Don't mind me. I'm just the guy who actually stole the Death Star plans.
Don't mind me. I'm just the guy who actually stole the Death Star plans
>Bearded Kyle
Get out of here with that shit.
dk2, outcast and even academy are fucking comfy though
Pre-outcast games blow
I only played Dark Forces. Is this canon?
Bearded version is better than Mr. Not Han Solo
Gary Stu desu
no he's nootrul
>"This is a rebellion... right?"
>"We rebel."
Outcast/Academy are probably the most comfy games ever.
this actor is now a winemaker.
thats pretty vino
Kyle katarn is the most badass and powerful character of Star Wars. Prove me wrong.
Kyle, you're my hero.
Except for that part where you murder Jan and become the new emperor in the Dark Side ending.
he stole the plans on a tutorial level for a doom clone
game dev 1: wow this latest star wars cash-in is actually pretty good! better start coming up with a main character
game dev 2: what if han solo was a jedi?
game dev 1: great, back to lightsaber battles
Don't talk shit about the beard.
He's up there in terms of combat ability, but someone like Mace Dindu would probably kick his ass.
Kyle katarn wasn't a jedi in his first game you pleb.
dark forces: the adventures of pan yolo
isn't great when retards open their mouths?
Holy fuck nostolgia
You can't photoshop?
why couldn't they make a Kyle Katarn movie? Just 90 minutes of action, like a space Chuck Norris movie. It'd be better than all the other SW movies. Is it because they don't make movies about white males anymore?
reminder that kyle kartarn is more of a gary stu than rey is a mary sue
Disney has some sort of corporate initiative built in to promote ethnic minorities and women at the expense of white men in all of their media since around right after Tron Legacy was released.
They could have done this, but there is Rogue one now. It was Kyle's job to rob the plan.
>Ex stormtrooper defect, discover he's force-sensitive and become a jedi
>martial art master, space pilot, ship mechanics and lightsaber expert discover she's more force sensitive than everyone in the universe, also her grandfather was Dark Vader
also game protagonist vs movie protagonist
>Sup Forums talking about the game
>Sup Forums talking about the movie
Damn, I need to install Jedi Outcast again.
Kyle was a total Gary Stu. I kind of loved it though.
>shitty Gary Stu that gets forced into literallly every relevant event
Kyle Fagtarn is worse than new canon Darth Maul.
>Kyle is a Gary Stu
>entire game devoted to him being such a cunt that some bitch needs to go and slap the shit out of him.
fresh meme lads. Why don't you tell me how everything is shit and you are so above it all because you are such a cool fucking guy and your opinions aren't totally garbage?
Don't mind me, I'm just the guy who taught the Rebal Alliance how to beat Imperial Walkers with tow cables, aided in the capture of the plans for the 2nd Deathstar (which would have failed if not for my efforts to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat). Saved Luke Skywalker's life on Tatooine and defeated a nefarious Crime Empire all the while faking my own death.
Hey, can I play Kyle in a Star Wars movie?
Tell me about the bothans, dash.
>Star Wars videogame
>Nar Shaddaa level
Manny Bothans?
He comes from a long line of Bothans, stand up guy. Shame what happened.
>all those losers who actually wasted time reading Star Wars "books"
but many (((Bothans))) died
I also had atrocious controls and couldn't get over the fact that I am basically a placeholder for Han Solo
>play first level of Dark Forces
>Kyle has stolen the death star plans and the death star is destroyed
>all of this happening in the first level
I like the games, but Katarn himself was never a particularly riveting character and the games never had particularly good stories.
Katarn was just an excuse to have the player do a bunch of cool shit in various scenarios in Star Wars. He's a soldier in the Empire! He's a Rebel! He's Not-Han Solo! He's a cool Jedi! He lost the Force! He's a Jedi again! I wouldn't call him an outright terrible character, but he's always felt contrived to me and I've never understood the attachment.
In a strict sense it was always non-canon.
I dunno....are you a big guy?
is that a white male? in 2016? please OP, this is a safe space
There was a fan girl who freaked during a force awakens review on youtube when she saw force awakens and all the books were non canon
Everyone says Outcast gets better when you get the lightsaber but I actually enjoyed the FPS sections more
>we will never see a KOTOR movie made
>you will never bring your friend who has never played KOTOR to see the movie adaption and watch their face as the massive plot twist is revealed
FUCK YOU DISNEY! We could have gotten a great movie where non video game players experience an insane plot twist that they would never have expected in the cinema
Anyone else had that bug on that acid rain level in academy where Kyle is running around with you, and every time he's taking damage from the acid rain he does his aggro animation and spams the voiceline "You're joking, right?"
