the studio head about casting all females as above average risk on return.

As much as I hate disney, this. They're turbokikes. They know they got the need fanbase on lockdown so they're trying to tap into the feminist hag market with the grrrrrlpower stuff

Social media was a mistake.

Not here, look at Facebook and YouTube comments. Not the greatest indicators but are some. We will see how this performs. Maybe I'll be wrong and it'll be another hit

So progressive!

Tfa was obviously successful, but not as successful as they thought it'd be, mostly because if China. The chinks absolutely despise niggers so tfa took a massive hit. This is also why rogue one has two shoehorned chink characters in the film

They're currently crashing the most valuable franchise in history with their gay decisions. I know hardcore Star Wars fans who aren't seeing this opening weekend because it looks underwhelming.

Ghostbusters is a good example of when they fail to rely on the balance sheet and try to pander. The point is still valid.


>everyone in this war film should be an 110lb 5'4 female because and easily defeat all the evil men with femjutsu because it's still too believable.

>so we made star wars a feminist movie!

You're a moron, because they aren't. They're literally swimming in money. Licensing, merch, ticket sales. Star Wars is basically a license to print money.

>former Swedish multikulti expert
>calls self al Swedi

hahaha serves them right.


the witchs of dathomir were a thing before clone wars series

Didn't Joss Whedon get flak even after he licked the sjw's assholes?

wtf i love rogue one now

Joss Whedon has been a beta feminist faggot for years and years but that didn't stop feminists from raping him for making Black Widow a "damsel in distress" in Avengers: Age of Ultron. These cunts are never ever EVER satisfied and they have no sense of loyalty.

These idiots are incredibly racist and self-absorbed. I'm a straight white male but that doesn't affect my love of The Silence of the Lambs or Alien. If you can't enjoy a movie series because the protagonists don't look like you then you should drink bleach.

>These cunts are never ever EVER satisfied and they have no sense of loyalty.
That's what really activates my almonds.

You're an idiot.

And the Nightsisters are amazing, shut your mouth.

>Amy Pascal

Seriously, first she fucked up Spider-Man then Ghostbusters and now Barbie. Although a Barbie movie would've been shit no matter what.

EU Darth Maul is shit

breh, it's canon

>She means that sjws and feminists are never happy and need to constantly bitch about anything to take their minds off their failed lives.
I was really impressed at how the alt-right stopped bitching about everything as soon as Trump got elected. I mean, they won and instantly stopped complaining and whining about stuff online, unlike those stupid SJWs.


She means that movies should portray women as heroic warriors despite that rarely being the case IRL.

Because leftism is designed purely destroy a nation from the inside out. Its the original divide and conquer.

fucking lucas daughter admitted her agenda herself in the fucking making off you fucking shills

And yet western civilization has been trending liberal for the past two and a half thousand years with few exceptions.

There are always knee-jerk 'return to values' moments where things will trend conservative for a while, maybe even a few decades, but all lasting reforms are progressive, not regressive.

>women's suffrage
>civil rights
>social security

It doesn't matter which party institutes these reforms -- they are progressive trends, society moving forward as a whole, and have become cornerstones of our society.

Why can't women accept that they suck at combat, and that seeing a 5'2" white British chick beat up stormtroopers strains credulity?

Women can make human beings come out of their cunts, yet they're mad that they can't fight?

Lol, you fucking retard. The notion that "moral progress" is similar to scientific or material progress is a myth. Jews were more accepted in German-speaking territories in the 19th century than they were in the 20th century. The roaring 20s were more sexually open than the conservative 50s. Transgenderism was accepted in late classical Rome, and the ancient Greeks were gay as fuck.

She means that she doesn't know whats shes talking about, and that shes a fucking tard.

Why don't liberals actually read history? This is one of the most ignorant things I've ever read.

>And yet western civilization has been trending liberal for the past two and a half thousand years with few exceptions.

topkek. Social tolerance is not some inevitable development of humanity, it only appears when a society reaches a level of material prosperity and societal security which these things can afford to be accepted. Once you meet a decline, all these things you think we have "grown into" get thrown right out the door.

What an incredibly weak and selfish person. She's also probably as much of a SW fan as any other girl who puts on a Darth Vader shirt and talks about how big of a nerd they are. Fucking fake cunt trying to bring people down for a fucking science fiction movie.

