Uh ohhhhh
Are you getting nervous, Reddit?
Uh ohhhhh
Are you getting nervous, Reddit?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Now this
So KEK is real?
Cucks BTFO!
>Trump cant beat Hillary
What do you think?
>trump man of the year
>Pepe fictional character of the year
Im guessing this is about Rogue one.
>Because this one thing happened means everything will happen.
This shit isn't up for a vote, user.
Why is OP not getting IP banned for this onslaught of advertising?
What the fuck is this bullshit...
He's a mascot for hate speech? LOL
It kinda is
No company likes to hear they're losing thousands of customers
actually, if a show has enough support it will get on the air because money talks
This is the year of Sup Forums the final current year
>Fans sperg out over cancellation
>Not realizing this will just prevent anything MDE related from being aired anywhere ever again
Nobody is going to put a show on their network if they think there's an inherent risk in cancelling it. Imagine buying a house under the condition that selling it would incite a group of people to fuck with you.
Everyone knows that it's you Tim.
Imagine if you weren't such a faggot
I just want another Officer Maggot
>If i shill hard enough Sup Forums is sure going to love sammy...and then he would fagmarry me and become my real dad.
kys OP
Explain why black people get hired anywhere if they are just going to be accused of being racist if they fire them?
>muh meme magic!
Just watch something better than Adult Swim instead.
Consumer activism.
The execs will listen to it especially the fact that MDE's main demographic and adult swim's main demographic have huge overlap.
Because in the real world employers don't care if they get called racist.
It's astroturfing there's always that one guy who accuses anyone who hates Sam of a being a shill or a liberal, it's so transparent. They're trying to use us as weaponized autism, not unlike Milo.
we can appropriate this current year meme now that the liberals hate it
That would happen if normal people would do it, and it often doesn't happen, retards from here and Sup Forums and alt-righters mailing them about niggers, kikes and liburals is a sure way to completely end this shit in a shitpile of irl shitposting.
it saddens me that sam hyde is jeopardizing his ambitions because he doesn't want to make a few small compromises that would make his show virtually immune to SJWs
all he'd have to do is cut out things like "euthanize retards" and he'd be allowed to air 99% of his work
No. This is a new era. John Oliver literally blew up the current year
I like it when bad people fail. Sam is a white supremacist. It doesn't matter if he's funny or not. If he wants to YouTube, that's fine. But Adult Swim, no
Soon it'll be 2017
The first year of Making America Great Again
>things that never happened
For fuck's sake, haven't we libcucks been BTFO enough this year?