I don't know if it was intentional I not, I just remember that one particular thing about that game and to this day is still find it hilarious.
>Katarn was just an excuse
>He's a soldier in the Empire!
>He's a Rebel!
>He's Not-Han Solo!
>He's a cool Jedi!
>He lost the Force!
>He's a Jedi again!
You now realize what a rip of EP7 is of Katarn and EP4.
>loud cocking gun sound
good times
>You now realize what a rip of EP7 is of Katarn and EP4.
Trips confirm. Btw needing to find a Starmap peace to find out Luke's secret location is directory ripped off from KOTOR where you need to find the missing star map pieces to get to the Sith's secret location.
>The Star Forge
>Starkiller Base
>Rey fights Kylo while Starkiller base is being destroyed
>Main character fights Malak while Star forge is being destroyed
Looks like Ben Afleck
Don't think it's a bug, Kyle's just taking damage. Not intentional.
>Ben Affleck as Kyle Katarn
>Zack Snyder as the visual cinematography
>George Lucas as director
Who needed an elegant weapon with range deficiency when had this bad boy? Eat disruptor blast, you scum.
Finn isn't anything like Han Solo.
And your comparison of Rey to Katarn doesn't make any sense either. Katarn became disconnected from the Force after being a Jedi. Rey becomes connected through the Force through usual (though even more heavy-handed than usual) Chosen One storyline shenanigans. Nothing suggests she was once a Jedi and then stopped, saving some amnesia storyline which is just conjecture and not all that supported by TFA on its own.
Finn becoming a Jedi could happen, though.
>It's a "Dash Render jumps over train carriages" episode
>It's a "Dash Render has to cross the sewers which are inhabited by spooky giant creatures" episode
it's not a glitch, was funny though
fucking sold
I would have rather had a straight up rip off of KOTOR than the half assed shit we got.
VII - Endar Spire, Taris, Dantooine
VIII - Getting star maps
IX - Lehon and attack on Star Forge
Could Finn be Mace Windu's son?
Jyn is the literal female version of Han Solo
No idea why but I actually like this but absolutely hate and cannot stand Rey at all
They're not doing male leads anymore bro, especially white ones.
I thought many bothans died to get those plans.
Hes just Luke and Han rolled into one character.
Fine, make Revan Asian.
Am I the only one who loves Riz Ahmed being in Star Wars?
That guy is great.
I hope he gets some good stormtrooper kills and isn't surrounded by Jyn who saves the day constantly
Pic related and the fact that a pamphlet of the new canon Star Wars galaxy mentioning "Rakata Prime" there when it only showed about 20-30 planets total is simply a big coinky-dink.
I also fuck tight terminator pussy.
I know just the guy who would make a fantastic Malak.
And he's German so it's a win win if Disney decide to adapt it.
You have to leave.
Nu Canon Olds Republic Era is nothing like Legends though.
Base Udo.
I'd actually forgive Disney if they actually did this, and made him say "Your mind is quicker than the eye" while mind probing someone with the force.
Don't forget the "Dash rendar has to outrace the hitmen on a swoop bike race" episode. Gosh that one was atrocious
>we will never see Kreia redpill everyone on the Force on the big screen
Not sure who to cast as the main character (spoilers for those who don't know the game so don't say who he is without spoiler tag).
Does he drink kanar with damar?
>this place will never get a screen adaption
Idk but it would need to be based off mullet man
There you go you fucking pussy
Main character is Darth Revan.
You don't get spoiler warnings for a 10+ year old video game.
>It's a create your own lightsaber episode
He makes ruby bliel
Jokes on you cucks. I played the game a month ago without knowing the spoiler and almost fell out of my chair with how shocked I was.
I will take that memory to the grave with me. What a fabulous moment it was in my sad little life.
I liked the first Lightsaber creation quests in TOR.
I liked TOR
He started the fire?
The guy who wears a mask started the fire?
Oh shit nigger is you serious? The heavily foreshadowed twist nearly made you fall out of your chair? You are a very easy person to impress.
mah nigga
dude looks like Liam Neeson
>It's a ask what's on Carth's mind episode