>Jews were more accepted in German-speaking territories in the 19th century than they were in the 20th century.
And yet, they're fully accepted now and there are anti-discrimination laws to protect them.
>The roaring 20s were more sexually open than the conservative 50s.
As I said, the pendulum will always swing right for a time but it will swing further left with each iteration. Are we not more sexually liberated now than in the 20s?
>Transgenderism was accepted in late classical Rome, and the ancient Greeks were gay as fuck.
That's entirely false. The Greeks and Romans had non-binary views of sexuality, but not gender. The sexual act was of the utmost importance. If a man was fucking someone up the ass, it didn't matter if it was a man or a woman, although anyone who knowingly was on the receiving end was lampooned as a catamite. A loss of dignitas or gravitas was a death blow for most Roman politicians, and the pudor or 'shame' would lead them to commit suicide typically.
Material prosperity and societal security has been on the upswing over the last two thousand years if you haven't noticed. There are recessions, depressions, hell, even outright calamities and civilization collapses but ultimately whatever comes from the rubble will continue to build on old reforms.
>Once you meet a decline, all these things you think we have "grown into" get thrown right out the door.
For what? 10 years? 50? 100? Irrelevant in the grand scheme. The "Dark Ages", though a huge misnomer and often unfairly regarded by the historians of the past two centuries, was probably the longest 'regressive' streak western civilization has ever had but it ultimately resulted in the explosive reforms of the Renaissance where civilization became more refined than ever before. The pendulum swings right but the further it swings in that direction, the harder it will swing to the left afterwards.

>That's entirely false. The Greeks and Romans had non-binary views of sexuality, but not gender

>"He was described as having been "delighted to be called the mistress, the wife, the queen of Hierocles" and was reported to have offered vast sums of money to any physician who could equip him with female genitalia.[39] Elagabalus has been characterized by some modern writers as transgender, perhaps transsexual."


>and yet, they're fully accepted now


That they'll never stop

Normal people don't spend their time obsessing over the racial and gender makeup of the last movie they watched or video game they played.

>And yet, they're fully accepted now and there are anti-discrimination laws to protect them.
Actually no, they aren't. Because of a combination of Leftist anti-Zionism and Muslim immigration, the existence of Jews in German-speaking communities is more perilous now than its been any time post-WWII. Again, history isn't single directional.

>they're fully accepted now

Because muh 6 gorrilion.

>woman being interviewed smiling from ear to ear while talking about this shit
>the men are talking seriously and look concerned
why would they pick her to interview? creeps me out seeing women talk about this shit. they get too much enjoyment out of it

she looks like Adam Driver in drag.

>They add women to broaden their market, aka more money.
Yeah, it's understandable. After all women didn't watch movies before social justice and PC culture became big things embraced by the media power players. Things sure are different post 2004 were women are now allowed in the movie theater.

Personally I don't know how I feel about it still, but it makes financial sense with the skyrocketing (over 50%) tickes sales.


You just disproved his point with your antisemitism

>Material prosperity and societal security has been on the upswing over the last two thousand years if you haven't noticed

incidental and still has no bearing on your assertion that we are on the inevitable march towards social progression. An event can erase the material gains made in a second and people immediately revert back to conservative traditions, because those are the ones ensure the best chance of survival and growth.

>There are recessions, depressions, hell, even outright calamities and civilization collapses but ultimately whatever comes from the rubble will continue to build on old reforms.

They are rebuilt when society has to go hard right, and what we now call these days as leftism, tends to causes the collapse in the first place. That was the main point. A society is built up when its right, it gains material wealth, grows apathetic and decadent as leftist virtues seep in, and then society falls apart when the only driving force in the society is "tolerance".

>has been characterized by some modern writers as transgender,

So people projecting modern assumptions on an ancient dead guy.

Have any of these poltards even met a Jew? Have they ever had any actual interaction with a woman who wasn't their mom or their supervisors at Subway?

It's no different than the hysterical SJWs who think every Trump voter wants to march gays and blacks into death camps.

Wow, this has to be a troll.

The left consumes their own.

Oh look... a trickster jew... trying to jew trick people with the same old jew trick.


>citing an aberration that only lived 18 years and reigned for much, much less
I know who Elagabalus is, I assure you. We're not talking about outliers or exceptions here -- we're talking about broad societal trends.
Do you really think the vocal minority of Sup Forums accounts for the current standing of our society as a whole? That's an embarrassingly narrow view that would be dismissed by even the most casual of historians.
>Because of a combination of Leftist anti-Zionism and Muslim immigration, the existence of Jews in German-speaking communities is more perilous now than its been any time post-WWII. Again, history isn't single directional.
Europe is at the end of a very hard left swing. It's inevitable that it'll swing to the right for a while.

