How do we fix the horror genre? There hasn't been a single decent movie since The Conjuring and that was 3 years ago
How do we fix the horror genre? There hasn't been a single decent movie since The Conjuring and that was 3 years ago
The conjuring 2 was technically superior to the first
Give me $5 million dollars so I can buy a shitty camcorder and wander around in the woods for a while and do some spooky effects in Photoshop
because jump scares lmao xD
The conjuring was the fast and furious of ghost movies for female teens. It was garbage.
The second one was just as good dipshit
Bone Tomahawk was great, friend.
Came to post this
I haven't watched weeb horror since Noroi, is this any good?
naw Evil Dead (2013) was prolly the best decent recent horror movie
The first 30 min are slow paced, but other than that yeah, its great.
>thinly veiled recommendation thread
btw all other recommendations in this thread are shit
I liked the second one more actually.
2 went even further over the top than the first with the crooked man shit, 1 is superior
Insidious was better
I watched the conjuring and I can't even remember what happened in it. Is it the one where the guy is a journalist and they move into a haunted house? And there's like people hanging from a tree? Who the fuck knows? It's exactly like every other horror shitshow that gets released. What the fuck was so special about the conjuring
that's sinister faget
They're all the fucking same to me. They all play out the same
The Witch was pretty good. Probably one of the best I've seen in a long time. Get rid of the jump scares, get rid of the ridulousness. Go minimalist and aim for atmospheric horror.
Anyone else see "The Monster"? Thought it was a solid 6.781/10, but then again I'm a cuck for creature features that use practical effects.
What's with this terrible bait? The conjuring was a legitimate 1/10 flick. If you like it you should start hurting yourself right now.
I guess more horror movies about things that people are actually scared of in reality.
Aliens, global warming, natural disasters, famine, things that could plausibly happen. There will never be anything scary about zombies / haunting / spiritual shit (unless you're black, they apparently get scared about everything according to my theater experiences)
First Conjuring is horror kino all the way.
Conjuring 2 was a britbong joke. Adults sitting in front of a girl who is speaking with a man's voice and acting almost bored with it like they've seen it a thousand times. Fucking awful horror movie that attempted to save itself with the nun demon.
If you don't like the Conjuring you're shit. You're an unlikable person who hates good things. Never share your opinion again.
>There hasn't been a single decent movie since The Conjuring
This is because you are a full on pleb and are expecting box office horror films to be great. I am not even saying that I have superior taste in horror cinema or anything but if you looked hard enough you could find horror films in the last three years that you liked. Instead, you just want to complain that big budget studios are unimaginative. Sad!
>There hasn't been a single decent horror movie since The Conjuring
What about The Witch, The Borderlands, It Follows, Bone Tomahawk, The Wailing?
Why oh why is everyone looking over Ouija: Origin of Evil? That shit was actually pretty fucking great.
this. kinda predictable and not scary (what film is scary, anyway) but fuck it's good and it has creepy moments
I didnt like the 2nd movie because I didnt care about the family like in the first one.
when will they make another VHS movie or something flimed on home camera.
OP doesn't watch a lot of recent horror movies apparently
>The Handmaiden
You don't need 5 mil to do that. Hell, you could probably do it for 1% of that.
Yeah, it was pretty good. But it wasn't a horror movie.
Paranormal Activity 5 when? I unironically enjoy them because they're so fucking terrible
Not watering down horror movies to get a PG-13 rating would be a start. That's where you get all these "hauntings" which are only second-rate ghost stories that rely on ample darkness and too many jump scares. That's the way they can reliably get teenagers into the theaters without any gore or sex scenes. I guess the only other way is by making a zombie comedy.
It would also help to not try to retell the same story with a remake/reboot over and over again. I'm no curmudgeon about remakes but most of the time they aren't worth it. But if a remake must be made and they want to change it up a little from the original, it would help to not change the parts that made the original so effective in the first place.
Which one had the fatass cunt dad who got his neck snapped by the possessed girl while he was sleeping on the couch? That was kino
How triggered are you?
overrated dogshit
>The first 30 min are PRETTY SHIT, but other than that yeah, its great ENDING.
The Witch: serious horror
The Wailing: good gook horror
It Follows: fun horror
There just needs to be MORE good horror, not 1 or 2 per year.