History, if scrutinized in small stretches of decades or centuries, doesn't seem 'single directional'. Fortunately for my argument, I'm talking about a more broad scope.>That was the main point. A society is built up when its right, it gains material wealth, grows apathetic and decadent as leftist virtues seep in, and then society falls apart when the only driving force in the society is "tolerance".
And yet a good deal of these social reforms of which I'm speaking have been implemented and backed by political bodies that are seen as 'conservative' in their respective eras. Civil rights is a good example of this. Nixon doesn't get the credit he deserves for making desegregation viable in the US. In the fall of 1968, 68 percent of black children in the South were attending all-black schools. By 1974, that number had fallen to 8 percent. This extraordinary accomplishment was achieved through the shrewd political skills and raw courage of President Nixon, Secretary of Labor George Schultz, and Attorney General John Mitchell.

I've heard nothing but sjw bitching. But has anyone said how the movie actually is?

>"a mixed race woman like me"

>"I want a vagina. Please call me Mrs."

Not the only example either.

>In Ancient Greece and Phrygia, and later in the Roman Republic, the Goddess Cybele was worshiped by a cult of people who castrated themselves, and thereafter took female dress and referred to themselves as female.[6][7] These early transsexual figures have also been referred by several authors as early gay role models.[8][9]



>women forced into movies where they are not needed/wanted
>more female roles
>more female directors
>insert female protagonists into historically male roles
>by far the vast number of moviegoers are guys
>guys vote with their wallets
>articles about the movie industry taking a giant shit in the next few years

Really makes the grey matter sizzle.

>muh Lucas
>muh Durrf Maul
>muh badass coughing robot
Prequelfags should be shot

This is what happens when you try to score points with the left. They will pick the movie apart and find some way to use it against you.

Canon Darth Maul is shit

>offering welfare to ISIS fighters who have decided to come back

I wouldn't be shocked if that actually cost less than the average cost to kill one ISIS fighter in combat.

Ghostbusters, if I had to guess, was very much about the balance sheet. But Sony made the same mistake they made with Fant4stic - they assumed white men 18-34 would turn out matter what they did.

That is, they figured they usually get a certain amount of money from "nerd fans", but that number wouldn't change no matter what they did as long as they attached a property like Fantastic Four or Ghostbusters. Then, by adding women appeal to Ghostbusters, they could add tons of value.

But it turns out white men don't just eat everything up, especially if it actively seems to demonize them. It turns out if you want to sell to someone, white men included, you need to market something to them.

Another terrible example by you, my tripfaggot friend.

The Romans, when it came to religion, believed that they should simply 'get out of the way' of the gods. They took on a sort of 'it's better safe than sorry' philosophy when it came to religion, and often entreated gods that directly conflicted with core Roman values for favor just on the off-chance that not appeasing them might do the state harm.

Keep in mind that Roman cities were filled with shrines and temples of non-Roman gods. See: the mostly intact discovery of a Temple of Isis in the ruins of Pompeii.

When a Roman commander was laying siege to a foreign city, they would often perform a ceremony meant to tempt the gods to desert the city and come to their aid.

Basically, my point is that Romans did their best to keep out of the way of religious cults and ceremonies unless they were socially disruptive in a way that could be perceived as politically threatening (ie Judea).

>But Sony made the same mistake they made with Fant4stic - they assumed white men 18-34 would turn out matter what they did
How was Fant4stic political or against white men?

>didn't notice the white girl's nigger brother

Yes, because despite making sure Black Widow was a prominent part of the story, not to mention Maria Hill and the Korean scientist lady. In other words, he added women wherever he could; the main cast was largely not his decision to make.

But when explains to Bruce Banner that she can't have children, she describes it in terms of the severe training and upbringing she had, which was very dehumanizing. However, the way she described it, it sounded like she was saying that not being able to have children made her "a monster", which is what SJW got upset about.

Which would be an honest mistake that could be explained, but once SJWs smell blood, that's fucking it.

Wasn't flame boy black, boning mrs. fanstastic, and some other stuff I can't remember right now?

>black people in movies is inherently anti-white