Not half as good as the hype says it is
UItter. Fucking. Garbage.
The horror community doesn't want you. GTFO.
How cucked are you?
A BLACKED horror movie would be good, the ghosts of muscular Nubian kangs blacking pretty white girls in a dusty old house. Sounds like kino-supreme to me desu.
Pic related was a pretty good "classic" horror movie. A nice throwback. Nothing spectacular but I really enjoyed it.
>tfw I unironically enjoyed pic related
I know it's a mediocre movie but I like how everything is explained in the finale instead of leaving it as the typical paranormal shit
paranormal activity 2
>The Conjuring
There are plenty of of actual good horror films, especially in the last few years. You just need to look a bit harder.
name 6
Introduce a limit of 1 jumpscare every hour of film
the ending was so fucking shit. it ruined the movie. I shouldn't have blind bought it because lauren cohan is qt.
Good then I'll just make an 8 hour film and condense it into 1.5.
Jumpscares are good though
>The Babadook
>It Follows
>The Witch
>Don't Breath
>They Look Like People
>The Invitation
1. stupid
2. meme
3. boring
4. haven't seen it
5. haven't seen it
6. boring
Insidious was fucking shit
insidious was bad but insidious 2 was objectively a good movie
It's older than Conjuring but I liked the Innkeepers, pretty comfy for a horror movie
>The Conjuring
It was a genuine 0/10
The Babadook is the best horror in recent years that I've seen.
reddit is that way kid
>the conjuring
>le ebin basement showdown where everything turns into an action movie
It's a solid C+ that normies overhype the shit out of
you're not wrong. I don't mind owning it for qts but it's a slightly above average horror flick.
name a better horror kino
you literally can't
Is The Conjuring 2 worth watching?
Check out this flick starring Masketta Man.
It is if you like modern horror and the first one. Otherwise don't bother
it's alright.
>80s pseudo-nostalgia meme with synthhorrorwave music
no, especially when the scariest thing in that movie was some pale tall guy
I liked babadook
>that expression
>All these anons posting The Witch
Please, they may as well have titled it The Waifu cause that's what anyone saw it for. More of a historical drama than a fucking horror, random ending and BLACKED philip doing what he does best from out of nowhere.
There isn't a single good horror film. Prove me wrong.
Fuck off, OP. The Conjuring was for plebs.
The Wailing was the best horror film since Hellraiser.
He looks like he just woke up from an afternoon nap
You're opinion is noted and discarded. Thank you flr your participation in this thread, better luck next time.
I do not understand why people think this is so scary.
I've never had a bigger "That's it?" moment than when this shitty thing ended.
It's not a horror movie though.
The Witch
It Follows
10 Cloverfield Lane
All better than The Conjuring.
How is it not? It spans multiple genres and horror is one of them. It even has jump scares
The Conjuring is a horror movie for people who haven't seen very many horror movies.
It was shockingly derivative.
The last time I was scared of a horror movie was maybe when I watched Insidious. What scared me was mainly the ending part when they woman's face shows up in the mirror. I've watched many horror movies searching for that next high. I watched Asian films too. My favorite Asian horror film was Dark Water. I don't know why. I've tried countless other Asian films but they're not very memorable. The closest thing is Noriko's Dinner Story, not because it was scary but because it was interesting.
If you like kino cinematography with your horror this is it
Despite that 2 has way better-written and more deep victim characters than 1, and unlike other horror films the other supporting characters actually do stuff and have importance. In fact, most of the character-related stuff in Conjuring 2 is far better at making you give a shit about their situation in the first place than most other horror movies of the past few decades.
by mistake. Anyway, Noroi is for those who are sick of jumpscares and can appreciate a creepy atmosphere which it is very good at. Sounds like it's just not for you.
Just looked up The Conjuring and it has great reviews and critical acclaim. Gonna go watch that now. Thanks guys.
>letting nu-Sup Forums aka reddit influence what you watch
your whole post got discarded with those typos
this isn't as great of a horror as it is just a great kinda suspenseful kinda horror movie overall. The direction and story is good and the soundtrack is incredible but i already knew diasterpeace beforehand so i guess i am biased
watch "house of the devil"